Polish F-16 for Germany, instead of F-4F ICE

The ideal (but obnoxious) solution would be a n early EuroFighter with aim-9s and AIM-120s, not just to germany but also italy and the UK

we both know that wont be happening

Yeah thats gaijin for you

generaly the problem with the early EF, debate, every nation had different DA versions and they vastly changed in capability in between. Giving them all the same would be historicaly wrong

Historically wrong: yes.
Necessary to maintain balance: yes.

When did gajin ever care to much about balance

It’s much easier to copy and paste a vehicle than to build a new EF2000. FOX3 still needed a lot of optimization, so the development team didn’t have the time and energy to make “early EFs”. The solution to Germany’s problems is to copy and paste an F16.
I agree with you that “Germany doesn’t need sub trees”


Germany needs “sub TT vehicles” to fill a few gaps,
6.* ~ 7.* fighters (the me262 is actually interceptors, they can’t be used as multi-role fighters in GRB)
7.0 ~ 7.3 Main ground, after the αJet ~ before the tornado an attack aircraft (guided weapon, with weak flight performance).
10.7 ~ 11.3 Main ground (same issue as Tiger II in 6.7
when Leo2A4 is uptier).
Now top CAS and ARB gen4 fighters.

These are some of the gaps that clearly affect Germany right now.
There are also some players I will collect and organize ,soon.
(not just Germany, of course).

Nah but the double standard DOES come from them complaining that other tech trees are getting the Leo 2A7 and saying they shouldn’t get them

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It’s not that Italian players shouldn’t get A7hu, it’s that Italy got it when Germany only got the inferior version (I mean F4F-ice vs other new aircraft).
The reason why Germany can get the A7V is because Germany is weak in the auxiliary vehicles of the air force, which is the only area where Germany is strong, and now it is also replaced by Italy.
After obtaining A7hu, Italy will only have one defect, AA, which is a little or much stronger than Germany in other aspects.
If Germany gets a decent top fighter, then no one will complain.

This makes literally no sense whatsoever and in the way I have interpreted it it is a contradictory statement.

You are mad Italy got a better tank, which they desperately needed, because you all did not get a better plane, which you desperately needed?

So in turn Italy should NOT get the tank they need but you SHOULD get the plane you need? Again, very contradictory. So I am going to assume I am reading it wrong but if I am not then my point stands.

Also, Italy is definitely lacking heavily in the SPAAG department which Germany rather excels at. Also, Germany still has a decent IFV, and more importantly, has a LINEUP of solid tanks. Rather than just taking one good one and three trash ones. Which also matters a lot.


I’m just explaining why they’re complaining

I am for Italy to get the vehicles they deserve, but in this situation, as a German main force, there will be complaints, but we will write issues with the Italian players to fix our Leo2, complaining will not solve the problem.

Ill be honest I’m still lost, this also doesn’t make much sense. Other than by Italy having the Leo 2A7 more people will be on board to get Gaijin to fix the tank.

Okay imma be real
That isnt that much of a gap

dies of severe sweden death

Don’t want to hear it, above rank 4 the swedish tree is basically 3-4 meta lineups in a row with mediocre tech during WW2 because they simply didn’t fight.

8.0, 8.7, 10.3 then 11.7 are some of the strongest lineups in game for GRB, well rounded and relatively easy to grind since most of it’s foldered.

My Chinese friend speaks very clearly, but I may not translate well.

Germany has been relying on ground forces to win in the top GRB in recent years because of the weaker air force.
But with bvm joining the game,
more and more Russian helicopters,
Sweden’s heavy armor Leo2 getting M95,
France and Italy getting better helicopters
su25sm3 and other Gen4_fighter_CAS

The enemy is getting stronger.
Germany barely changed the top lineup before September 2023,
after the acquisition of the Leo2A7V, this severely limited Leo2, can not bring Germany back to the German advantage in 2021, but because of the enemy’s increasingly stronger air force, the VT-1 weakened, and made the German top more vulnerable.

“My friend made a very hurtful remark that: Giving you 10 Leo2 won’t win su25sm3, f16c, jas39. You AA weak, weak fighter, save less than 2500RP is difficult to win. Because you Leo2 and AA can’t kill enemy aircraft from 8km away, any more Leo2 will be killed in an air raid. Italy have a better squad and there is no point sticking with Germany.”

The F4F-kws_lv made the German players very disappointed.
Italy gets top notch air force configuration, better than uht 129D, top LT, Leo2A7hu.
The German players were very keen to bring the German GRB air force up to a normal state by the time of the last major update, at least not too far behind
(I was hoping to give the German F4Fkws_la, the AG model, at least equivalent to an Israeli hammer 2000)
in advance. However, until the current Dev_Server, the top lineup of Germany’s hopes was realized by Italy one by one, and Germany’s expected Gen4_FOX3_carrier and CAS went to France.
The German top now is to be laughed at.

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If you work or are involved in a career like a judge or mediator or a psychologist, you are better at analyzing the meaning behind other people’s actions.
It’s not that the players don’t want Italy to get it, they’re just venting why their team didn’t get it, it’s an outlet.
And we - those of us who want to have a rational discussion, instead of putting their venting into the discussion to attack each other, we should work together to pressure the development team.

We uh
Have no heavy tank and no actual spaa until 7.7

And our air tree is even worse, and heavily overtiered so the lineups you can form in air AB are… dies in J21

Also our CAS isnt very good at all

We have holes in sooo many places that need to be fixed.

leopard 2 PL?

same reason of “why not a early EFs”