What about you don’t play your VCC for now and play it along your T-72M when you go it?
That way you’ll be set 1.0 BR lower and play both 8.0/8.3 easily
What about you don’t play your VCC for now and play it along your T-72M when you go it?
That way you’ll be set 1.0 BR lower and play both 8.0/8.3 easily
Ehh no, I want to enjoy the VCC for a bit. Its fun for me and enjoying playing it as its a new vehicle for me. it’s frustrating when playing stock at first, but now Im managing after unlocking certain mods.
Would be smarter to do what bungie did with Halo 3, odst and reach, consistently leave with doing nothing aka rage quiting at a seeing a map you dont like? ban, start with 30 mins, then up to an hour if its repeated and intermitently increase it.
Seriously there is no reason to leave a game because “I dont like the map” , or “I dont want an uptier” for example.
Dont play the team based online game and be a detriment to your team who are playing to relax and enjoy.
You wanna see peoples responses, “I don’t care about other peoples fun, I just wanna have fun” then piss off n play offline.
I will never understand people blaming gaijin for it, like the person youre responding to for people quitting out etc
Yeah I didn’t play the game over the Holidays.Lost interest in it.The Crew lock was one of many things that has driven me away.
When I was doing my tax returns I saw just how much I used to spend on this game back when it was fun.I’m better off without it : )
To be honest the crew lock shouldnt put you off.
I only get it when the game boots me through dc.
Though a lot of people do need to take a step back trom the game definitely
Lots of players only play GRB only to get in a jet, especially nations like US with boring/weak ground units facing strong nations. Not surprising they only join to spawn their jet or heli and one-death-leave if they can’t.
Or they spawn it and get sniped from 10km by a Pantsir and then it’s a two-death-leave.
8 minute crew lock is enough for me to say goodbye and play another game or it’s enough to remind me not to waste my life on the X Box : )
I think many hate the new map lol look at this shit, two players in enemy team left the match without spawning. And of course we won the handicapped match
I mean you shouldn’t be getting an 8 minute crew lock.
Why bother to join a match if youre just going to leave immediately.
At that stage just stop playing it, 1 its detrimental to your team, 2 its a waste of your own time and 3 maps arent that bad.
Obviously you won they’re already 2 players down before anyones even moved.
There are many reasons. The too 2 for me are :
sick to death of constant up tiers. I’m not playing an unstabilised solid shot shooter against a t-55am1. I’ve done it, it’s shit and I’m not doing it anymore.
Atrotious maps. That new one (attica?) and vietnam. Some maps are awful if you have the wrong side where spawn to spawn shooting is possible.
So yeah, there are any reasons. Why suffer when you can just play another nation for a bit?
Because youre playing a team based game and its not just about you
And uptiers are not bad at all, and if youve made it this far then you know fine well they happen.
Leaving in an uptier is again detrimental to your team.
Plus apds / solid shot can wreck the T55AM1 if used right.
Because you chose to queue for a game, that means you acknowledged that potential uptiers or maps you dislike will comeup.
For the maps subject, there are only a couple maps that are totally garbage, e.g fire arc.
Almost every other map has a suitable areas for almost any tank and or play style.
You leaving without even lifting a finger to play is a selfish attitude for games such as this.
And over all is part of a reason it is going the way it is.
If I get a red line narrow map or map with any red out areas I am gone.Do you even play this game? : ) You should be bailing on those maps as well ,they are offensive
Got 3 thousand hours on the game.
No i form a written complaint to gaijin about the maps, and highlight it when possible to do so.
I dont take such personal offence to the map that I actively harm the team or the outcome, I will still go and try play the match to win.
I leave when i run out of SP
I last played the only French tank at 6.7 ,Cant re,ebr its name.It has solid shot and really cant pen much at 7.7 .It has few of the mods and is taking forever.It can pen the Tiger one in the BR below but bounces most of it’s shots at 6.7 ,at 7.7 forget it. So I am pretty much with you ,full uptier,forget it.
There are flanking opportunities or much cover any more.I find I just can’t be bothered.
All I can do with that light;y armoured tank is use the map and go hull down.If the map wont allow that then its goodbye.
So many reasons to quit early now.
I am not a slave to any game that I need to waste my time on a crap map.A game needs to earn my respect and my play time.When I do get crew lock the game goes off. In fact I haven’t felt compelled to bother much of late.The forum is probably more fun than the game now : )
then dont play the game.
You are choosing to play a team based online game.
Bad maps or garbage teams are part and parcel with that.
the crew lock is literally there as a deterant to that sort of shoddy gameplay mate thats why it even exists in the first place. Its a punishment for prematurely leaving the game.
I play on and off, its not something I have to sit and play like others make out.
but when i do play, I stay in a match till the end of it because thats the whole point in it and how its set up, hence the punishment for early leavers and better rewards for those who stay to the end.
depends the discussion tbh, It would be nice if gaijin was more vocal on a lot of things oppose to just selling new stuff, or markating their updates etc.
I dont anymore
This is an arcadey run and gun mosh pit. This was never a team based game…
Its literally a team based game.
If you take a squadron of 4 people into a match you’re far more likely to win against a team without communication.
Ive played the damn game for over 3000 hours.
It is 100 percent team based.
Rarely, and i mean rarely will someone single handedly win a match for the entire team.
Why is it 16 v 16 teams and not a free for all 😂