I have the F4S phantom 2 premium and my friend has the mig-23ML, if we have the same kills and the same damage to bases, why does he have a higher score than me? Thanks to everyone and virtual greetings
He has taken more hits/hit more hits. Its more visible in GRB how taking hits increase points. Also, your friend has died
Think he was underlining him and the friend
He’s underlining the two players, him and his friend. To help with understanding the picture.
The score is also higher because of his friend’s aircraft’s destruction, which gives points. If you hover over the points value, you can see the composition of the total point rewards, that is, the actions and how much score they gave.
You probably didn’t ‘destroy’ a target; only ‘finished off’ the kill.
wouldnt it have the +1 for assist if he did that?
he could have been in battle longer than you and actually fired at targets.
link the replay and we can give you a better explanation. And that is just mission score, which doesn’t really do much. RP and SL are both at the end of the match
plus, he has a death, you do not . . . you get paid for dying too . . .
And the kills probably paid differently also . . . not all kills count the same amount, in fact, they usually do not.
Adding to severe damage complicating things
(80% reward for causing severe damage and getting a “+1” on scoreboard, 20% reward for finishing it off yourself, or 40% reward for finshing off someone else’s severe damage. )
(Killing someone by critting them (150 points) and having them crash gives 600 score while killing them using hits/severe damage gives 450 score)
we have BR adjustment.
For killing a plane a full downtier from you gives 87% of the reward
Mission score is the main way RP is obtained.
f(mission score, time alive) = activity%
Activity% x time alive x mode coefficient x vehicle economy modifier x premium = RP reward
Score table:
Bombing score is far more complicated.
Each vehicle has its own score multiplier for a given payload.
Rule of thumb: Carrying just enough payload for a single base in a non-bomber gives you the highest score payout per action. For bombers it’s a bit more generous.
Carrying more ground-strike payload reduces your score.
I only know of the sim bombing charts being up to date. Spoiler links to the chart breakdown for payload + base score:
Source for tables:
While old,
observing my score in ASB confirms the kill/crit still works.
If I severe someone and they die without outside intervention, I get 450 score.
If I severe someone and someone else kills them, I get only 80% of it (360).
Finishing off gives 40% (180).
Crit + death = 600 (150+450).
No, that’s only there if you have severed someone, but they haven’t crashed or been shot down by someone greedy yet.
Different relative BRs of enemy vehicles destroyed as well I think? If you destroyed a lower tier enemy while he destroyed a higher tier one, I think you get less mission score for that too.
Also I think if you had different methods of doing the same amount of base bomb damage it’ll give you different scores. Lots of smaller bombs will probably give a different score to fewer bigger bombs? (I almost never base bomb so not sure on that one)
Also as stated, friend has a death. Thats 135 mission points just by itself.