Polish F-16 for Germany, instead of F-4F ICE

Well in simulations even the super hornet was completely and utterly outclassed by the EF2000. The only thing it would do better than the typhoon is air to ground, as the early tranche EF were focused entirely on air superiority.

Except the typhoon has a radar levels above the super hornet’s, and has much better flight performance to achieve speed/altitude prior to a fox3 launch.

It would heavily depend on the loadout of the typhoon.

AESA + 10 AMRAAM would give the F18 an advantage in BVR,

But if it’s an RAF Typhoon with 6x ASRAAM, 6x AMRAAM and PIRATE IRST. Then the F18 would struggle under the right conditions

TWR allows you to get to high speed/altitude, and therefore increase the range of your AMRAAMS. The TWR of the typhoon would leave the hornet in the dust.

If pure missile quantity was the defining factor then you would see more fighters designed around that criteria.

Both radars will get AMRAAM’s max range.
SMT’s radar is better than Su-27’s BY FAR, but ultimately both are strong enough for what War Thunder does.
F-18 will get to altitude at least as fast as F-16C will having a TWR of ~1.3:1 at speed.

Yep, it would be situational.

because poland has extremely close military relations with germany, more than any country

Perhaps, I’d still think though Poland as it’s own nation as the core of a WARSAW pact TT, would be better though

Absolute range is not the defining feature of a fighter radar.

Only because the SMT is held back by flight performance and has an even bigger missile load discrepancy than the hornet Vs typhoon comparison.

Yeah it’s not getting anywhere close to that TWR with enough fuel to do anything. There is a gulf between the fighters in TWR.

Calling out people for being hypocrites equals copium ig.

I’ll wait for you to find screenshots of me saying “Germany suffers”, I’ll wait (i’m betting 5 GJN you will take stuff I’ve said before out of context).

Then again, you were the one who came in here, dropping that beautiful (biased) opinion about how everyone suffers (but apparently Germany “the least”), so maybe look in the mirror first things first lad.

F-18 having more missiles than Typhoon doesn’t inherently make it better. Both run identical missiles of 9M [or 9M equivalent Li] and AMRAAMs.
Typhoon having a better mechanical radar won’t impact lethality as much as we may want it to.
F-18’s full internal fuel load is more than enough time for air matches.

You’re asking for a Polish 16C because you’re worried the 29G, which is currently the best Fulcrum in the game, won’t be meta anymore.

It’s biased to say everyone except Russia suffers? lol alright. Let me guess, Sweden has it easier because they have a slightly better leopard 2? Try playing a difficult nation.

I didn’t ask for it, all I did was explain once why F-16C is the best solution to gap fix Germany once AMRAAMs arrive. Can’t you read? Or is taking stuff out of context (strawmanning it) all you can do.

What’s funnier is that you’re stacked until the EFT because Gaijin provided you with the Gripen C (AMRAAM capable from get-go) & actually good CAS loadout to top it off. What’s hillarious is that you’ve never cared enough to even address the point I made about the CAS & stand-off capabilites of Germany (that they have none of apart from the UHT), yet you’re sitting on top of dozens of jets that posses that capability, ah I get it, you’re just as much of a hypocrite!

It’s biased to say everyone except Russia suffers?

Yea, reading comprehension isn’t your strongest point. Man, I can’t find me mentioning Russia in there, can you?

Let me guess, Sweden has it easier because they have a slightly better leopard 2?

They actually do lol what. Sweden is arguably the best nation at top tier dude, I’m not even sure what you’re coping about right now considering you’ve never played any of the Strv 122s, actually you’ve never played Sweden itself.

Try playing a difficult nation.

Sorry, who are you again?

Oh yea, the dude who has only played UK, US & Russia till top tier. Come back when you try playing Japan & France (the actually difficult nations that you seem to have just wished out of existence). Let me guess, you’re gonna argue how bad UK has it now, aren’t you?


Japan My beloved

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Italy and Israel fell out off the hard catagory

Poor italy they keep getting uncalled nerfs

They got upgraded to Ultra Hard class.


Changed gamemode to hardcore

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Same thing.

Yeah, after a year of having the worst top tier fighter. At least German tanks/ground vehicles aren’t hamstrung like British tanks.

Have you played UK?

It’s not lmao. You’re actually being disingenous after getting called out :"D

I honestly quite forgot to also call you out on goalposting at first.

Yeah, after a year of having the worst top tier fighter.

Congrats, still missed the point. Then again, F.3 was never top tier per se - UK lacked a top tier jet after the addition of the MiG-29/F-16, not that they had the worst one.

At least German tanks/ground vehicles aren’t hamstrung like British tanks.

Oh yea no, totally not, I’ll just let you stay oblivious because you don’t care enough about anything that isn’t UK to inform yourself.

Have you played UK?

Have you played France or Japan? Maybe Italy? No, cool. “UK suffers guyzzz”.