Planned Battle Rating changes for the month of October

Flank on a half-heavy tank with corresponding mobility. Good idea.

The T25 has a horrible transmission in game, the M26 actually has similar or even better forwards acceleration than it.

It wasn’t horrible before snail nerfed 6.3 tank with good mobility and gun with stab to 5.7 level without changing BR

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The T25 has always had a horrid transmission, specifically, horrid gear ratio distribution.

Thing is, so did the M26. However, the M26’s transmission was massively changed and improved in update “Drone Age”, so that is just not the case anymore. The T25 was simply left behind.

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Gear ratio in electric transmission? What the hell?

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WarThunder cannot currently model electric transmissions. Or torque converters. Or CVTs.

As such all tanks have gears and gear ratios.

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So why snail given it bad gear ratios?

-5° or -3° don’t make much of a difference when you only vaguely shoot the side of a tank with an autocannon. 5km/h reverse isn’t a huge difference either since the M42 still goes a respectable -19km/h backwards.

You’re picking very small differences useful in very niche situations and let it outweigh a massive difference in forward mobility and the usefulness of not having your turret in the back on close quarters maps, where it is the easiest to flank and shoot a tank’s sides. If that what counts for YOU, go ahead, but most people won’t focus on these, and BR changes aren’t made around how you play a tank, but the whole playerbase.

Since the M42 is the highest SPAA before 7.7 and therefore either people take it up to there anyway or they take the M16 for its much better performance against aircraft over both the M42 and M19A1.

4.7 wasn’t a proper lineup for the US to begin with, so only few people played the M42 combined with that specific sherman. Putting an SPAA that is better in most circumstances because of much, much better mobility down to the BR of the worse SPAA before it just so it gets played more is incredibly stupid. I honestly don’t get why people wonder about Gaijin basing their changes on statistics when the community has such weird ideas of balancing and care more about their favourite nation and/or vehicle being easier to play.

Sure the statistical balancing has its problems too but at least its consistent and not based on subjective opinion like thinking a little better reverse topspeed than already-great-for-its-BR is more important than much better forward topspeed and almost 50% better hp/t ratio (that also affects reversing).

… Idk I’m not Gaijin entertainment. I just know that the T25 has a really shitty transmission.

It has 5 gears forward and 5 gears reverse, with the top speeds of 6, 8, 12, 27 and 50 km/h.
Compared to this we have the M26 with 6 gears forward and 2 reverse. Sure, the reverse speed is quite a bit lower, but the forward gears have top speeds of 6, 12, 20, 27, 38, 48 km/h. It doesn’t take much to see how the M26’s gear ratios are simply distributed in a superior manner, and this ends up meaning that even with weaker horsepower/ton, there are many significant speed ranges where the M26 is using a higher gear ratio and therefore accelerates better than the T25.

Before the “Drone Age” update, however, the M26’s 6 forward gears had top speeds of 7, 8, 9, 14, 28 and 48 km/h. As I mentioned, it had very poor gear ratio distribution, it just isn’t a problem anymore.

Here, some test data I have of the M26 and T25 on their forwards acceleration.

Acceleration testing

Time to reach speed:

km/h M26 T25
5 0.37 0.36
10 1.04 1.08
15 2.17 2.50
20 3.62 4.28
25 5.54 6.03
30 8.75 9.91
35 12.20 15.20
40 18.42 20.53
45 25.00 26.11
48 29.54 29.78
50 ----- 32.55

Time between speeds:

km/h M26 T25
0-5 0.37 0.36
5-10 0.67 0.72
10-15 1.13 1.42
15-20 1.45 1.78
20-25 1.92 1.75
25-30 3.21 3.88
30-35 3.45 5.29
35-40 6.22 5.33
40-45 6.58 5.58
45-48 4.54 3.67
48-50 ----- 2.77

It’s time for a new Review bombing.


at that time tiger porshe with electric transmission have 8 forward fear ratios. Deutchbias again

I was talking in general about US tanks. Mobility is one element were the M26 doesn’t outclass others but it’s at least adequate.

M26 don’t have enough mobility to flank, but have not enough firepower to frontal attack, and it nerfed to 6.7.


You can’t just up BR Apaches for having 8km range missiles and then not up BR the Ka50 with it tho it has 10km range missiles. I mean thats pretty ridiculous don’t you think?


The Little Bird and the Lynx are not in the same class. The Lynx outperforms the AH-6M in terms of flight performance and weaponry by a long shot, the AH-6M is fine at 10.0. It might carry Hellfires, the better one’s in fact, but only 4 of them. Nah… the the Lynx in a downtier can dominate, going up in BR is justified, but the little Birdy?

J-7D is may be debatable because it has same airframe with MiG-21MF/SMT.
However moving down to 10.7/10.3 is not needed for J-7E because it is really fine at its BR since it was developped as gun fighter and it works fine as counterpart of Kfirs. It is not as slow as the F-5, can turn like a UFO in a turnfighting, and can even beat the Mirage 2000 in a 1v1 duel.

It was literally implemented as a counterpart to the MiG-17, CL-13A Mk.5, and F-86F-2, so the 9.0BR is fine. To begin with, the F-40 Sabre has longer wings and wing slats and is more maneuverable than the F-25 Sabre, F-30 Sabre, which is sitting at 8.7BR so, F-40 Sabre shoudn’t get moved down from 9.0BR.

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I do agree that the M26 is just better than the Panther and Tiger as is.

However it being 6.7 is stupid because you just have better tanks there. I don’t think the Tigers and Panthers should even go up, and that is likely reason why it is going to 6.7 in the first place.

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Its better than tiger 1 but worse than Panthers. My last fight today german team just rushed to point killing everyone and only M-51 was able to do something against them because of lolpen munition.

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That is your opinion, I simply disagree.

Having strong turret armor (quite thick on top of having some volumetric moments), decent hull protection with side armor good enough to allow you to angle the tank, good turret traverse, .50 cal, good enough cannon, an actual reverse speed, and other things I’m probably forgetting in the moment definitely make it better than the Panthers in my eyes


Most of these changes are stupid. Most tanks are only a little bit better than other tanks in ww2. It would be better to balance with reload (±1second) instead of balancing and ruining the balance which needed many br updates

Edit: for example panthers could have gotten +1 second reload. Instead of putting them up in br

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