Potential Chinese Ground Force Additions

I think the only PLA tanks that will be replaced in this decade are the type 59 and type 88 variants (partially by type 15). It seems PLA is trying to leap forward to next generation of tanks and there are likely no plans to modernize the 96 and 99 tanks or to replace them with improved variants.

Well they do want to have ability to fight abroad, and having smaller tanks will be a lot more efficient to do so especially as they don’t have 11 aircraft carrier strike groups, so they will not have ability to ship thousands of MBTs, then I think ZTQ15 will be a good choice, I am not saying it will replace MBTs directly but rather as the PLA shifts to a more mobile force, lighter and smaller tanks might be much more competent.

Surely it can help in that case, it showed its performance in the theatre in which it is already deployed, it is versatile and can work in high altitudes with much less oxygen.

the first wz132 looks like a mini obj 122 tm <3 (favorite vehicle btw)

An example of China “fixing” their issue with obsolete tanks is stuff like this.

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M3A1 Scout Car modified with 75mm M1 howitzer?

Seems like a neat improvised SPG for low tier.

Center text says “Fourth Field Army”
Text below says “American light tank used by the National Army”

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It seems to have a 105mm gun. Since everyone is putting high caliber guns on their next gen tanks then why China decided to put 105mm gun in it?

It doesn’t have just a 105 mm, supposedly it has both a 105 and a 125 mm.

Did they show the 125mm one yet?

As you can see the one on the left has a 105mm and the one on the right has 125mm.


Are there any suggestions for the ZTQ-15?

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Should we have VT5 after VT4 or after ZLT04? I don’t think there is a ZTQ15 suggestion, there might be one in the Chinese VT series MBTs thread but IDK.

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Imo we should have the ZTQ-15 since it is better at least in terms of turret layout.
I wouldn’t know where to put it, i guess lightanks go where lightanks are.

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11.7 then since it is like a smaller and less armoured type 10 but with better mobility. Although 11.7 light tank is not going to fare well especially with the currently BR stuff.

It wouldn’t be 11.7, but it doesn’t matter since i use the ZLT11 in top tier anyway.

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Didn’t someone say VT-4 line is going to receive export/foreign tanks?

Already passed for consideration

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I mean it is just a light tank like Centauro with better armour and it probably have better reload. It is tracked so the mobility should also be balanced overall. This means its performance is more like a lighter type 10, rather than a standard light tank (as if the Japanese MBTs aren’t light tank enough) which I’d expect at 11.7 would be fine after further BR decompression.

I would see it top 11.3 honestly but you’re not wrong, heck the tank is modern and extremely recent.

It already is the most advanced export tank anyway, but I hope they could completely separate the ROCA line and make a brand new fully export line with stuff like experimental tanks and export variants that mostly never got sold e.g., ZTZ-85III, ZTZ-59-120, ZTZ-88C and ZTZ-80.

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