[POLL] Proposal for BR Decompression Around 11.7 and 12.7 Air RB

After some discussion with others, I agree that the GR.7 probably shouldn’t go up.

The A-10C is going to 12.0, and the GR.7 is arguably very similar to that. Being faster it would be fine staying at 12.3.

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Take a look at my upper tier decompression proposal for 12.7 to 14.0

I feel like being an A-10 isn’t a drawback

If it had it’s redundancies implemented, maybe.

I feel like a 0.3 BR difference between the two is fair - the Harrier ofc being higher than the A-10C.

The A-10C definitely did need to go up in my opinion, it’s just questionable whether the GR.7 needed to. I should have had the poll asking about the GR.7 instead of the A-10C for sure.