Please Give Us Back the Original Panther II, Flakpanzer 341 "Coelian," and Tiger II 10.5cm KwK


If your so knowledgeable on armored vehicles as you claim; and very partially are, you would know they aren’t real…


Thanks for dodging the question, shows how serious you are on the subject.

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Wdym serious, the whole point is that Gaijin and others are taking this game way too serious for others detriment.

What about the people who want this game to be serious? Re adding those vehicles is a detriment to them. are very much in a minority of people who are desperate to have these back in game; if anything, when arguing for “detriment”, the current answer of “no” still stands.

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You can go back here then…

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But they are already here to stay!

They aren’t. They can leave any time. Gaijin needs to appeal to more than just you.

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Shush, I would never touch this filth. Premium Ammo, health Bars, no CAS, the camera perspective, the customization, BLERGH

That’s the closest your going to get to these vehicles without having their realistical changes.

If the whole selling point of my game was “The most realistic and accurate tanks and Planes!” you don’t BS with fictional vehicles, and Gaijin has not.


I hate my negliegence(?) so I cannot prove this, but Gaijin staff said that they will never touch any of those three, removing them is out of the question.

You meant the vehicles, not the players. That was my response when I assumed you meant the players cant leave.

For the case of the vehicles, the problem is they ARENT here to stay. They were removed from the tech tree, and as players get bored or move on who used to have them, they become less and less common. The few that do have them, again, have been playing since forever, and as a reward for playing back in the early days, get to keep them. If it is fair to have event vehicles and unbuyable exclusives, It is entirely fair to have them removed from TT and unavailable.

1- Not relevant, especially when R2Y2s are on the chopping block. There’s also no 7.0 lineup without them, so it’s not relevant. 6.7 is objectively better.
2- K, I haven’t used mine since they were 6.7.
3- They didn’t exist in their in-game form.
341 is a wooden mockup.


Smin himself confirmed that the removal of Vehicle Exclusivity is an official Gaijin Goal/Project:

Smin1080p Community Manager

Feb 5


This wouldn’t be just for the removed German vehicles obviously, but for any such cases in the game… it would give high-level players something to stride towards, a late game objective with a big reward at the end.


Generally we are always looking at ways to make older event vehicles and past obtainable vehicles available again in some ways from time to time with a few exceptions (platform exclusives, promotional etc).

The German vehicles currently fall into those exceptions for the time being as they were removed for a reason (which we outlined at the time and you mentioned above). For the considerable foreseeable future, we don’t have any plans to return them right now.

That’s unfortunately all we can say on the matter right now.

The 314 coelian had major parts built, and therefore could be re-added, but it’s questionable.

Notice how it says that those vehicles are an exception? Cause clearly you don’t. Gaijin has a (quite good) reason for them being removed. Unlike the opportunity to access event vehicles. So. That’s also to consider

The entire turret is a wooden mockup, the hull is just a standard Panther hull.
It was not produced.
That and there’s already tech tree replacements that are superior.

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For the time being yes, and eventually the time won’t be anymore.

Also please find me a whole hoard of people who have these vehicles who actively play them and think they are good, because most everyone I’ve talked to (along with as shown with @AlvisWisla ) no one who has them plays them or enjoys playing them anymore.

When Gaijin adds fake tanks, these will get re-added.

And Gaijin at least for a very very very long time won’t add fake vehicles because they A. Call themselves a realism game and B. Explicitly state they are working on the removal of all fake tanks in game.

As long as it is a game of realism, I want fake tanks far far away from it. I am looking for real vehicles to play and experience, not some fake projects that some unfortunate guy wants because “it’s not fair”