i dont agree
it has two extreme but good MBT, the most impossible fighter, the AH64D(in BR10.7), and will get a new SPAA, it just dont have IFV now
Shhhhh youll get it moved to 12,0 as the first 12.0
It lacks light things mostly and CAS
You seriusly cant adapt to counter the type 90 then thats your problem its far from the unkillable god you think it is
This post makes no sense. You said you don’t know how it has such a fast relaid of 5 seconds, I just gave a video of it with 5 seconds, you can literally see how.
it lacks cas and missing armement for vehicles as well as a atgm launcher thats compettive
yes just wait for F15:( you can use AGM65B for temporary(is F15J has CAS weapon i dont know much about it)
Nah im not even mad, im laughing so hard cause i know this type of people very well.
They love to complain about other nations vehicles and demands nerfs because they only play their favourite nation and has no clue about how things works actually.
Average German Main in nutshell tbh.
nvm i forgot my lord and savior type 60 atm
Panther you know what as a community we should do
I didn’t know Type 10s and challenger 2s got downtiered to 10.3, oh wait they dont. Because this isnt about top tier tanks and their reload rates against other top tiers, this is about 11.0 Japanese tanks dropping an entire tier and picking on lower tier vehicles.
I am gonna say you’re definitely someone who likes abusing down tiers in the type 90 and I am even more FOR it being uptiered into oblivion now.
ATGM lanucher is not so needful, just check all the TT not so many lanuchers in the end of the TT
True but its wanted and very welcome change
Ofc i know.
İm just enjoying his pathetic complains tbh.
well would be welcome
chally mk3 has the same reload rate and its 10.3 with l26
Then show me where he provoked you, because at the beginning of this, I was on board and trying to help you, but your aggression to others has made me less prone to.
And you’re definitely a clown too. Loser.
This is the dumbest thread Ive read in a long time
Im actually not quite sure whether OP is actually just a highly committed troll at this point.
Either that or they are literally just the Alpha German Main
An entire tier would be 10.0 not 10.3. It’s not had to kill a type 90. If your struggling to kill them it’s a you issue.