Poll: Should War Thunder Add More Tech-Tree Vehicles to Japan, Sweden, Italy, and Israel?

Okay, that’s fair, I could have sworn the composite used to be a lot worse and didn’t really stop APDS. But still, the armor is a trade off for the better round.

3BM25 is an old style steel penetrator, M1000A1 uses tungsten which spalls much better. Look at the animation that plays when viewing the rounds, you can see for 3BM25 it looks different from M1000A1.

If T-55M only had 3BM25, then a lower BR would be justified. But as it stands, it’s a trade off with the T-55AM1 and isn’t all around worse than it.

It can’t go down because at 8.3 is the T-55A which doesn’t have a laser rangefinder and has only 3BM25.

Again you ignored the mobility while having the better armor. Additionally i recommend you do testing in game and not by looking at stat cards. Both vehicles will kill each other if they dont hit the fuel tank. They spall nearly the same if you test it with a friend. Outside of hitting the fuel they do the same if not nearly identical spall patterns. Additionally while the T55M has to aim closer to the breach or for the driver as to get a shot that wont be eaten by the add on turret armor or the fuel tank the T55 AM-1 can aim only needing to avoid the fuel tank. Again i wont deny that they are good tanks but the T55 AM-1 is just a better vehicle all all-round than that of a T55A with a better round.

Now gaijin could add the T55M mexas at 8.7 or the early era model. I guess having the same armor and a better round means it should be the same BR as the T72’s


The apfsds is actually underperforming as irl the reason the fins stuck with the T55’s were because the Swedish FCS and belgian ammo made the tanks win in mock battles against the T72’s.

I am not trying to state that the T55M is bad, far from it, but i am showing all perks of both vehicles of which i compare the ammo and both have similar spall when tested. Thus the spall argument goes back to when i stated that if the round was 4.2 kg then we would see a realistic difference in spall of which we dont as .35 doesnt add much, maybe 2-3 additional bits of shrapnel but the difference in negligible. Again we have better armor and mobility, for slightly better pen at 60°. Not much of a difference.

Additionally the leo A1A1 is 9.0 with no armor and no LRF so again the T55 AM-1 can be 9.0, the real problem is compression. The tradeoffs between the AM-1 and M are too different to be fair. If the M had the upgraded engine then the difference would be fair. Better round and mobility for worse armor. Better real armor for slightly worse pen. Of which i could just use a missile (though very few people do that.)

No, you ignored the fact that the “better mobility” of the T-55AM-1 is in fact negligible due to the increased weight.

Im using stats to show the… stats of the vehicle. To compare them.

Leopard A1A1 is too much better than T-55AM-1, if Leopard A1A1 fired 3BM25 then sure but it doesn’t.

Again, the upgraded engine is offset by the additional 5 tons of weight, consequently the hp/t ratio goes up only ~3% between the T-55M and the T-55AM-1.

M1000A1 is a tungsten penetrator, 3BM25 uses a steel penetrator. Tungsten rounds are modeled in game to spall more than steel.

~400mm LOS at 60 is not just slightly better than ~260mm LOS at 60. How many opponents are you fighting with completely flat, unangled armor like a Tiger I? Superior 60 degree pen means superior performance at 8.7 and above.

Plenty of players find the IKV103, SAV and Bakan to be op.Some youtube content creators have as well.

The Ikv 103 is rather universally regarded as meh at best, and the Bkan, while powerful, is a fair BR or two above its competitors, has limited traverse, and has a godawful sight. The SAV is its own thing.

I dont make the rules up im just saying

Every patch I’m praying for the Japanese planes that were leaked years ago.

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It doesn’t have enough ammo and lacks speed imo. If it had good armor then it would be better, but it’s just slow and doesn’t really have the penetration to back that up.

Something like that would be nice, since there aren’t enough vehicles at the BR for a full line-up.

Idk why people think it shouldn’t go down, it’s not amazing or anything.

The Grifo/Land Ceptor system has IR and EO tracking on the truck itself iirc.

I honestly prefer it to get scouting and better belt even if br gets increased.

Meanwhile me uptiering Ikv 103 to 7.0:
maniacal laughter

R3 really shouldn’t go up, it would just turn into a worse version of the Weasel if that happened (and there’d be no real reason to play the R3 at that point).

It’d also create a huge SPAA gap from 3.7 to 7.3/7 (with the ZSU-57-2 and Leo 40/70 not really counting as SPAA) that the Csepel truck wouldn’t fix that as we can already see with the Bosvark. As for AA M113s, the best I’ve seen that Italy actually used (that wouldn’t just be the SIDAM 25) is the VCC-2 which has a single 0.50 cal.

M113 HS 820 - A bigger, slower, not really more protected R3.

M113 RH202 AA - Same as above but gets two cannons.

M113 Oerlikon 25/80 - Same as above but one cannon and half the rounds of the R3.