Please don't move the M26 to 6.7

Well good for them, or not, I suppose.

@KillaKiwi why are you saying that you will prefer m26 to panther but have much more battles on panthers than M26? Isn’t it better as you said?

The M26 has its first stage ammo rack in the front of the turret, so by your standard, it should get a 5 second reload.

Hunnicutt writing that maximum rate of fire of pershing is 8 shots /min and reload on ace crew is 7.5 sec. 60/7.5=8. British and soviet tests gave results for tiger 2 around 6 shots/min.

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Either way, it’s insane the long 88 gets the same reload as the short 90.

It’s not my standard, that’s just what the situation is.

The M26E1 has shorter rounds than the normal 90 mm with overall weight similar to that of the Long 88 and yet the reload is 3.6 seconds longer than the Tiger II’s.

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Did they used 105 mm case for long 90?

The 90 mm on the M26E1 is the 90 mm T54 which rather than using longer casings which made loading the cannon difficult, actually uses slightly shorter, but much wider casings.

From left to right, 37 mm, 75 mm, 76 mm, 90 mm M3 and 90 mm T54.

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And the M26 has the ammunition stowed right next to the loader, so what’s the justification for a shorter, lighter round having the same reload?

Because it’s a ready rack in the Tiger ll, which increases the reload speed whilst making it so you always die as a downside.

Pershing and M36 has fast rack too.

And they have the same reload speed?


So what’s the problem?
Tiger ll shoots a 10kg projectile and the M26 an 11kg projectile whilst the Tiger ll is likely more spacious as well.

But full shell of tiger is heavier and longer. 22kg vs 19kg.

Look on XRay long 88 breech almost splits turret inside

Yes, and so does the M26. The M36 has an identical ammo rack to the Tiger II, yet reloads at the same rate.


If it’s an identical rack it seems an identical reload is pretty fair, the weight of the shell seems irrelevant as does the length considering it’s in the ready rack, and the more spacious turret of the Tiger ll would make it easier anyways.

Loader must turn shell on 180 degree. In m36 it easier because of no roof and much smaller breech.