Please stop down tiering 11.0 Japanese auto loaders to 10.3 matches

Unless u talking about br decompression that would be fine

because those matches are rare nobody plays japan except vets and compared to every other 11.0 line up its the worst

You’ve only had 57 battles in the TKX so. Idk what to tell you.

You also dont have Type-90 series yet you’re still complaining about them.

İ see you like double standarts.

I don’t own the 1a5NO but from seeing others gameplay with it, its decent, and it’s got good firepower, its just no armor for its BR, but that’s to be expected on Leo 1’s.

its just to show stats it may not be much but to show its hard to play

nooooooooooooooo he make me crazy, i used data and fact make him understand and his ignorance and stubbornness make me feel angry and i need to vent it!!!😡😡😡😡😡😡

Exactly, lol, I’ve seen fuckin m22 getting HMH in top tier, m22 stronk

yeee I just want a good 9.3 line up for Sweden and a actual premium then my ctcv 105 hp which I foolishly talismaned

Ah Yes cause one screenshots provides all the information we need right?

At this rate you’re acting like a little child, i suggest touch some grass and try to more reasonable.

Their reload is alright but not the best
their dart is mid
their amour is bad
their era and nera are wrong
and are slow
so nothing

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Then DM him? I mean, I’d be funny to see how you dog on him tho.

Because again for the second time I play 10.3, I already play against type 90 series and would rather NOT play against 11.0 tanks if I had a choice. 10.3-7 is right were I want to be, If I wanted to play 11.0 Id be in my A5-6-PSO

L1A5NO? it’s just a normal 105mm DM33 carrier in 9.3

oh boy cant wait to stomp leo2


even the sweedisih sherman I love that bugger

Honestly, Ct-Cv 105 HP is good, its just a sniper play style, I like it, it looks good, it plays good, the Leo 1 has good mobility and firepower with mid armor. Its probably worth it.

just bought the 90105 or just use L1A5NO only

type 93 type 93 type 93

one game at 10.3 and the only type 90 did do well but the enemy was just so bad