Poll: Should War Thunder Add More Tech-Tree Vehicles to Japan, Sweden, Italy, and Israel?

Heres hoping one is a TT i love my IS-2’s

They could also get an is3 iirc could be a neat little heavy tonk for them.

The thing is… What new vehicles? Slight modifications of existing ones? Blueprint tanks? Direct copy-paste premiums? Random vehicles from other unrelated nations?

At least one was destroyed during revolution, but I am not sure if they captured it especially in operable condition.

For the sake of having a heavy tank available it should be added imo but i know others dont agree.

Yeah, there can be one if Gaijin allows this “minor” TT to have a regular heavy tank.
Although nothing interesting about Hungarian “Josephs”, just IS-2s with HPA stars.


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Probably gonna be a premium lol, they only had 3 IS-3Ms and used them for Arty or bunker busting purposes iirc.

So far all minor nations without main stay heavies have been premiums

Yes they are, M1000A1 is far better than 3BM25, and so it’s a trade between firepower and armor.

I think that gajin doesn’t like adding more tanks in one update in order to control hype and stimulate the game, wouldn’t it be better to just add some new interesting independent technology tree to get something fresh?

Ahem and mobility, the T55AM-1 has a better engine, and armor. Both of which make it quite the little tank, again one round being the main factor just doesnt make sense. If you really think those 2 huge attributes are equal to 1 alright round thats a bit crazy. Then again thats how gaijin thinks considering half of top tiers BR’s

14.7 vs 14.25 hp/t doesn’t really make a huge difference especially considering both of them are pretty slow for their BR, and M1000A1 is (albeit slightly) better than DM23 whilst 3BM25 is weaker than XM885.

There really isnt that big of a difference to warrant a T55A at the same BR as the AM-1. It definitely feels like a compression issue but again. Better armor and a better engine are much more valuable than a single round which is like a meh upgrade. If the round was like 370mm flat and over 200mm at 60° id agree but thats not the case. Its a slight upgrade whereas is falls off in every other category. I dont think the T55M is a bad 8.7 but the AM-1 does not belong at the same BR as the M


What? Literally how? Im actually curious if im missing something i could see the angle pen but neither vehicles will meet in a real match and the HSTVL also has much less spall.


Did you mean the otherway around? Regardless it has no relation to our conversation between two T55’s.

M1000A1 is over 50% stronger than 3BM25, not to mention the significantly better spalling.

Mobility is practically identical, only a ~3% increase in hp/t.

Armor is obviously better on the T-55AM-1 but T-55M has substantially better firepower. And the composite only protects against HEAT-FS. Again, it’s a trade off.

3BM25: ~260mm LOS pen at 60 degrees
XM885: ~320mm LOS pen at 60 degrees

Of course XM885 has lower projectile mass, but also has a better penetrator leading to more spall.

I’m comparing M1000A1 and 3BM25 to similar performing APFSDS rounds to give you an idea of the difference in performance.

The turret armor on then T55 AM-1 is not just for heat, it can stop apds and other rounds (most apfsds will go through at 8.7 and above) which would normally go through the turret additionally it can be volumetric esq at times but thats besides the point. Even 3BM25 cant pen the add on turret armor which kinda is a big deal when it comes to needing to aim to take it out. The T55M doesn’t have that. Additionally the composite on the front hull will stop 3BM25 again, it makes no sense why they are the same BR.

Additionally mass effects spall the most of which the difference between both T55’s is .35 so where is your idea of significantly better spalling? The difference is so miniscule it has no real effect. If it was DM 23 with its 4.2 kg mass then yes id agree the spalling matter but it doesnt. The fact is its main selling point is having 60° angle pen which again isnt worth a BR on par with a vehicle that is better all around than itself.


I don’t think there is anything better than M42 Contraereo, which is imo pretty good.
Hungarian Nimrod can come, but it will probably be at lower br (depending on the implementation, for example if they add ability to use HEAT grenades or not) and it’s more of a TD than AA gamewise anyway.

I can only think of more Shermans, Italian M4A4 (though some said that it’s M4) equipped with 76 mm cannon can be at 4.7 due to having worse armor than M4A1 (76) W (this one can be also c&p into Italian TT)



M4 Tipo VA Sperimentale - Italy - War Thunder - Official Forum

Maybe one of M113 AA variants can be placed at this BR, and/or we can get Hungarian Csepel truck with 23-2. R3 won’t go down lower than it’s now, that’s for sure.

There can come some stuff around this br equipped with SS.11 atgms and/or autocannons. Plus regular 90 mm M47 can come. Another option would be to uptier M26A1 by giving it T108 HEAT shell, but then we will lose 6.7 tank. Oh and Hungarian T-54 can be an option.

Not sure, but maybe with certain shells selection M113 25/80 can be placed at such br.

Unfinished prototype, but would be cool if it comes.

Maybe, if there is a single truck equipped with launchers and radar station, though doubt they will add it, at least any time soon.

Yes, would be a nice addition to top tier line up.

TL;DR - I strongly dislike the idea of having to replay vehicles I’ve already researched and spaded in order to experience the unique vehicles a new nation has to offer. If Gaijin would add new tech trees but give me access to vehicles I’ve alreayd researched and spaded (within the new tech tree) I would be all for expanding the smaller tech trees in the newer nations. Right now, I see a bunch of interesting vehicles, stuck behind what appears to me to be a boring time sink of playing duplicate vehicles with lower levelled crews, and having to spend SL from a single pool of credits to pay for the tanks and upgrades.

I’m of two minds, one the one hand I’d like to see the other nations fleshed out as more vehicles is always fun. The opposite side of the coin acknowledges the issues with expanding or adding other tech trees.

The game is developed around nations having a very robust list of well documented combat vehicles. Right now smaller nations can only function due to that nation being able to supplement their tech tree with export models from major powers. This in itself is not an issue, however players time and research points are being spread exceptionally thin, especially when it comes to completing tech trees, developing crew skills and the research points required to unlock and spade duplicate vehicles.

I’m a big fan of the inclusion of many Israeli vehicles for personal reasons however I am resisting the research and grinding of several M48s M60s and Centurions as I feel they have little to offer in comparison to the same vehicles I have already researched and spaded in the existing US and UK tech trees. This is less of an issue for newer players as these smaller tech trees with export vehicles supplementing the lineup offer a great introduction into a variety of vehicle styles.

I think a simple fix would be to only require the research of truly unique vehicles, for example; if I am researching the M4A4 sherman, the M10 GMC, the M48, I would like to think I’d then have that vehicle in every tech tree it’s available in.

from my perspective of already having researched the majority of vehicles in the major powers, the idea of researching tech trees largely comprised of vehicles I have already played a considerable number of battles is in unappealing. I would much rather that tech trees like Israel, existing in sub categories of US, (Shermans, Pattons and M109) UK (Centurions and Merkava) and USSR (T-54 and T-62) for example. A similar case could be made for Swedish vehicles existing largely in the British tech tree, with earlier derivatives of ** LT vz. 38** being in the german tech tree, and later versions of the leopard and leopard 2 being german.

I had some similar idea, even suggested it on the Russian forum, when after researching the vehicle in one TT, you can also buy the same vehicle in other nations TTs, although you still need to research previous vehicles in the line.

Imo it would be way more interesting and useful than their proposed bonuses for reasearched nations.

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What I think would be interesting and offer Gaijin far more opportunities for monetisation would be to have a separate global tech tree, which lives behind the nation tech tree.

Lets use the M10 GMC tank destroyer at 3.3 for instance. Lets say that this is one tank that lives in the global tech tree sits in a hierarchy above the nation tech trees. You only actually have the one M10 GMC, as a player you only have the one vehicle in your account, but each tech tree then references the vehicle and applies modifiers to it when you play it the either the US, French or Chinese tech tree. All the points scored (kills, captures, assists etc) are stored in the base vehicle, all research points are stored in the one vehicle (RP towards spading the vehicle) and the only progress that would need to be tracked on the National level of the tech tree would be RP earned against nation specific vehicles, and nation specific camouflage and decals.

So lets say you have the M10 GMC, you can use it in three tech trees regardless of progress in those tech trees.

I’m at the stage in my War Thunder experience where RP counted towards the ‘ACE’ qualification is really important to me. I’m aware that I’m optimising the fun out of some of the experience by trying to do everything with maximised efficiency.