Play With Honor, For Newer People

This might be a new topic for some of you newer players, and probably some of the old ones.
When I first started playing in the “Beta Years”, there was a phrase that was present in a lot of the Battle Chats, “Play With Honor”.
This, first of all, means, teamkilling, do we need to explain that?
2nd, it primarily means that IF ONE OF YOUR MATES has set a plane on fire and it is obviously going down, why come up and fire on it?, Turning his airkill into an assist. WOW, are you that hungry, you are turning the “team concept” into NOTHING.
PLAY WITH HONOR. Because you are sitting at home playing, and all your mates may be scattered all over the world, when you are on a team or squad, you are all mates.
This is something that is missing now, more than it used to be. Play with Honor Mates.
This shooter game mentality, and Call of Duty perspective is turning this game into A PRODUCT. It doesnt have to be that way. DEFYN, the very good pilot I watch on YouTube, he says the same thing, its not just me, this is becoming more prevalent than ever. There is more to this game, in air, than airkills.
PLAY WITH HONOR…it is something I miss from the early years.

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Of course “honor” is only how you define it…


How do you define it?, In game, since we are in a Warthunder game forum and not in the Walmart grocery line waiting to self scan?

Wearing our pajama bottoms

You see this is a topic you younger people need to discuss, because Ive noticed, in game and in society, that the sarcasm that became prevalent during the “Seth Rogan era”, seems to be thought of as being “picky”. This game is what the players make it. I will say, I kind of lose myself and relax playing WT as my avatar, but you are still YOURSELF. That is what is becoming missing now, a shooter game with an impersonal feel to it, Call of Duty if you will.