F15A and Gripen A to 13.7? Idk if you’ve actually played them but the Gripen A players arent running Skyflash because its worthless at that BR as your missile doesn’t have the range of the 7F or the mobility of it. Its more similar to the Belgian F16 but guess people still seem to think gripen A is good for some reason. Dont get me wrong it’s a okay 13.0 but ill take any other 13.0 since they have good radar missiles and some actually have more than 6 missiles. Rip the mig 29G and SMT, still amazes me how the Su 27 is the same br
Why are you always ignoring why the F-14A IRIAF should be 12.7 and then accusing everyone else of doing the same? Obvious projection in that post.
Fakours are not “too good” to anyone except bombers. There are no bombers at 11.7+.
Going straight toward F-14s is not a “defensive position”.
Also minority of planes is not “several”.
This applies to Phoenixes, not Fakours
Tornado Gr1/ASSTA1/A200A
Tornado Gr4
F-4s (who are base bombing)
Mirage F1
Mirage 2k R1/RMV
Probably more that I am forgetting
SU17 (ALL models)
All of which have bad RWR
Of which the AJS in order to get a full base needs to forgo any form of CM’s meaning it is defenseless
inb4 “but those aren’t B-52 sized bombers, that’s what I mean”
…as if that helps in any way
There’s no way you’re giving F-14B AIM-9M, and having it the same BR as J-8F, which receives two PL-12 and the rest being PL-8 non-IRCCM missiles on a flying brick platform. Though, if we want to give the J-8F PL-8 with IRCCM… I’m all ears.
I expect the F-14A and F-14B could go up another BR step if they received their upgraded AIM-9s. I’m certainly not opposed to that.
None of which are bombers, they are supersonic airframes capable of bombing. The fact you included F-14 [F-111F] is proof enough.
Thanks for admitting my post was correct.
AJS and SU series? They were vehicles made for CAS first, they lack the fighting to handle F14’s in terms of rate fighting nor do they have on par missiles.
They also can’t face F-14s.
The ones that can have better weaponry due to their worse airframes.
Showing my age lmao, i quit with all the ARH spam from F14’s, i forgot they only slightly pushed them in BR. Regardless still stands that bombers without proper offensive weapons strike fighter tornados have no advantage. You could say 9L and id say you’re new to air RB. SU-25 have decent RWR but horrible flight performance. Even when sitting 10m off the ground you will probably be hit by splash. Try notching and you’re more likely to get picked off since you cant fight back effectively. Again AIM-54 and Fakour 90 gameplay is some of the most lobotimized gameplay available where it makes players carry only ARH and run to airfield. Honestly pushing them up where they fight other ARH slings more commonly would be a decent change since they can get their 9M’s for a .3-.7 increase and the 11.7 jets can avoid dealing with lobotomites, aside from bombing phantoms.
krydser fingre
To see the F14’s pushed up once more would be a dream to see, i dont have a problem since im either playing a fighter or i have decent flight performance but playing sluggish strike fighters is hell.
“Slightly” Sir, they are at 12.7 from 11.3 starting position.
Their equivalent aircraft with worse dogfight performance is at 12.0: F-4J.
AIM-54 is so easy to dodge that going straight dodges them.
Fakours you just have to slightly turn.
Neither are comparable to the vastly superior AMRAAMs which are at 13.0 BTW.
F-14s are already pushed up, two out of three are unplayable in air RB.
F-14A when it was 12.3 was balanced, it didn’t even perform as well as F-4J/S because it was a higher BR with the same loadouts.
Which two are unplayable, cause i haven’t played one that isnt unplayable, sure i screw up at times but thats on me.
F-14A: Same weapons as F-4J/S, 12.7, same RWR & similar radar, same countermeasures.
In air RB dogfighting doesn’t matter so the marginal increase in energy retention of F-14A is barely helpful.
F-14B: Currently it along with Viggen Di, Sea Harrier, and Kfir C10 are effectively eh cause F-15A, Su-27, etc exist at the same BR as superior platforms.
Every single one of those aircraft has a primary role of taking out bases within ARB and not should not be used for A2A combat. If their ability to take out bases should not be taken into account for BR placement then I propose we lower all of their BRs
After all, aircraft like the Buc S2 would be better suited for 8.3 if it’s A2A performance was the only balancing concern
Buc S1 even lower
Why shouldn’t the F-14A/F-111F/C be used for air to air when that’s one of their best roles?
Same with F-4, F1, Mirage 2000.
Half the Tornados are 11.3, and all of them are incapable of dying to AIM-54s, they are not bombers.
Bucc S2 would be the bomber in question, but that’s well below.
Why should they be expected to dogfight?
By your definition, the Buc S2 is not a bomber…it’s a sub sonic fighter armed with 2x Aim-9Bs and no gun at 9.3
Congratulations, the other 4 can. If they aren’t bombers (or to use the correct name, interdictors) what are they then, because 2x 9Ls on a bus of an airframe at 11.7 is not balanced at all and should only be 11.0 given their A2A performance
Interdictor definition
An interdictor is a type of attack aircraft or tactical bomber that operates far behind enemy lines, with the express intent of air interdiction of the enemy’s military targets, most notably those involved in logistics.
F-111, Su-24 and Tornado IDS are all interdictors
It’s not my definition, it’s the definition of countless militaries.
Tactical and strategic bombers are a class of bomber.
Then you have supersonic strat/tac bombers which I never mentioned.
Then you have multi-role aircraft like Tornado, F14, etc.
F-14A/F-111F/C are good fighters.
So you agree then, aircraft like the tornado IDS and F-111s are bombers that can see the F14A.
Glad that’s been sorted