[POLL] Lower the battle rating of the Chi-Nu II & SL Multiplier

It’s Battle rating should be moved from 4.3 to 4.0 or 3.7

I’d argue that this tank is way too overtiered for what it is, it has the armor of a late panzer 4, the only better thing about this tank is the turret traverse, and it’s worse in every other aspect.

There are no good lineup for 4.3 you are uptiering your other vehicles there, or you uptier this already overtiered tank to 4.7 and get ready to fight tigers and stabilized long 76 shermans and whatever else the matchmaker throws at you.

I’m also curious why you think that this tank belongs in 4.3, do let me know.

What the BR should be?

  • 3.7
  • 4.0
  • Stay at 4.3
0 voters

Also it’s SL multiplier is pretty weak compared to other vehicles at rank 3 and current battle rating, currently it sits at 230% (GRB) without premium account and it should be higher at 250% - 270% (GRB).

I’ve checked the arcade SL multipliers, I don’t have the confidence to say what it exactly should be, maybe around 30% more (150%->180%)?

What the SL multiplier should be (GRB)?

  • 250%
  • 260%
  • 270%
  • Something else (comment)
0 voters
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I have like gorillion games with Chi-Nu II and when comparing it to a similar vehicle like Turan III, it is just worse on all aspects to be honest.


Same armor as the Pz IV F2, actually. 50mm front, slightly worse on the sides (30mm vs 25mm).


I wanted to avoid the people who will twist my words if I only said “Panzer 4” and immidietly think of the C and what not, I’m pretty aware of the F2 existing but didn’t make the direct comparison with it I dunno why, so 3.7 is not exactly a stretch then. But I would still be happy if they brought it down to 4.0 AB and RB

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The Turan III blows both out of the water in every front but the silhouette.

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And the crew placement almost guarantees oneshot:


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