Poll security + usefulness

I think that polls should get some security installed to make it more fair.

  1. A majority of people doesn’t read the actual reason of the poll and think it’s directly implementing instead of TESTING.
  2. Doing a poll to ask if gaijin can TEST something is useless, make a small event for testing so it doesn’t disturb everyone, THEN make a vote to ask if you should keep it or not. It’s really good that gaijin tries to ask the community for changes but this is a little too much
  3. Add some security to prevent boting, you mentioned on another thread that you need an account to vote which is a captcha, but boter solved that issue long ago, so at least put a small level limit, like 10 or 15, so only people that actually play the game can vote, perhaps even make it so that only people that played in the testing event can vote, why asking the opinion of someone who even didn’t tried.

Please use official thread.

You cannot force people to read. It’s internet.
That’s why we have constructed the question in survey to be obvious, that’s the vote for test.
We have updated article topic to make it even more obvious.

The whole purpose of this vote is to check, if players are interested in test. To prepare test we need time and resurces. If players do not want to even hear on the change, there is no reason to prepare test (IMHO).

As I said earlier, you need to create Gaijin account to be able to vote (and that is protected by captcha). We do not want to put to high limits like 10-15 levels etc. but we may have implement additional filter. Obviously we do not allow to create multiple accounts (for example to vote), it’s against ToS. We have access to more info than only “x%” you can see in poll result.

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