Add more Tech-Tree vehicles to Japan, Sweden, Italy and Israël!

In recent updates, Japan, Sweden, Italy, and Israël have only been receiving 1-2 new vehicles for their tech-tree per update. Many players feel that these nations deserve more attention, as they offer unique and diverse gameplay experiences that could be further enhanced with additional vehicles.

(A sub-TT is an OUTLIER. It’s a one time peak of addtions for their TT. In datascience those outliers are removed because they distort the dataset.)

The focus should be on expanding the tech-tree, offering players more options for progression without having to rely on event, battle pass, or premium vehicles. While events and premiums are exciting, many players want to see a greater variety of vehicles accessible through standard progression.

That’s because a TT vehicle is a standardisation - a vehicle that can be obtained by playing the game as intended.
A squadron vehicle requires external factors towards obtaining the vehicle, thus not making it a standardised vehicle.

Premiums, Squadron, Event and Battlepass vehicles CANNOT be obtained through playing the game as intended, they require money and in the case of Squadron vehicles - an active squadron, thus making them unobtainable for the majority of players.

Nations like Japan, Italy, Sweden and Israël need more TT vehicles to boost the overall TT performance.
At Top tier ground they might be pretty decent (not the case for Italy), but just like the Japanese their naval (in this game) - they are only good at the top br’s - forgetting the br’s under them.

The reason why this is a suggestion

According to some community polls that i have started, the community seems to be wanting more vehicles for these specific nations in the Tech-Tree.
They have also shown their concerns when it comes to gameplay balance in the comments.


Poll: Should War Thunder Add More Tech-Tree Vehicles to Japan, Sweden, Italy, and Israel?

Opinions of the state of minor nations in War Thunder

Poll: What do you think of the current War Thunder update?

Top tier focus has to be lowered

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