There are a couple of changes I would like to see particularly for use in air simulator mode that would add a lot to the immersion and fix some missing functionality.
1 I think we should have better support for split throttle HOTAS setups. Currently, the only way to split the throttle is to press a button to toggle which engine you’re controlling. This is a very contrived way of doing it which only makes sense for mouse wheel controls as you only have one mouse wheel. I personally as well as some others have a hotas which has 2 different axes that can be bound for engines as it is intended to be used as a split throttle, so gaijin should add the option to assign each engine to its own control axis to support this.
Another change would be to allow air to air missiles to be assigned as “primary weapons” by the weapon selector, or have some other way to switch the functionality of your trigger for the guns to also launch a missile with it. In many aircraft you have to manually select whether you’re using a missile or guns, the f18 being an example. It would also immediately put the HUD into gunsight mode and put the radar into ACM mode when the guns were selected. this would be a really nice option to have for sim and I hope they add it.
What other things should they add for sim controls?