Poll: Should War Thunder Add More Tech-Tree Vehicles to Japan, Sweden, Italy, and Israel?

Definitely. Sweden, Italy, and Japan still lack tech tree heavies, and the Swedish air tree needs significant improvements as well.

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The issue we have is at WW2 levels we just have a game where its the same tanks on both sides. T34 VS T34 ,Sherman vs Sherman etc etc . We now have KV1 spam so it’s getting worse not better.M109 has flooded the 6BR game and made the Old tanks redundant due to one shot kills.Just bad for the game.

As an older player this is the kind of 80s rubbish we had to endure where all the tanks were the same shape on both sides. I would have thought the whole idea of a war game in 2024 was to celebrate the diversity and identity of each nation and the specific way they went about things historically.

Maybe young developers neither know nor care? War Thunder was good but its 12 years old .New video game makers seem to have no clue across the board these days and it seems like Gaijin devs are of the same breed now.

Lets not forget Japan air which only received 8 TT planes in the last 5 years.


I think we are all baffled by the gaps we have in tech trees and how the updates roll by and still nothing is done.War Thunders priorities seem very different from the player’s expectation.

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We have no influence on what Gaijin will bring next or what Gaijin will do, so this topic is a waste of time.

If you ask about Hungarian vehicles in general:
Yak-9P alternatives are already presented (Pastabolt, G.55s);

IL-10 idk the closest would be SM.93 imo, but it should probably be a bit lower br;

Tu-2S I don’t think there is any alternative in general to this monster (Br.1150 can be close enough, at least br wise, though its kinda specific since it’s maritime bomber);

IL-28 there isn’t any Italian jet bomber of similar capabilities, early variants of advanced trainers (S.211, MB-326B, G.82, T-33) can provide some “bombers” experience but not at the same degree of course;

MiG-15bis alternatives are already presented in a form of single engine G.91s, CL-13 mk.4, F-84s + advanced trainers can come, already mentioned + MB-339A;

MiG-17PF well, we have Aerfers and F-86K + more Aermacchi variants can be added for these brs: MB-326G, MB-326K;

Su-22M3 we have just received an alternative in a form of early A-200A (Tornado IDS);

MiG-21MF, MiG-23MF and MiG-21bis-SAU - Italian alternatives are F-104s variants) ;

MiG-29 Italy can get another leased variant of F-16 (F-16B for example);

JAS39EBS C HU just give F-16ADF its actual weapons;

Csaba there is a ton of different guntrucks and armored cars at this rank;

Turan I there are still some alternatives like P40 prototypes, though it’s a nice tank for sure;

Zrinyi II Bassotto is the alternative, though it’s as well a cool vehicle, unique and adds variety;

Turan III there are alternatives but they are rather boring and already represented (Shermans and Pz.IVG);

2S1 Italy used multiple US made SPHs + has its own M109L variant (for higher brs also Palmaria and PzH 2000);

BTR-80A - similar role vehicles can be C-13 T25 and Fiat 6616;

T-72M1 - well there isn’t any similar MBT, with actual armor, although at this era some other tanks can be added (M60A1 Rise (P); Leopard I Thetis, OF-40 Thetis);

Leopard 2A4HU - around these brs OF-40 mk.3 and Leonardo M60A3 can be added;

KF-41 it’s quite meh honestly, alternatives can be OWS 30 equipped Dardo, Freccia and VBA;

Leopard 2A7HU - AMV PT2, Ariete Hitfact mk.2, Centauro 2, though they aren’t on the same level in terms of armor;

ZSU-57-2 idk, quite specific vehicle, in terms of SPAAGs of the same era there can be M113 AA variants equipped with HS820, 25/80 Oerlikon or double Rh220;

ZSU-23-4 there is an interesting truck with 20 mm Vulcan cannon - Iveco M320 Porcupine and OF-40 PRTL;

Tigris - there could be another Tiger tank which was used by Italians for training or captured Churchill, although Tigris is objectively cooler, on the other hand the decision to place it behind paywall is weird for me, this tank should’ve been one of the most attractable of Hungarian line, while there still could be a premium alternative in a form of Hungarian IS-2;

Ok, so now when it’s over, I should say that I like the idea of the addition of Hungarian stuff, it helps with some issues of the Italian TT, gives a choice, complements line-ups, but the implementation is very very poor, too much unnecessary copypaste, already mentioned Tigris situation, almost no Romanian vehicles, which are significant part of Hungarian-Romanian subtree idea, a lack of attention to details (most of vehicles copypasted don’t even have own models, 2A4HU could be a bit different with its smoke grenades placement, ZSU-23-4 has basic model instead of export variant used by Hungary ZSU-23-4V1).

I would also like to mention my theoretical TT with a use of Italian, Hungarian and Romanian vehicles (not everything included though, vehicles which are already added are presented).

PS btw Gaijin’s staff always say that subtrees additions don’t come instead of the tree owner nation vehicles, just saying.


Turan III is honestly awesome, a long 75 and reverse gears… truly beautiful. I might grind out at least a bit of italy to get it tbh lmao


Very nice post indeed. Plenty to look forward to there if it can be done.
As a non Italian I have to say I enjoy playing Italy during the WW2 era .

For some reason we get into too much into the Nationalism with smaller nations presuming they are only championed by patriots of that nation but its not true.
I play all the nations. I enjoy that they are all different and I would maybe take the gaps over the copy paste if it preserves the identify of the nation.So if a nation like Japan or China never went much for tanks at a certain time then so be it. If they didn’t use heavies then OK.

Sweden is a fine example of a Nation that didn’t go for big heavy tanks much during the WW2 years and and we should respect that. We only have a need for them really to fulfill the Battle pass which is a shame.The Swedish King Tiger really seemed a bit sad and desperate as most copy paste does.

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We literally have finland that used KV-1s, and the Kranvagn/Strv K for post-war heavies. Japan has the O-I- they really have no excuse for not adding at least one tech tree heavy for each tree. Italy is more difficult, true, but they could add the P.43 or reclassify the P.40 as a heavy tank.

As long as every nation has a tech tree heavy that is at least Rank III+ it is fine.

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please never use this as a reason why indonesia can be a sub tree to netherland, cause it is the same as saying netherland can be a sub tree to germany cause there’s some people that fight for the ss

Yes it’s all captured Finland stuff ,like I said why bother when you have nice early post war stuff that makes mincemeat of heavy tanks? You didnt follow a heavy tank doctrine which is fine and exactly what I said.

There was no need to make the Sweden tree a copy of Russia or Germany when it was so different .Same with UK you have to adopt a different style of play when playing lighter tanks with no APHE .No good just coming in with a German or Russian tactic and hoping one size fits all.

This is a point so many players miss when calling for balance.They may be balanced but in a less obvious way.
Better balance in GRB for Sweden would have been to try and find some kind of CAS for protection. Sweden could do with a good 4BR Premium for CAS

Not because of that.
Indonesia was part of the Netherlands, did you not know?
Just like Suriname, ABC Islands and Belgium had Congo.
It has been for like 300 years before 1949 (The Dutch stuff).

They even used Dutch equipment, like Fokker planes and Braat tanks.

well, im sure i know it very well, im indonesian after all, but saying this

for us it is closer to saying that netherland should be germany sub cause some people fight for the ss

reasoning cause former colony is fine, cause current good relation is fine, but please not that

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It is not a copy of Russia or germany, and never will be. The captured tanks we want are generally:

Modified (I.e. finnish T-50, Sturmi, finnish T-34-85 w/german 75mm)
Semi-unique variants we dont have ingame already or are already ingame AS FINLAND in another tech tree (i.e. KV-1A/KV-1B)

We need these tanks to fill out the tree, and they would be generally unique and add stuff to the tree.

Note: Even the finnish Pz. IV was modified to use DT MGs instead of MG34s- finland does this stuff a lot.

It is becoming one more and more with every update and is slowly losing it’s identity with every update. Soon all the nations will be the same if we are watchful of what is added.
Gajin can throw the German stug in or thet can go for the modified Finnish example and what choice they make is very important.You can bet they will go for the former if allowed to do so.

As it is now I can face a Tiger 2 while playing a Tiger 2 for Germany and frankly that is ridiculous and took playing the Tiger to a new low as if facing a heap of Post war vehicles wasn’t bad enough.

That is deabtable and you can see what I said about gaps being better than copy paste.It’s a debate woth having .

Heavy tanks are only really needed to complete Battle Pass if that nation already has mediums more than capable of killing a heavy tank as many small nations do.

It would have made more sense to simply remove the Heavy Tank task from the game rather than flood tech trees with copy paste just so they can complete a battle pass task which you could skip for a 1000SL anyway. That is what pandering tot he whiny side of the player base gets you,Nations full of the same vehicle.

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I would rather have a damn good heavy tank in the KV-1B then no heavy tank, especially since it actually has a lineup. Hell- even the finnish T-34s were modified- this one had an experimental muzzle brake installed.

lmao no it isnt and wont be

Sorry mate ,I don’t agree with any of it and never will but then I don’t just fanboy one nation.
The new KV1 was pointless and over tiered. The copy past T34 is no different neither is the Panzer IV .The Sherman is mildly different but not essential given what it shares with.

Sweden had a chance to be unique but it blew it.Really odd that you can’t see that.
Maybe when you have a few more games under your belt you will see what I mean.

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Israel just got a copy pasted F-16 with copy pasted armament so Gaijin REALLY needs to look for unique domestic designs there such as

Kfir C.10
Kfir 2000

In terms of ground vehicles the tree can expand to rank 3. Namer is a mess and the Magach line has to be reworked. Tree needs some light tanks / TDs as well as a top SPAA


I think that they should have some interesting vehicles, like Tan-SAM kai, Centauro Draco, MiG-21-2000 and Sturmi.

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Sweden is unique, jesus christ! True, we do have some copy-paste cehicles (Two of our Centurions, and most of the finnish line), but the vast majority is swedish.

We have stuff like the Pvkv’s with their optics, the Ikv with its HEAT, dont say that sweden isnt unique because it is. I have played it and thoroughly enjoy it- so please, dont disparage it.

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