Yeah it sure does seem Gaijin intentionally prefers Russia, but if you go back and think about it, were Russian vehicles (excluding helis), all that “OP”?
I’ll list the most common 2 points:
Su-27 (R-27ER) being OP: This was rather false, as the counterparts to it had significantly better flight performance, countermeasures, and better IR missiles. The Su-27 excelled at one thing in particular, being long range/above multipath SARH jousting, which when coupled with the 100m multipath, the ER could be rendered useless against you. (DonutWMustache has a very good video on this)
T-80BVM/90M being OP: This was also rather false, as their only good attributes were armor profile and sights, the initial not taking you very far, as they still had plenty of weakspots and could not retreat. This was originated from M1A1 Click-Bait/AIM players, as they just bought into top tier and had no idea what to do (literally me), and decided to blame it on Russian bias.
I dont think either of us object to new vehicles either, we just want the rather extreme acceleration that newer vehicles have been added into war thunder to slow down significantly until the game is in a position where it can have them added without making the old top tier vehicles become obsolete and near unplayable. The jas39 is still good but doesn’t have a hope in hell against a Eurofighter or rafale.
Id personally love to see some cold war stuff be the pin up tank or plane for an update for once. Theres still plenty of really cool vehicles from before the 1960s which could play great and generate tons of hype
Most assuredly, very true. For example I want a Colorado battleship and a B-47 Bomber, but not until the bomber damage models are fixed and the Naval tree is properly decompressed.
Case in point exactly, I sincerely believe Snail doesn’t have the manpower resources to both introduce new vehicle’s and fix an ever growing list of stuff. I think they are brainlocked into short term gain.
I have no issues with a company making money, in fact that’s why they are there. But ignoring the existing infrastructure, so to speak, drives players away instead of retaining them.
WT is already a game based on the code from four or five previous titles gaijin has worked on in the last 25 years. they need to put more resources into cleaning up the spaghetti code
the L7 105mm is better than the 20pdr in every way other than flat armour pen. It doesn’t shell shatter often, actually spalls sometimes and its Sabot petals can damage stuff so is a bit of a shotgun really close up. being a bit higher is completely logical. Its only real issue is a lack of lineup and its mantlet being too thin (here’s the bug report Community Bug Reporting System )
And the reload, which was one of the Cent’s main benefits. Having the standard NATO 105 reload is kinda annoying. The lineup is a big problem for it as said.
Russia hasn’t received a tech tree tank since 2023. I think the real bias comes from premiums. As someone who plays (among all nations) the Russian tree, the constant addition of premiums is extremely tiring.
People say that the Russian tree already has a lot of vehicles (which is true) so it doesn’t need any, but the fact Gaijin is still adding Russian vehicles (as premiums) disproves this. It especially hurts when vehicles like the BMD-4M get added as premiums.
If the Cent Mk.10 gets its 350mm mantlet, it should be 8.0 worthy over the paper mache Vickers, which it currently is not.
The Vickers is a better option currently as you said.
OMG for the love of Elvis, this is like some twisted Monty Python skit where the topic is the meaning of life and the discussion devolves into people not wearing hats. 😬
The discussion is about fixing the game not about tanks.
Maybe this is one reason it never gets fixed - attention spans shorter than the life of a sub atomic quark 😵💫
Ppl including myself are prone to being distracted by provocative statements that were made by OPs like what you said about russian MBTs being added. I agree this can be frustrating tho and thats why I agreed plainly later and detailed what I thought were issues