Ok it’s not a rage thread. Can we please stop introducing more new stuff, air and ground included and simply fix the stuff people have been unhappy with for literally years?
For Example:
Decompress the impacted trees especially naval
Fix the Bomber damage models
Address kill stealing everywhere especially naval
Nerf the anti air for bots again naval and air battle too
Give us some better decals like serial numbers maybe?
Clean up the junkyard looking vehicle’s at 100% for premium
Give us back our ribbons on the opening screen
How about some required suggestion feedback to devs?
Fix the maps and …
Fix the freaking maps that are stupid small for anything above BR 7.0
Give’ em a chance they will make one up.
Prolly with a Rail Gun, prototype magnetic deflector shield and a cold fusion power plant and call it the T-900X loosely based on Rand Corporation white paper from 1969. 😑
Top Tier Russian Tanks are not that good. People who believe in “Russian Bias” are stuck in a time many years ago. Leo 2’s are what you should be advocating against. HOLD THE PHONE YOUR ONLY TOP TIER EXPERIENCE IS THE 2S38, WITH 0 MATCHES.
Most common talking points of “Russian bias” are:
The T-34’s driver hatch (intentional/“realistic”)
T-80’s being shot in the side and not taking damage (happens quite often to other tanks too)
T-Series side ERA eating rounds entirely (Defo should not happen)
KA-50/52’s being invincible (kinda fixed)
Fuel Tanks eating rounds (annoying as all hell, happens on all tanks)
In this case, I am assuming that he means Russian top tier tanks.
yeah so my thought process is that russia simply gets things, intentionally or not, usually 1st regarding new tech and features. If something needs to be added to the game, usually in my perception it is added only when russia can get it 1st and THEN it is added, not sooner, assuming they can’t get whatever it is until later. I also think of a few problems like some things you mentioned such as the russian helicopters obviously receiving much more attention over the years than anyone elses’; or how say russia has an entire lineup of 10.3 vehicles you can use that gives you a full ass lineup purely through premiums.
I think this is blatantly true as well with how they artifically create metas with certain decisions on when to introduce what, but my main issue is this specific preferential treatment along with the aforementioned russian heli issue
There hasnt been a new top tier russian tank in a while but I get your sentiment.
War thunder has so much content that even people that have been playing since the beta haven’t unlocked and spaded it all. Concentrating more on mechanic overhauls and updating of the older and janky featured vehicles, this wont be the blockbuster thing for updates that gaijin wants but it will improve player retention and satisfaction drastically