Polish F-16 for Germany, instead of F-4F ICE

hence why i said its highly probably why it wouldnt end up as a subtree, but some modified german vehicles might make it to the german tech tree, also the F4F ICE would be in a similar situation to the F4EJ KAI but worse since this time instead of fighting normal F16’s it would fight stuff that can outrun, out manouver and outgun it wich its sad

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I agree that the F-4F ICE will probably not compare well to more advanced Gen 4 platforms that will also have the same missiles. We’ll see how it turns out, though, I suppose.

The kit will probably be comparable sure, 4 IR, 4 ARH missiles and a good radar. (Though no HMD will still hurt a bit.) But the airframe is just behind everything else, by a large margin too.

honestly should’ve been added before since if they add it now it will get absolutely chewed by any 4th gen fighter unless they give it pretty special weaponry

which is a kind of a missed opportunity if you ask me.

legacy platforms capable of carrying ARHs, such as ICE and J-8F, would be perfect way to introduce ARHs into warthunder, to let everyone familiarize themselves with them, before they are added to the top aircraft.

Because of the leopard 2 pl in the german tree, and also because its a neighbouring country which whom we developed a very good relationship, also it wouldnt make sense to give a polish tech tree to udssr/russia because it wouldnt make sense for russia to have an f16

Even better argentinian f16 in the german tree


Does the F4F ICE has HMD?

No? I heard some say it doesn’t
But someone else with more knowledge, confirm please

im very sure it does, look at the pilot’s helmet and i believe reading before it has HMD

Yeah, will be a far smaller gap than what Sweden and Britain had for an entire year in 2023.

Okay. We already have the EJ Kai with AAM-3s, it’s called the F-15J, which is under-BR’d as is.
EJ Kai itself is one of the strongest 11.7s in the game too only really beaten by Mirage 2000C.
We’re both Japan players; I just disagree with your perspective on those aircraft.

However IRIS-T would be like adding R-73M/R-74. AIM-9Li is all that’s really needed for that role.
And the issue of CAS… I still am biased in favor of Tornado.


Which fingers crossed… Is getting a major buff next major

Though I do get the desire for a decent multirole. Tornado can struggle when the enemy team has a half decent CAP

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The same goes for F-14B really. What are you going to do against someone that brings out an EJ Kai or F-16A purely to do anti-CAS? Not a lot.

True, but an aircraft like the Harrier Gr7 or Gripen C, which can still run just as many GBUs as the Tornado, could actually put up a fight against an F-16A in a Pure CAP config, meanwhile a Tornado is probably DOA


Tornado is terrible. Too high BR to be useful. In air RB the bases will be killed by everyone but your Tornado, since you’re always too slow to reach a base first. In GRB you get always pantsired while trying to use these idiotic GBUs which require laserlocks all the time. Good luck with that bus while against 20km range Pantsirs which don’t even trigger your RWR.

The only thing which might save it, if it gets F&F weapons like Mavericks or gets a lower BR so it won’t encounter Pantsirs anymore. Also just 4 small GBUs is lol lol lol compared to what other planes have. Llike several triple rails with Mavericks + GBUs. Its just meh.


Germany had just a Tornado for a while, and still has what is basically an F-4E without radar missiles, at a higher BR, and arguably worse IR AAMs.
They also have one of the worst 7.0 jets, and things only get good at 8.7.

Japan is shit for the most part for jets but F-15J and F-16AJ + future F-2A can make up for that. The rest is horrid (F-4EJ) or mid (F86F40, T-2).

Sweden literally has the strongest fighter in the game even after many nerfs.

Italy also has the strongest fighter in the game right now, and the Sagittario + Ariete are also very good. Lile any tree they have their own stinkers.

Britain is just copium, not much I can say about them. It’ll likely remain as such until we get to the EF Typhoon. EE Lightning is cool though.
Maybe if gaijin is nice and gives them the american jets they evaluated but refused to purchase.

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If you lose in an F-14B against an EJ Kai you just suck at the game lol

or got caught out, but that’s just a different flavor of losing a fight you shoulda won.


F-14B has a ton of bombs attached to the bottom of it and he didn’t get a warning that I’d attack him.
No F-14B can win when they’re surprised with 1 - 2 tons of bombs attached.

Then dump the bombs and extend the wings. We literally have a keybind for dumping secondary weapons now.

If he was aware of his surroundings, he wouldn’t have died to a strictly inferior aircraft.