What’s happening about players logging out of games without firing a shot?
so far more and more are leaving including level 100 players
They’re just upset about the maps, and thinks that they will dodge a bad map,… but the truth is that any maps are as bad, and that the only thing it changes is the way you should play in the game.
In such, lvl-100 newbs trying to get what they want,…
chose the wrong starting vehicle, have to leave do to RL, dont want to play the same map 5x in a row, frustrated and need a break. There are a lot of reasons.
Want to play one vehicle and not lose universal back-ups
@Cpt_Bel_V just took the words of my mouth,
It’s true actually, some level 100 players would just leave if dying early, it’s a bad map, uptier or anything else, or maybe the “Cancel” queue button just didn’t worked.
No, Ravanos’ comment is better and more likely.
Stop ranting/crying.
its selfish attitude to have level 100 players annoy me when they dont even try
The reasons? You can get a lot of reason to flee from a fight… the problem aren’t the reasons,… the problems are the players.
In all games that i’m actively playing, there is the statement to make : People aren’t players, but certainly are crybabies that tends to leave whenever the game is unfavorable at any short moment in their perceptive judgement.
They’re not trying to ride over a problem or a mistake, but simply leaving/forfeit an entire team, and act as trolls or abandon a team whenever the team thinks otherwise.
You can play War Thunder, Cs:Go, Valorant,… That’s the problem of a Whole generation of players, who ask to get a golden spoon in their mouth while playing online games
If only players were players, we would have less stupid acts of “self-protection” for whatever reason that is.
Get over it.
Stop having the forums open while you play so you’re not tempted to make immediate rant posts over nothing.
perhaps instead of the MM choosing the map ,all the maps should be available and you can choose which one to play instead of the same one over and over
Would be too hard for the current hamster servers
Players shouldn’t be blamed or attacked or insulted for getting burned out over Gaijin things time to time.
I don’t mind for the so-called players to stick in games where frustration is low → Minecraft is one of the best exemple.
There is also a lot of strategy games.
They can also go and fight AI’s in custom games (i take that sometimes to get out of the grind).
There is many other ways to get rid of a “burn-out”, which doesn’t involve getting other online players frustrated to see potential targets leaving as fast as possible, or teammates leaving you behind.
There is no call for such behavior.
When somebody leaves without firing a shot do we imagine they are sitting around for eight minutes waiting patiently for Gaijin to mercifully release them from their crew lock? Do we all spend eight minutes of quiet contemplation reflecting on our sins? Or do we turn War Thunder off and put something else on ?
I am revisiting Saints Row Third remastered and why sit around enduring my crew lock death sentence when I can beat somebody to death with a giant rubber willy while dressed in a Tiger onesie ? Its a no brainer.
Ban somebody for 8 minutes for dodging a crap map and low and behold they are gone.
You want to play some air sim. You have 4 hours to play. Ideally, most of that is done flying.
You need to do your battlepass tasks though because you want the premium boat for printing SL to afford your plane addiction. Also tea-fuelled tank addiction. And also big cats. But mostly planes.
They’re stupidly expensive, you see.
Anyhow. Battlepass. You get the task: Win 5 battles! OK. A battle takes 10-15 minutes, maybe even full 25. You only got limited time to play and you want to get on with sim. Your sim task will never get done because where do I even find an attacker and not spend 2 hours only fighting fighters and bombers.
What’s the best way to do it? You spawn in your centurion MK3. You drive in, kill 1-2 enemies, J out and re-queue with your tiger E. Repeat. You re-queue with your KV-1 (zis-5). Ideally, each took you 5 minutes and by the time you’re done with your KV-1, you return to your Centurion and repeat the cycle until you luck out 5 battles.
Same vibes for ARB. Win 5 battles where you score a kill/2 kills each. OK. Fly in, shoot down the first 2 attackers or groundpounders you see and RTB, land and spawn in your next plane while waiting for crew lock. Sure, you could try and guarantee the win - but if it looks at all unlikely, you’re better off going next to get it done already.
And this is for more sensible tasks. You might roll “hunt heavy tanks!” so you spawn as 5.3 britain knowing there’ll be plenty of KVs and tigers for you to hunt. Well bucko, your team has both soviets AND germans. Well, onto next battle! You might also roll “Get Teamwork and Win” and see you didn’t get assigned a squadmate or they’ve failed to exist. NEXT.
Series of captures. It’s Battle/single cap map. Well, NEXT.
I really hate the battlepass task system. I want to play normally and enjoy the game like a normal person, not be forced into weird tasks that punish me for taking my time and enjoying a long match. I’d love if it was “Either do task or score 20 000 points” so that even if you get really dumb task despite rerolling repeatedly, you can still do it within 2 hours tops.
I agree on that Battlepass is not thinked for SB players, that’s a Gaijin problem, which should be taken care of.
But, the SIM part of the community alone doesn’t explain why there is so many people leaving games.
The Sim part of the community is the lowest one in number yet we got easily 1 to 4 players per game that are leaving early in RB modes,… which is impressively high.
So SB and Battlepass aren’t the problem of people leaving early.
It’s at least the answer on my part. Some days I feel like tanks and will play out full games even if it means my bosvark has to duel king tigers, other days I wanna fly.
My current reasons:
Depends on what I’m doing. Grinding and unlocking vehicles. Don’t plan on using the 8.0/8.3 vehicles, will barley be useful and require more effort to play em at a higher Br. Once I have a 9.0/9.3 line up started, I won’t leave games early. Just extra info, I don’t ODL due to map design/CAS. I just adjust to them and work it out.
What about you don’t play your VCC for now and play it along your T-72M when you go it?
That way you’ll be set 1.0 BR lower and play both 8.0/8.3 easily