Polish F-16 for Germany, instead of F-4F ICE

They already have the 2A7, as well as the 2A6 and 2A5, along with the FlaRakRad. Italy now has… The 2A7.

I understand being upset, but this criticism is both seemingly genuine and more importantly it is not a healthy nor good outlet.

Plus, something does not necessarily need to have the “best” of something. Look at the US with mediocrity at best across the board, or France, or Japan, or Israel, or Italy.

Every AA other than the Pantsir is grossly outranged. It is not limited to Germany at all. The VT-1 is very good however.

Germany had the same top tier forever because they were performing incredibly well forever. If they weren’t doing so good; maybe they would have needed something. But the top tier win rates for Germany remained very good, and so their felt as if their was no need for anything to be added.

10 Leo 2s won’t beat an Airplane, but they sure as heck will beat other tanks, which is still a big part of the game. You can’t win solely in the air.

Germany also has Pars 3, one of the only FnF missiles in game.

Germany has plenty of plusses at top tier. It is not behind any curve. You all are simply frustrated because for the first time in a while, you are not ahead of it.

Hence why it’s ridiculous you all are venting. You still have very good vehicles. You still are very capable of doing well. You still are much better off than quite a few nations. It is frustrating to see all of the “Germany Suffers” rants when minor nations like Japan or Italy or Israel keep getting screwed over, and even bigger nations like GB and the US seem to be lacking somewhat in comparison. You say that Germany top tier is laughable; yet a majority of nations in comparison to it are even worse off. So it is time to let it be.


This is the ridicule of one my friends of the USSR,

Yeah, yeah, yeah, much better than other countries.
The main German forces were destroyed when they gained 1200RP, the others only gained 800RP, and then the battle would be reversed.
Germany went from a small advantage on the ground to a big disadvantage because Germany did not have any capacity to handle the top CAS.
If the opponent has Russia and Sweden, the situation will be more uncomfortable, Sweden can be used as a 70% main force to strengthen Germany, Germany will be more difficult to get RP advantage.

You need to note that when comparing actual combat, the three powers should be on opposite sides, only the US is slightly weaker than Germany in the early stages because the wallet fighters were heavily dispersed.

Germany’s only advantage is in MBT and popularity.
Only the Leo2A7V and three Leo2A5s have a partial advantage on the ground.
air are all disadvantage.
Unless you’re a cheater, the mig-29G is almost impossible to intercept in a GRB (unless it’s a straight-line nuke), and the deaf spo-15 and blind N019 are deadly.
Top CAS are difficult to intercept for AA other than pantsir.
But the top Gen4 GRB fighters except Germany are good enough for interception missions (jas39, F16, MiG-29smt, M2000).

U dont even know what EC-665 HAD BL2 , A129D ,AH60(IS) carrier?
8KM FnF mis and self defend gun

I mean, so doesnt france either.
Besides that fact is argentinia is a sub nation supposed for france either way already

Ehhh, depends which german u ask, i am happy for italy the 2a7hu is beautiful i love the rcws on top. Now if only gajin could make the camo scheme right and fix the overall DAmage model.

The only country i am against getting the 2a7 is stupid sweden, they want the danish 2a7 amd realy dont need it
France getting 2a4 and 2a6 is whatever for me. The 2a6 isnt germanys top dog anymore. And once again stupid sweden with finnland was a bad decision to give them 2a6 while they already had 2 better leopards

Problem with german tiger uht is that its highly situational. Only useable on open maps.
France and italy habe the choice to choose spikes or hellfires depending on the map type which makes them ridiculous strong

Fair, but my point was more “you aren’t nearly as screwed over as you think”

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Its to situational realy . Its is quite strong like i said.
But it cant compare to the CAS every other nation has. (Eceptilns like jpn, china)

Like every nation in game save Russia?

You are being blind and deaf to what I am saying. Every point you are making I have already countered as you have already said them. You, and this conversation, is going in circles. You are proving nothing and showing that you do not have experience outside of Germany.

Your player card also demonstrates that you do not play outside of Germany. You are commenting on situations you do not know about, which is frankly ridiculous as well as wrong.


Id agree if it weren’t for the Pantsir tbh because the Pantsir nullifies most CAS. It also helps that at top tier Germany is often paired with rather than against Russia.

You can’t reason with these people my guy, Germany could get the 2A8 and Typhoon at 9.0 and they’d still complain the nation is the worst in the game and it needs - throws dart - a Turkish F-35 and Taiwanese M1A2 to be competitive.


Someones salty for whatever reason.

Wheras any minor nation will ask for just something and germany will complain lmao


Overall, I support your opinion. The top tier lineup in the German tree is great and doesn’t need any improvement. An F16 that was somehow cobbled together for the German tree, certainly not. Maybe a little more diversity in the form of Boxer variants and the Spike Puma.

The Leo 2A6 is great in itself. Only the poor thermal camera reduces the fun of the game a little. It is significantly more maneuverable than the A7, which makes it even better than the A7 depending on the situation.

With the FlaRak and the two Leos you are well served for 90% of the games.
I can’t even bring the tornado or the tiger into play in a lot games.

But the PARS… It’s not an advantage in the German lineup. The statistics don’t lie. Check out the stats of German helicopter players. Not many people earn their invested SP with the UHT.

The F4F ICE (now probably with Aim 9 L(i) and the Fox 3 as well as some bombs) becomes quite useful for AAS and CAS.

My point was more “you guys have unique things and opportunities other nations don’t necessarily”.

Yeah ik Pars kinda suck. But it disproves the case of “we have nothing at all worthwhile or unique” (mainly the unique part). Plus, I have heard it rumored that they are soon to receive a buff, although that is at its finest a rumor and nothing more.

I’m simply tired of hearing people complain that Germany suffers when it very obviously doesn’t, at the very least not to the extent of a majority of nations in game save the USSR and maybe US in air.

Even better at 11.7 ( for the moment).

And you get the point. The Leo 2A7 is possibly the best tank in the game. And has the Leo 2A6 as a backup, which is one of the best.

At some point the Leo 2A8 will come, which will then be found in the German and Italian trees.

Funnily enough, the absolute ending will probably be identical to Italy. 2A8, 2A7 and a Eurofighter as CAS/AAS. And then there is some FlaRak system (I’m guessing the IRIS T SLS on a Boxer basis, which will be presented as a prototype in 2025).

Sure if I can get the M-SHORAD with NGSRI (also supposed to be prototype presented in 2025)

But yes, I very much do get the point. And yes, Italy and Germany will be very similar. Y’all invested in similar programs, so you get similar things. Simple as. Just like every nation will get an F-35, or an F-16, or an Abrams, or an AH-64, or a EFT, y’all will have to share your Leos lol.

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Buying german equipment xD

I mean, it’s the same program as say the F-16 or M60/M48s or F-4s or F-35s or EFTs etc etc

We might get those sooner than later if the leaks are true. (and they usually are)

I don’t have a problem with that. Italy and Germany have chosen the same vehicles and aircraft.

The two trees are quite different up to that point.

The M-SHORAD with NGSRI is welcome to come. Sure, they’re just as ineffective against stratospheric bombers as the IRIS T. But overall, they’re certainly an asset against high-tier CAS.