Please tell me the T77E1 is just a joke

There was no mention of what rank its going to be they just said it’ll be an early rank so that could mean rank I-III


Because there’s literaly not a single SPAA between 4.0 and 7.7 . . . dude.

.50cals don’t do much damage rank3+, especially when you’re in an armorless half-track with 3 crewmembers. T77E1 is gonna be HE resistant, but will still get shredded with only 13mm armor.

Both cases are Gajin wasting time and effort adding something worthless that no1 wants.


How does br effect playability?

Thats why you have more than one

Talk about the French BR gaps. I could use another 4.7 other than the AMX-13 DCA 40, and I could use another 4.0 other than the EBR.

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are you trolling? BR is literally how you determine what BR a vehicle is playable at.

0 * 6 is still 0. adding more peashooters doesn’t solve the problem. Not to mention things like wirbelwind, M53, or that one chinese T-34 SPAA that looks like a penis being far better than a .50cal SPAA could dream of.

France 10x better SPAA. They get an M16 equivalent, a better M19A1/M42, AND a Bosvark, AND an 8.7 SPAA. seriously France ain’t got shit to talk about SPAA gaps over America.

Although I do believe AMX-13, and especially the EBR should move down. I never noticed AMX-13 being alone since I have Lorainne 155 XD

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Because they don’t really have options, I mean, idk what to tell you. On another note, I can’t wait for them to give .50 and 20mm cannons realistic damage. (Nerf the living shit out of them)

Oh there’s options. M113 with 20mm autocannon and M163 without radar being some. There’s some interesting ones here aswell.
ngl aircraft in general should take ~%70 less damage from shots, especially lower cal HE.
Screenshot from 2024-10-08 23-25-41


Current US gap:

4.0 - 7.3 (a gap of 3.3)

2x New SPAA this update will change that too

Skink is at 5.3.
T77E1 is at 5.7/6.0 (assumed) due to 6x 50 cals (which is the same loadout on the F-86 at 8.0 and that does fine at killing things.) Also looks to be small and fairly nimble.

Gap after these addiitons for the US

6.0 - 7.3 (a gap of 1.3)

Current Britain Gap:

5.3 - 8.3 (A Gap of 3.0)

Current Japan gap:

5.3 - 8.3 (A gap of 3.0)

Current France Gap:

6.3 - 8.7 (A gap of 2.3)

The US is about to get its void closed, and by not 1 but 2 additions. I wish other nations were as lucky


So i cant play my 2.3 spaa at 4.7 because the br tells me so?

the F-86 comparison doesn’t work. The F-86 uses M3s, not M2s (they should about 50% faster). Secondly, the F-86 is a plane, meaning you can get as close as you want, and can shoot at planes without being shot at.

The T77E1 will likely be 3.7 since it’s gonna be rank 2.

Britain and France both get Bosvarks and Gepard equivalents. I wish America was lucky enough to get its prototype Gepard thing.

So I need to play my 2.7 SPAA at 4.7 when other nations get far better because Gajin tells me so?

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Boavark is a 5.3 truck with a tiny ammo belt. You spend more time reloading that you do doing anything else

The chieftain marksman is at 8.3 and the radar barely works, you have a Radar SPAAG at 7.3? Way lower than Britain or any “gepard” type SPAAG

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Bro disses the Bozzy, and calls the M163 good? sumthins fishy here

F-86s have M.3 .50 Cals, these are M.2. lower fire rate, literally same .50 cal as on every US tank just 6 of them. Definitely not higher than 4.0, but effective all the way to radar tier

T77E1 is a literal straight upgrade to the M16 that most players use up until the M163. 50% more firepower, faster, more strafe/splash resistance, no dead zone and smokes.

Given the better than average ballistics on the .50s, combined with a good spread and reasonable burst mass, it’s going to be a very comfortable SPAA to use, unlike the unforgiving M19/42.

Sure, it doesn’t completely fill the gap, but it’s a decent first step that offers players an alternative to the divisive Bofors armed vehicles.


Skink shouldn’t be in the US tree in the first place. They had no hand in the project, they didn’t even want anything to do with it.

What Gaijin should have added instead of giving the US a vehicle it had no hand in:

M19 (T22)

75mm with 45 rounds per minute with proxy rounds.

M113A1 (HS.820)

3x HS.820 20mm guns.

M2 Halftrack (Elco)
4x 20mm and 2x .50 cals.

T249 Vigilante

37mm T250 cannon. Not to be confused with the other 2 versions that had radar.

There’s so many options that could have been used instead of typical Gaijin laziness.


Bosvark is great at its 5.3 BR. Its small belt and enormous reload makes it very… painful to use at 7.0+ where jets show up.

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Heres some more.

GAU-8 (A-10 Gun)

T249’s Older Brother with a modified T250 35mm Gun.


We could add the Centurion or Vickers MBT marksmen at a lower BR. :P

Those have radar, so won’t go into the US SPAA gap sadly.