
I honestly don’t know what to say, you spent time typing this understanding advice. Wish my English were better like you. Because I am deaf and mute by birth I spent more than 10 years learning English and yet I’m not professional at it like you.

What you just said everything got me, but I have things to ask.

About minimaps, I mentioned that I am deaf, which means I am not able to hear the enemy’s engine sound or anything like that. So most of the time I always keep my eyes on the minimap knowing where the enemies are, but the problem is (Which I clearly remember the problem) I just got instant-killed out of nowhere while hiding in the safe/cover place, then looked at the minimap, there was no enemy on the minimap who killed me and a mil second later it appeared, it confuses me so much.

Secondly, the paragraph you mentioned (exposes my tank too much). I tried my best not to expose my tank, I looked at every one of the places which had no hill that could drive up to visible to all enemies. But I trust your opinion about how I am playing. So, how do I avoid exposing myself to enemies? I have been making sure to drive on flat and avoid the hills in order to avoid being spotted.

In the third paragraph, you are talking about ammo. I just bought this new tank. However, I just forgot to take away many of my ammos and take less than 15 of each type of ammo. I learned from YouTube where the ammo is based and can get instantly killed by my own ammo being hit by the enemy. I just forgot to take it away.

And the rest of your advice, understands me, thank you.

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If you don’t see it on the minimap is cause no one of your closest teamates or yourself spotted it, that is why you should always look around to spot for enemies, you can also do it behind cover by using binoculars, or like I’ve mentioned around corners with the look around option. I play with a soundbar so most of the time I cannot hear enemy engines or even locate them as if I was using an headset, and there are a lot of players that simply play with no sound cause they prefer to listen to music as they play. I used to play Air Battles with a paraplegic friend that also had problems with using both hands at 100%, he is one of the best pilots I’ve met in this game and always a true inspiration for me to get better at this game.

If you watch the replay from your enemy POV, you’ll see how exposed you were on both those times, like I said you were lucky they aimed so bad. On Seversk-13 you captured A by yourself, since you had no opposition and also no teamates, after you captured it you sit inside A and seemed to be waiting there behind those houses. You were lucky cause Gaijin changed some of the maps recently cause you used to be able to shoot through those houses not long ago, that is why the M10 tried it several times, he knew where you were and kept shooting the house but probably didn’t knew he couldn’t shoot through anymore. If it was me I would either try to find cover behind the church or go back a little and get behind some hill like the M10 was doing, he had a clear view of A behind cover, only exposing it’s turret when he needed to fire. And you had no teamates with you.

Teammate spot enemy, shows up on minimap, I spot an enemy, shows up on minimap to all teammates, that makes more sense, thank you.

That is very understanding, I can notice the enemy tried to shoot through the house I am behind from them, lowered my nerves and backed up off or that’s why I went to church to avoid the bug.

So, how do you learn to be stealth and less exposing?

It happens a lot especially just after you research a new type of ammo. But why take 4 types of ammo on the M24, you had 15x M61 which is the best shell for that tank then if I remember well you had 27 shells of the other types. With that you filled your tank with a lot of shells and only had 15 of the most useful one, no reason to take any M72 shells, it has less pen and no explosive filler. You can take a couple M48 high explosive shells to hit a few light armoured vehicles but I wouldn’t if I had the M61. I would take a couple of smoke shells cause they may be useful in certain situations like when you need to repair your engine or to blind campers.

I’m asking that question, because, on almost flat map, I easily got spotted by enemy from the way too far away and killed me.

I have 0 knowledge of Ammos’ name.

But I just looked up through the Google image to acknowledge the name of ammo. So, what do you say about M61 and M48 being useful ammo, if yes, I understand that. I may take the M48 off and will try to keep it clear and fewer.

In Arcade it’s very hard cause you really have to make sure that no one spots you, and planes can also spot you from very far. And you got the engines sound, with an headset you can clearly tell where they are and if they aren’t showing on the minimap it means they are enemies.
It depends a lot on what you are playing, faster tanks can flank and shoot enemies from places they’ve never dreamed, and as you learn the maps you’ll get an idea where the enemy will go and you can just wait for them. One thing you know in advance, they always go for cap points, use that in your advantage.

Okay, thank you.

And I can’t use headset, I am fully deaf, can’t hear my PC or phone at max volume unfortunately.

You can check the names of the shells in the modifications for that tank. What you want to use is the best shell for that tank, which may not always be the one with most pen, on the M24 the M61 has the best pen but also has a 65g explosive filler which means it has an higher probability of killing the enemy tank crew. There are times where the shells with most best is not the best for killing tanks, the explosive filler is also very important, for example on the T-34-85 you have the BR-365K that has 148mm of pen and 77g of TNT equivalent explosive filler, and you also have the BR-365A that has only 135mm of pen but it has 164g of TNT, the first has more pen but the second has a much higher probability of one shot killing a tank.

I know, I was just saying that there are players that play with no game sounds or that have the disadvantage of using speakers like me.

Okay, it seems like everything I got and understand from you guys. Thank you so much and I truly apologize for taking your time on the 3 hours of discussion… 😭

improve your map awarness and situational awarness you are rank 2 so new I presume