Please tell me the T77E1 is just a joke

Hey, America has had this MASSIVE spaa gap between 4.0 and 7.7 for years. can you please add something to fill the gap?

Sure. adds an insanely trash 9.3 spaa

Hey America still has this MASSIVE spaa gap between 4.0 and 7.7. can you please add something to fill the gap?

Sure. adds an SPAA between 2.7 and 4.0

The T77E1 has got to be a joke right? The Skink obviously won’t be enough to cover 6.7-7.0, especially when its firepower is already kinda behind at 5.3.

Edit: now b4 ppl take this the wrong way, I’m not against the T77E1 being added to Warthunder, I’m just saying they shoulda atleast waiting until the 4.0-7.7 gap was fixed


better than nothing. But don worry im sure russia will get another ZSU at like 8.3


What is wrong with the Skink? What SPAA would you rather have at 5.3 than the Skink?


Just because it doesn’t have a high br doesnt mean its not usable???

I truly do not understand why American players are coping???


I think he basically mean’s that sense It’s the usa (one of the most military focused nations in the world) , we still don’t have any spaa for 4.7-7.7 after all this time sense the new spaa is rank 2.

Not a bad edition in itself and give’s something other than the m42 and m18. But still no mid tier spaa
Also skink is alr

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Where does it say it will be 9.3?

Skink will be 5.3. Id guess this would be about 6.0?

Skink it fine, but much like the M19A1/M42 its gun’s muzzle velocity is pretty low meaning it won’t work well at higher BRs. There’s a reason it’s almost never used over the Bosvark.

Ofc the skibidi brot Germany mains wouldn’t understand what it’s like not having the most OP SPAA in WT, let alone having some of the worst. Especially when the few times Germany does lack something Gajin is VERY quick to give them exactly what they need, instead of waiting years to claim they have a solution only to add worthless crap.

The reason the T77E1 is bad is because American players have been waiting years for a solution, only to be given a tank THAT DOESN’T SOLVE THE PROBLEM. America is in desperate need of a 4.0-7.7 SPAA, and instead Gajin adds a 3.7 and 9.3 SPAA.

How would you feel if Seversk-13 Spring and Fall were added to go with summer and winter? I mean clearly all new additions are good even when no1 asks for them.

When I said Insanely trash 9.3 SPAA, I mean when they added the imp.Chapparal

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T77E1 is going to fill the SPAA spot all the way to the m163 rather well TBH. And if you want something with more armor or more punch you have the options of the Skink or 40mm wagons. All that is really missing is a 20mm rh202 carrier like the M114A2 equipped vehicle that could be added, but that would really just be a side grade to the T77 IMHO.

T77E1 is gonna be worse than the M19A1/M42. It lacks both firepower and anti-tank capabilities. Instead, they could’ve given M42 proxy and moved it up, or a radarless M163, or as you said the 20mm M113.

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It is an SPAA… It’s Anti-tank capacity is irrelevant. The current complaint is the M19 and M42 do not have sufficient anti aircraft capabilities, this solves that. You still have the options of the M19 and M42 if you want to use an SPAA for tank destroying, while having good enough AA ability with practice. This is a good addition, even if it’s by itself.

It has smoke, it has 6 .50 calls. It’s fast and capable. If they allow it to keep its scouting it would remain incredibly useful


M19A1/M42 are just flat out better anti-air options. The reason they’re some of Warthunder’s best tanks is BECAUSE they can be tank killers and SPAAs. T77E1 having worse anti-tank and anti-air capabilities means it’s simply useless for fixing the 4.0-7.7 SPAA gap.

While I agree the M19 and M42 are good AA options, most players do not. They do not have the volume of fire for most people to do well with them and the T77 solves that. Therefore, this addition is a better SPAA than anything prior to the M163 in most people’s eyes.

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Velocity of 840 m/s vs 900 m/s on the Wirbel… doesn’t sound like a big deal, and not being killed from an MG burst is big.

Take it from a nation that has SPAA at stupid BRs because they can be used as anti-tanks (looking at you falcon) you really dont want a BAD SPAA just to have an SPAA that can effectively fight tanks.

iirc the Skink’s shells lose velocity very quickly compared to the wirbel

Even then, the M19A1 and M42 would just be flat out better SPAAs. Again, I’m not against adding the T77E1 (it will be great in 3.7 lineup) but right now having something to patch the 4.0-7.7 gap is far more important.

the skink is good no matter what people say, it’s an armored AA. You can no longer be strafed by planes, which is the biggest weakness for all other AA.


I dont main Germany…

Why does it need a 4.0 to 7.7 spaa? Truthfully the .50 cal was already one of the best anti air guns, i dont see a problem with using M16 or T-77 at either of these brs.

You’re also getting a skink, which migates this issue.

This isnt even a good comparison???

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the t77 is gonna be 5.0-5.7 most likely, a bit high for what it is but hey its something I guess (plus we were using the 4.0 spaa during Vietnam lol)

Its a rank 2 so probably 3.0, but i dont see an issue with that.