Poll: Should War Thunder Add More Tech-Tree Vehicles to Japan, Sweden, Italy, and Israel?

Doesn’t stop gaijin from adding vehicles that never got weapons or from.giving them fictional stats. Cough cough p59A ect ect

They both suck in uptiers, but in downtiers the T-2 is far worse to deal with as it has far better missiles and better turning. One of the main balancing factor with the F-104 was its bad missiles. Both F-104 and T-2 get pseudo flares, FFARs, which can render R-60Ms and Aim-9Ls useless in headons with A-10s/Su-25s.

Either way, saying the F-104 is OP but not T-2 is just standard Japan main cope

IIRC, G-6/trop has same FM with regular G-6.

Erla model also has ofc

Id argue f104 is under BRed. Its 9.3 which means it seal clubs 8.3 vehicles. A smart 104 player will never have a hard time fighting in 8.x-9.x battles as they just BnZ. The T2 is like a baby 104 but cant keep up speed wise. Additionally they dont have speed to runaway from other fighter like the 104 can so i think they are fiarly comparable but the 104 gets better matches since the A is 9.3. Both should be 9.7 and 9.x should be decompressed more.

Ima dip for a bit cant wait to see what i come back too…

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putting the F-104 at 9.7 with Aim-9Bs and no actual countermeasures would just ruin it. The only 8.3s that can’t reliably deal with an F-104 is F-84F and bombers.

I wish the Swedish B18B was a premium or there was a premium version. I don’t play AIR games much and I’m still using the B18A at 4BR.
Some OK fighters but lousy CAS

Japan and China also suffers with CAS at lower BR in terms of ground attack aircraft or low level bombers.

So according to your post… everyone that listens, and those that acknowledge their mistakes, are bad. I have to use the word bad cause including quoted insults is a forum rules violation.

Cause I know I read everything, as proven here.
And I’ve acknowledged every mistake I’ve made, which is easily hundreds on this forum. Every edit on a post is an admission of a mistake, that is ALWAYS me admitting I’ve made a mistake in the post.
Over 80% of my knowledge comes from other people on this forum and YouTube, accepting everything people say from their perspective cause all perspectives are valuable.

I’ve been a 3D modeler.
I’ve watched people code vehicles and explain how despite two vehicles being the same make and model but with a weight difference that they have to re-write a lot of code to make the new one function as it should.
I’ve been part of research teams. This helps me better understand every vehicle in War Thunder had a research team behind it pumping hours into finding everything about the vehicle regardless of the vehicle.
Even copy-paste vehicles like T-34-85 need hours of research to verify that the game can have a copy-paste vehicle over making a new 3D model, or giving it different weapons/other characteristics.

Your post can keep claiming the opposite of reality though, all that does is ignore what I say. You’d say “don’t listen”.
I don’t, cause I’d rather say my piece and be civil. It’s up to everyone to listen and accept what I say as I do with others. I don’t expect the respect I give everyones’ posts to be reciprocated; it’s just appreciated every time it happens.

I did not know for the last year that Italy had a Vampire.
I likely saw it in 2020 or 2021, but after that I never acknowledged that line at that rank, so far enough; thank you for the information.

You claiming that? Cause that’s the only reason to make that post in my eyes…

Oh yeah, because of research hours, that’s why I never complain about copy-paste as a whole. Time and effort was put into researching to the best of their abilities the vehicle that would have a copy-pasted 3D model.

They didnt even give us the Myrskys…

They should add the Humu and Myrsky rn tbh, they would be awesome.

I spammed F-104A before decompression but, it was ok even if you get full uptier games.

Only issue was MiG-21SMT/MF because it has better top speed and missiles but, that is quite fair in light of the fact that it can only face full up tier games.

And both MiGs are 10.7BR now.

Why not F104A moving up to 9.7?

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They did but event plane :omegalol:

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Becauser migs are better than F-104 is practically every way, including getting actual countermeasures. The Migs it faces rn are undertiered

Hey, at least you dont have to face Mig-21s in a vamp (Kill me this is bullshittttttttttttttttttt)

(For context, the Mig-21S (R-13-300) is at 9.0 in AB but can be downtiered by making it the only plane in your lineup- putting it at 8.7.)

He probably needed to learn object-oriented and inheritance which makes ways easier for implementing C&P stuffs unless he deal to spaghetti code or other issues😭

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I would like to say a thing:
Yes, even though Sweden top tier can be a bit OP (idk from experience, not there yet), I feel it could use more than a SINGLE premium tank added each update, because 2 out of 3 updates this year, it has only gotten a SINGLE PREMIUM TANK, the first time it was literally a copy pasta with a different camo, and this time it just sucks.
Literally every other nation in those updates got stuff, but no, not Sweden. I don’t want any top tier stuff, I want mid to low tier stuff, and if possible another bomber.
Quit complaining about Sweden always getting OP top tier stuff when we only got premiums that aren’t worth the money for 2 out of 3 updates. I don’t even have top tier so I do not care about top tier stuff being added, and I don’t even want to play top tier that much.
Anyways I’m done talking please continue on with your day.


The people who call Sweden OP must be top tier only players.

Air is mid, and ground is decent.

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In MiG-21MF and later models, current BR is really fine except J-7E.

MiG-21MF/SMT should be fine if you compare to premium J-7D.

J-7D is 0.3BR higher but, that’s because its performance and FM is pretty close to MiG-21MF/SMT but, J-7D has ways better missiles also, MiG-21bis which is ok in its BR is sitting at 11.3BR.

What Italy needs imo:

  • Better ~3.7 SPAA
  • Another ~4.7 tank
  • A ~5.3 SPAA (or just move the R3 down to 5.3 where it belongs)
  • Multiple vehicles to fill out 7.0-7.7
  • A real ~7.0 SPAA
  • B1 Draco
  • Grifo
  • Centauro II
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They had both IS-2 variants (original and 1944) in service till 1956.

on one hand, I want more stuff for Israel, but on the other hand I know that whatever they add isn’t going to be half as good as it could be

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Israeli desperately needs more light tanks (and tank armor corrections). They could also use a LATAM or Chilean subtree in the future.