PvPvE is fine.
Best part of flying air sim is flying in formation with a bunch of bombers in semi-historical (we pretend map is sth else or it is dover strait for easy normandy prep/battle of britain reenactment) scenarios to escort them safely across a bunch of enemy interceptors.
It makes the fight feel meaningful and have an illusion of stakes - you’re no longer just trying to get kills, you’re trying to keep your bombers alive, get to the drop point and GTFO with as many people alive as you can.
It also makes smaller engagements feel meaningful. Patrolling over a ground battle you have CAS attacking feels way cooler than just circling around in the middle of nowhere.
Engaging enemy fighters going for your survey/bomber/attacker A.I also feels way more important than randomly killing enemies for no reason.
My main wish is improving the naval environmental objectives.
I like flying zeros and corsairs, trying to learn hellcats (jfc that visibility pls) and those planes are meant to duke it out escorting dive/torpedo bombers onto an enemy carrier group or convoy.
But nobody rightfully does naval encounters other than the occasional wingaling or other streamer’s “for fun” pugs because… sinking the enemy carrier after dodging deadly AAA fire gives meagre rewards and nowhere as much ticket bleed as much easier objectives. Naval convoys are even worse for this - taking multiple sorties to sink a single boat if you don’t have a ton of torpedo bombers all LARPing with you and you get… nothing, not ticket bleed not rewards.
The problem is with PvE only and people who fail to realize…
Dota 2 has PvE. Towers are PvE. Roshan is PvE. Creeps are PvE. Rax and ancients is PvE. The entire game is built around the team pushing, claiming or farming these objectives and the enemy team trying to prevent that.
People need to look at Sim objectives the same as Dota 2. No Nature spirit or Tinker is going to cry about getting ganked while ratting your rax (unless they’re wimps and then get mocked for crying). Lycan will only rat when he knows the enemy is busy fighting the pos 2 and 4 and disengage upon losing intel of enemy positions.
People need the same mentality while doing sim objectives and PvPvE will work perfectly.
It’s contested airspace.
And like, I don’t even play bombers. I rarely if ever put bombs on my corsairs either. I play pure fighters. I still think bombers have a place, just not abusive lobbies.