Poland as a separate nation?

I wasn’t even aware that Anders was a BMP-1 modification.
That’s actually crazy

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It’s not exactly a modification, I think it’s an entirely new platform but based on experiences from Soviet IFVs.

The BWP-2000 is a “modification” of the BMP-1 though:


But there’s a line between being just a modification and an entirely new tank. This “BMP-1” gets a 780 hp diesel engine (from the T-72), enhanced armor that can withstand 35mm shells from the front and .50 cals from the sides, an OTO-Melara 60mm gun and TOW-2 AT missiles. If the project proceeded they could have even fitted it with a 105mm gun.

The Borsuk is its successor.


Thats a lot of rank 4 spaa and such.

Hardly see how they are rank 4.

those weapon systems in game are at rank 4.

How are 7.92mm and 14.5mm machine guns weapon systems at rank 4?

Wasn’t most of Poland formerly Prussian territory? And Prussia was very essential for Germany, so Polish vehicles need to go to Germany.

Star 266 Hibneryt… seriously?

SKOT-2AP, has a 14.5mm heavy machinegun…does not have a place in the game. too modern with too weak of an armament placing it too low.

TOPAS-2AP. too modern with too weak armament
14.5 mm KPVT heavy machine gun and 7.62 mm SGMT coaxial medium machine gun

LWB-23 Krak - an MTLB armed with 23mm gun and PKT 7.62 machine gun. too modern with too weak armament

Robur LO-1800A armed with a ZPU-2(14.5) is a rank III

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So far you have rank IV vehicles a single rank III SPAA and a whole lot of modified Soviet tech with what you want to ruin low tier with.
After the 10TP and before the T34-85 Rudy there is nothing polish to be honest.

Polish tree would be more unique than chinese or israel
So yeah


Yes, I really want to play PT-91, or some polish experimental BWP-1 versions, or K2PL.
But honestly it should be one tt that include Czehoslovakia and maybe Ukraine and Yugoslavia.


Merkava was in US tree as event yet they added half of tree for israel as seperate nation. If low tier copy pasterino was really an issue Poland TT could start from rank 4/5

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Also I think that Gajin will have to start adding new nations to the game, because there is not a lot of high tier vehicles to add.

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That is if the Poland and Czechoslovakia would come together as one TT, low tiers would mostly filled by Czechoslovakian vehicles as we made A LOT of them


Wasn’t all of Germany occupied by allied powers post-war?
So Germany should het removed and their vehicles distributed among other trees.


I’m sorry but what a weak argument. We have the ZSD63 at rank 3 and a low BR, as well as Swedish reserve and low tier tanks with postwar ammunition. The BTR-152 has similar armament at 2.7. They are good enough against both tanks from the sides and against planes at that BR due to their construction strength.

2013-type of arguments are only used out of desperation. We’re way past that point of balancing the matchmaker by era. It’s not like moving up those SPAAs in rank (if needed) discredits the entire tree.

As for that draft you picked up, it’s insanely incomplete. Not even close to 20% accurate as to what the Polish tree can be added.

The level of copy paste they would have is similar to what France and Italy currently have, and universes ahead of China.

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You have no tanks m8. all u listed is spaa or APC’s u want to be spaa.
There is nothing between the 10tp and the Rudy. good morning. It doesnt matter if you think modern apc’s with shit weaponry and rank IV SPAA makes up for the complete lack of rank II and rank III, light, medium, heavy tanks and tank destroyers.

Still trying to figure out how one or two underwhelming ranks matters when several trees in game have the same issues and one country literally lacks lower ranks to begin with.

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You for real?

Kind of. I see the majority of Poland as occupied Prussian territory, and Prussia is part of Germany.