Polish F-16 for Germany, instead of F-4F ICE

Tornado F3 is not top tier, and at 11.3 its ok. The GR7 was in an awkward BR, after the BR changes that brough up top tier to 12.7 i’d say its much better. I wouldn’t say it was bad either previously, especially when it got AIM-9M’s

SlowHandClap stop digging your grave here dude if you are gonna argument at least start staying on the topic

The f-16 was added at 12.0…the F.3 is only 0.7 below. That is top tier match maker. I’d love to hear which nation had it worse though.

Are you living on a different planet? German ground gets all the new players/wehraboos flocking to them, hence why all their tanks are undertiered. There is a reason they have a reputation for being the worst players.

I don’t need to - all three nations get better stuff than the UK. They literally invented a f16 for Japan when the UK was using a Tornado at top tier. Italy has everything the UK has and more. France is France, not playing that.

Well clearly you aren’t able, because I didn’t implicate F-16C being what I want, but that it’s the best out of all the options. At this point you’re just trying to put words in my mouth honestly.

The f-16 was added at 12.0…the F.3 is only 0.7 below. That is top tier match maker. I’d love to hear which nation had it worse though.

Oh I’m feeling so sorry for your experience… Just kidding though, I don’t feel sorry for you at all - also, I hope you do know that certain other nations had it much worse at the time and even before that (Sweden with their JA-37C & Japan that until the F-16 [which I called them out on, lol] was flying the same F-4s UK were, meanwhile the best Italy had until the F-16A was… an F-104).

Are you living on a different planet? German ground gets all the new players/wehraboos flocking to them, hence why all their tanks are undertiered. There is a reason they have a reputation for being the worst players.

Last I checked the talk was the state of how vehicles are modelled (do you not know what hamstrung means per chance?). As such the BR’ing of X nation’s AFVs is wholey irrelevant. All in all this once again proves you don’t care about any other “not UK” nation, because otherwise you’d be able to at least spare yourself the embarrassement of claiming Germany doesn’t get hamstrung vehicles (they do, a lot of them are, you’re just not aware of that because why would you).

I don’t need to - all three nations get better stuff than the UK.

This is how I know you’re a deluded nation main (you only see the ‘better’ stuff whilst ignoring all the bad stuff).

They literally invented a f16 for Japan when the UK was using a Tornado at top tier.


Clearly this excuse applies only when it’s the British “suffering”.

Italy has everything the UK has and more.

Okay, I guess Otomatic & Ariete are just better. Italy main pride worldwide.

France is France, not playing that.

“Go play a difficult nation”
“I have, what about you?”
“NoOOoo UK has it the worst!!1”

Oh, as a reminder of you changing the goalpost, just for fun!



Because nothing’s better than a guy white-knighting his way into thinking calling out a person on their hypocrisy is the same as coping :)


So you don’t want the best option for Germany? Fair enough. Clearly I was wrong about you.

Japan had a better phantom than the UK before the f16 was added. The ej Kai was still a better aircraft than the Tornado F.3 when that was added. Then they got a fictitious f16 “because Japan won’t get anything for a while,” despite still having a better top tier fighter than the UK. The UK didn’t get another top tier fighter till the Gripen, when Japan also got the F15.

I have three nations at top tier. Most people agree the UK gets shafted the most. Except German mains ofc. Who think having the second best tank in the game is a slight.

You need to work on your English much more.

Note that @FurinaBestArchon never said Germany is the nation that get shafted the most. Britain, together with France is getting addition/fixes in the last patches, wouldn’t say Britain get shafted as much as Israel for example- Britain recently got good vehicles as well as some fixes, while France got a huge amout of fixes just recently. What you can say about Israel though?

japan got 1 ship and uuuh uuuh 1 more ship, oh and an cooler F5

İ was really happy when someone told me Merkava’s recieved armor buff during Dev Server.

Only to found out that was actually not the case and instead we got premium MK3D, was quite dissapointed tbh…

Didn’t say it, just acts like it.

It was during the time.

You mean the fix that made the CR2 worse?

Not off topic


Nice AI written post


They got it, it just didn’t made it live lul

He never said it as far as i can tell, its normal for someone to think more about a nation, just like you’re doing for Britain, however he never implied that Germany is the nation that suffers the most.

Wouldn’t say it made it worse, it just wasn’t the huge improvement it was on Dev Server, but hopefully they will fix that on a later date.
Also you’re forgetting that in the last 2 patches Britain got as good vehicles(No, im not including the Challengers, personally i don’t think they are good, except the 2E):

  • Fox
  • JAS39C
  • Jaguar IS
  • Buccaneer S.2B which got AJ.168

As Fixes:

  • Harrier GR7 got MAWS and 65G’s
  • Gripen just today got its proper radar

I can agree with you that Challenger 2 armor is in fact not good at all, and i hope as you do i think that they will fix it soon, but you have to consider the fact that they also fixed other stuff about it, for naming one, they improved the low-speed mobility and gave it a proper engine sound, they also got Spall Liners, note that for example Chinese MBT’s and Ariete MBT’s still haven’t got them.

It is wrong to think that Britain gets shafted the most because out of a lot of nice stuff they added for it they messed up one thing.

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Man, now i feel even more sad…

german main mode activated…


Your English is poor, as these few sentences alone prove.

Gaslighting be like.


Oh yea, because you totallyy can’t string those 4 words together! Just take the L and go mate, the sole fact you’re attacking me for things unrelated to the discussion alone gives me enough ground to claim the W, and really a good enough reason to also just block you - since to be fair, it’s been ages since i’ve seen someone as immature as you.

Thats the dumbest thing said in this thread for sure

He is not gaslighting you. He is accusing you of lacking skill in English; a rather rude insult.
Both are divisive nonconstructive actions to take against other people of course.