Please stop maliciously targeting my personal account

Who cares if they’re taller?

Regardless, I’m done here because you seem far too invested in this conspiracy you’ve invented and I don’t care for trying anymore.


Dude you need to take the tinfoil hat off, go outside and touch some grass.

You’re not being targeted. You’re not that important and Gaijin couldn’t be assed to care whether you are good or bad at the game.

With all due respect, get over yourself.


Don’t ramble around, just tell me, the more you play, the dumber you become? Or you can tell me a feasible solution, in fact, you do know a feasible solution, which is that I have been invited by the team. Teamed players can increase their winning rate to over 70%. But I’m just an individual player and didn’t need to join the team. Don’t talk about conspiracy all the time, you’re really disgusting. Please answer the question directly

The server now changes your postings to make you look dumb or dishonest.

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Since you are an official member of the game and you have also said that the server will not target me separately, I request that players below level 100 not always be matched to me. This requirement is not excessive, is it. Can I request that players with my teammates have the same winning rate as me? Can’t do it? Then don’t put the hat of conspiracy on the player’s head. This will only make players feel the official malice and arrogance of the game, just like your reply.

Where does it say I am a developer or game designer? Please show me. I would love to have that power. Where does it say that community helpers are employees instead of simply having been invited to help out? Please explain because by your logic, I am missing multiple paychecks.

Yes it is excessive and no, I will not even attempt to have that granted (not that I’d be able to even if I wanted). You don’t get special treatment just because you’re unreasonably salty.

I didn’t put the tinfoil hat on, you did.

Literally every other person in this thread is saying the same thing. It’s not just me.


Seeing how easy it is to make that tinfoil durag, I’m tempted to run that fashion today…


Fr same. I could make a killer fit with that.


A new gaming chair usually works.


If your failing to win its a skill issue

he’s literally me fr

Don’'t worry, bro, I feel you all the same. Been playing since 2013, I have never seen such a bad RNG and game’s design to willingly keep you frustrated, tired and not interested in this game. But since previous year, this is now very, very bad. Whatever I take, wherever I go, whatever I do, game is designed to always screw me over. One victory with 7-9 kills? Next 20 battles gonna be either lost with high score to prove you, your effort is pointless, or these gonna be won, but with doing nothing, either 100% pens suddenly bouncing or enemies having sort of terminator attention and killing you, when they see only a very small pixel of you in the distance.
But I had curses many time in my life, so this one is really nothing. It hurts when a game you invested so much time, now wants you to leave and disappear, doesn’t even give you any appreciation reward for sticking for so long.

For Community Helper, you are not really helping. I think asking AI from 1990s would be more helpful than asking you for help in this matter. Instead of joking and laughing at that guy, you could get off your high horse and take a minute to think, how to solve this, or just ignore this thread. Bullying the guy/gal and laughing at them, because they feel overwhelmed by the amount of lost games and bad RNG, won’t help. You will only make matter worse. I don’t know who gave you this badge, but I would reconsider.

And if you ask me how would I help them, easy, talk with them, learn the issue, think how to solve it. Sometimes simple talk can solve things. Or make the pain go away, if you can’t solve the problem. Relate to the problem and console them, so they can at least accept that some of us have worse RNG, due to our luck, and there’s nothing we can do about it. A little of empathy and heart, something people forgot these years.


This is the interesting part.


Funny as this is, if I remember right your in game score (ranking) will actually drop by thousands of points simply by not playing. In other words take a break of maybe a day or even a week. You’ll likely come back and find you’ll be doing great for a few matches.
If that doesn’t work try playing at different Br’s or nations. I’ve learned the matchmaker can be quite cruel to those who are hard stuck on some br’s.


I liked your post to give you a small “morale booster” as it looks like you won’t get any constructive replies.

Therefore some friendly recommendations / advises combined with a feedback and things to think about.

  1. Use another translator and learn English keywords like Air RB (= aerial combat history) or Match Maker (= server) etc and invest some time in reading other posts dealing with the same / similar content - like this one - in order to make your posts more comprehensible.
  2. I acknowledge that you classified yourself as rather mediocre (=green) player, but imho you should have far better statistics with 10 years experience - just based on the fact that Air RB is flooded with rookie pilots with just a few hours or days of experience.
  3. So you might consider to watch some DEFYN videos on yt (at least for your preferred planes) in order to get “fresh” input regarding your overall playstyle. 10 years of experience does not automatically lead to the assumption that you came to the right conclusions.
  4. Arguing that you are attacked as an individual player makes no sense. Having a game with millions of players your current loss experiences must be therefore a kind of automated process. Following this logic, thousands of other players would have the same experiences - therefore this forum should be flooded with hundreds and thousands of posts referring to the same issue.
  5. So even in case you would be correct with your assumption, your post makes no sense. Why? Because any official reply from gaijin like “We are sorry, we will change this” would result in a revolt of other long-term players. So even in case there are hidden (malicious / sinister) functions implemented within the MM - you won’t get the feedback you want.
  6. Don’t discuss such topics with players in this forum. Why? Most of the participants simply spread fact free opinions or just have no clue that any forum has the purpose of discussion and helping / supporting each other. I admit that some memes i saw here were extremely funny, but they were not really helpful.
  7. If you want to get rid of loss strikes - fly the B7A2 (doesn’t matter tech-tree or event plane), climb with 250 kmph IAS towards a base, drop 9 x 60 kg (= kills every base, even in full uptiers) kill a fighter trying to pitch up to you and you will win 50-70% of your matches without additional effort. Just avoid head-ons, you outturn basically every enemy.

Have a good one!

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If you scroll up a tiny bit, I did give a legitimate answer. I gave a real answer and the response I was given was the equivalent of “nuh uh”

I literally said this:

And the direct response was this:

Every single person in this thread has explained why Gaijin is not intentionally targeting them.


well said

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Git gud, play BR ranges that have more skilled players, play advantageous nations, or simply be a chad and get 8 kills per game.
Should be easy enough to do below 2.3.

No offense man, but this claim is objectively seen flat wrong.

Even considering that you are just volunteer acting on behalf of gaijin, you should be aware of the responsibility that is attached to your badge.

In other words: You should be a role model in cases like this.

If you take a step back and try to have a neutral and sober view on the OP and the following posts, you see a classic example of a poor soul trying to express his concerns whist using a sub-par translator and getting swarmed by the typical forum mob.

I mean we all have bad days, so just admit that this was not your finest hour, ask a fellow forum mod to wipe all of the useless, spamming & mocking posts, give some of them warnings and try to do it better next time.

Just see the thread as a whole, consider my text above and rethink your post. Going in a defensive mode is comprehensible and a natural reaction, but makes things actually worse. So admitting, yes, this was bad/wrong/whatever is actually a sign of strength.

Even admitting that the OP and his additional posts are hard to read and process - starting a reply with “Git gud” is not really a convincing way trying to help.

In addition: Air RB has in all BR ranges a clear lack of experienced pilots, and he addressed the lack of experienced team mates - changing BRs won’t solve his issue. It doesn’t matter if the OP is right or wrong - just read this thread:


…as a whole (or just this post) in order to understand that there is circumstantial evidence which actually supports the assumption that the MM might have more functions.

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