Polish F-16 for Germany, instead of F-4F ICE

Yes, I can win against Germany when I use T80U +any jet CAS , ground balance in the early stage, aircraft slaughter in the middle and late stages.
Although borrowing the account is not quite in line with the user terms, I have played no less battles in the exchange with friends than you.
(I don’t really have any interest in playing outside of France and Israel, so my experience with these two countries is 0.)

Check your GRB efficiency in WTassociation,Then talk to me about the experience.

Why not an alliance between Russia and a small country, using jas39 and su25sm3 to send Germans and Americans back to the garage in the third minute of the game? You underestimate the influence of the American wallet warriors on the top of the United States, those breakaway mobile RP packages. When Russia + Italy + Sweden + other, the enemy cannot fight us in the ground cargo air, the best and second best AA, the best batch of CAS, the strongest and second strongest MBT, and the best player level.
Even if we encounter elite German players, as long as one of our CAS successfully breaks through, the opposite side will fall apart without any resistance, which is a critical attack on Germany’s weakness, Germany has no air power will always be beaten without resistance.
As for the uht being the best FnF helicopter, in my own experience and in the entire Eman-Eman6 poll, both hadbl2 and uht owners agree that the French Tiger is better, not only in terms of performance, but also in terms of combat environment. The advantage of the German tiger is that the atgm flies faster, the disadvantage is that the weapon is single and lacks self-defense firepower, and the teammates have no air superiority. The French Tiger solved the rest of the problem except that the missile was slower. aam+ gun for better self-defense. hellfire+ Spike ER, flexible choice of atgm (spike to helicopters are basically locked and destroyed) and France’s size can be allied with Russia at will, without fighting pantasir.

A. That cannot be believed to be true at all. Nor is it allowed in the ToS. And unless you have over 8500 battles on someone else’s account, again, it’s not possible.

B. I’m not having this conversation. Because it looks like you are using a translator, my point isnt getting across, or I aren’t understanding it. Regardless of whether English is a language you speak or not, their is a clear disconnect. So rather than clutter this discussion with the same point over and over again, i am stopping, because this is not a conversation where you understand what I am saying, so it is useless.

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I know what you’re talking about, but you can’t convince me. Whether I play Germany or I fight Germany, I know all about Germany’s weaknesses. You’re clearly not clear enough. There’s no need for further discussion. If you’re a major German, you don’t need me to remind you. Wait until the next major update, Germany and the US go down the drain together, I don’t think F4Fkws can get the lost German main force back. If the phantom works good in GRB, give me a kick that times.

You only play Germany so it shouldn’t really read the second part

So you also know they strengths? And if you really play other nations in game (which you don’t) that Germany has many over many other nations in game, like Spall Liner and good rounds, as well as recent mobility and more importantly decent armor (which if fixed would be the best in game, although other nations like the US or GB have this issue so it isn’t you exclusive).

Nothing about Germany has been lost this is merely you all coping because you don’t surpass everyone by miles


Then add a swiss or spanish f18 to Germany. I dont recall france operating f16s yet here we are with this update.

All the other nations that have been sub-par the last few updates are being fueled by the German Main tears here.

Polish Sherman VC and Polish ORP Garland in UK tt, so UK should have Polish F-16 also? What about US? They have a hidden Lanovski’s P-47M-1-RE which is Polish also. Should US also get a Polish F-16?


-1 Polish F-16 has no business being in a German tech tree. The sheer desperation in this post is noticeable.
If you absolutely need to have something from a other country then take Greece.


FINE. We’ll take the Turkish F16… Hehe Mr Bean GIF - Hehe Mr Bean Tongue Out GIFs

or spain, we can get the spanish F/A 18, it has CAS ability which the swiss one lacks

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Btw, you are saying that germany should get greece RAFALES , france aint gonna be happy

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Those will be going to the US TT because the US has 1 Greek aircraft in its TT and therefore is a sub-nation



Germany is self sufficient major nation as Russia and US, no need in vehicles from other nations.


So same as france and UK and they still got multiple sub nations. Thoser 2 have just as many vehicles and developments as germany.
Whats your argument for them?

Seriously, when you hate on a nation just for the sake of hating better just stay quiet


Mfs be hating just to hate

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France already has one of the best ingame air forces. Espcially the CAS potential is very good. They didn’t need the dutch stuff, but got it anyways.


Why not take the Danish F-16?

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