Planned Battle Rating changes for the month of October

Why have the Russian heli’s not gone up as well? KA-50???

Not saying that it’s easy at all, but you’re comparing hitting a turret cheek with 180mm of protection (actually less than that because Tiger II armours have negative modifiers to reflect poor steel quality), vs the IS-3, which even the Maus’ APHEDS that has 312mm of pen can’t scratch frontally unless you hit the right turret cheek, or get the shot trap.

Admittedly, it’s a huge shot trap, the biggest of any tech tree tank in the game. But still, not really comparable. It’s precisely because Tiger II reloads so much faster that it could never be as protected as the IS-3, or it would be broken af.

That’s the point, it shouldn’t go through. Neither should the Tiger E be 6.0 in my opinion.

In short i don’t think the ratel 90 should go up, the skink should probably go down not up it’s really bad, the VIDAR should go up a lot and the M48, M60 and M60A1(AOS) might need to be looked into.

  1. I don’t think the ratel 90 really deserves to go up it’s essentially a worse eland 90 in every way. it has bad armour, bad acceleration, bad maneuverability and is massive the only good things are it’s decent top speed if you even manage to reach it and the gun which the eland also has.

  2. the Skink is just horrible rn i never see anybody play it and when they do they are often either rather new to the game and just unlocked it or are very experienced players with a few hundred or even thousand battles with it. any regular player just can’t use it to very good effect most people i see me included choose the Crussader AA mk2 over it even at like 6.0

  3. the VIDAR with a LRF, gen 2 thermal sights, great mobility, half decent survivability and a good reload it should be 8.7 minimum it’s capable of getting a nuke at over 11.0 with a half competent player so it just shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near 7.7 imo

  4. two changes that i don’t understand from the last br changes was the M48 and M60 going up. the M48 now has to face things with ERA which it can’t frontally pen with it’s HEAT-FS but then the APHE doesn’t have enough pen to deal with those targets so you can’t do anything, not only that but most 8.7’s have APFSDS which completely ignores the M48’s armour, they also sometimes get LRF’s and thermals not to mention better mobility. same thing goes for the M60, while it does have the far superior 105mm and better armour it can hold up somewhat in a fight against vehicles with ERA because of it’s APDS but still feels the lack of a stabilizer or other tech in 8.7 vehicles the problem is even worse now that it faces 9.0 another thing is the M60A1(AOS) i don’t think it should go down but it should not be able to face T-72’s

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Why are the Ka-50/52s not being uptiered? They need to be uptiered to 12.0

The Type 16 FPS is being uptiered? Fine, Now give it back it’s top performing APFSDS.

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Cool, let me load my imaginary 200mm pen APHE on my T-34-85 or Sherman to pen that turret cheek… Oh wait. Yeah you can’t pen that frontally with most 5.7s so it’s exactly the same situation.

Also no German tank has poor steel quality modifiers since like 5 years ago, I just forgot to add this.

Several attack helicopters will have their Battle Ratings increased, specifically ones that are able to carry long-range air-to-ground missiles. This is to help ensure that they do not face vehicles that have no counter to them in battles.

Okay, where are the Ka50/52 and Mi-28N/M on the list, then?
If you say you’re going to do something, at least commit to it across the board.


I also think that moving tigers up is a baffling decision. Routinely fighting US 6.7 heavies? This kills 5.3-5.7 german lineups, and I don’t see why. They are fine where they are, nobody asked for this.
And leave IS-2s alone, they are overBRed already. Honestly, I get m4a1 moving up and maybe hellcat, but the rest is just baffling. Why? this BR range is not where the most problems are

Like I said, it’s not easy. But it also isn’t comparable. Hitting the turret cheek is a lot more reliable as a target than getting a shot trap, especially because flat surfaces are less affected by volumetric shenanigans in game.

I think with the modifier the actual effective protection is something around 175mm. Still a tough order for most 5.7 tanks.

By the way, Tiger IIs are also much less suited to pushing, since their flanks are actually vulnerable. IS-3s can survive/bounce side shots even from guns at their own BRs.

They just need to make matchmaker +.5/-.5 instead of +1/-1 from 9.0 up problem solved

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I agree with none of these ground vehicle changes. These are some of the best and most fun lineups in the game you are destroying. You guys just moved up a bunch of Cold War vehicles with HEAT-FS so they wouldn’t have to fight the late WWII vehicles as much, and now you’re moving up the late WWII vehicles? You’re undoing what you just fixed! I think pretty much all of these vehicles need to stay put.


Can i know what the so said nerf was?

This is the first time im replying to one of these.
I think the 8.7-9.0 BR changes for the Chinese tanks is a absurd. China’s 8.7 Line up is probably one of the most balanced Line ups I’ve probably seen. Although they have a pretty decent APFSDS shell, the rest of the tanks are good-mediocre at best. The turret traverse isn’t great for many of them, and for the T-69 II G specifically feels extremely sluggish in game. Additionally the tech tree counterpart is barely different compared to it but that isn’t going to 9.0? and its actually getting a nerf and going down to 8.3 how does that work? two tanks that are nearly identical getting drastic changes.

USSR has a similar 8.7 line up of similar soviet tanks that arguably have better weapons and armour to their 8.7 Chinese counterparts (lots of composite specifically the T55AMD-1 & AM-1 as well as barrel fired ATGM’s)

China already has a nice 10.0 Line up and making these tank go to 9.0 will just destroy any reason to use them. They will more than likely get up tired to 10.0 anyway, where the changes in technology and stats leap quite a lot for most 9.0 -10.0 tanks.

This defiantly feels like a miss reading of the data. After the recent sale of the premium Chinese tanks an influx of players have boosted the win numbers forcing your data to conclude that the BR should increase.
When in reality the tanks barely get by on their own and really don’t stand out very much.

In conclusion I believe baring any Major changes to the game the current 8.7 placement for them is fine!


You say that but I played my SLA basically holding W, Tiger II H is very good at being aggressive. Fast reload, fast turret traverse and surprisingly good mobility for something so armored. Obviously if you screw up and you show your flat side you die, just like every tank in the game (what a shock).

it did not get an armor buffs it got armor fix they broke the armor and just fixed it like it was before spaa still can pen you through turret rings and 9.3br no but 9.0 when rank get 8 gets added will be okay change 12.7 or 13.0 br need to be added.

Ah yes, the composite armour which is worse than on China’s tanks and ATGM which you cant fire at people who are moving for great chance of missing, all while chinese tanks get much better APDSFS T-55As do.

Doesn’t matter when you face tanks with 130-150mm pen. IDK why is it such a hard concept to grasp.

Also the armor near the optic isn’t lower because of a late war poor steel quality modifier (those got removed from the game), it’s the internal shape of the armor plate to accommodate the optics.

That’s sort of my point, mate…

A heavy tank in a full downtier being extremely tough to kill from the front, but that you can deal with if you successfully flank it, is how heavies should be balanced in principle. IS-3s, you could flank, get the drop on them, go for the full broadside shot to the lower hull… and still bounce. It’s happened with the 128mm, I doubt the short 88 will be immune to that.

gaijin do not implement these changes since it completely counters you first br changes for the cold war vehicles and separate them as much as possible from WW2 era vehicles yet this one undoes the first changes and vehicles like the IS2(1944)s, IS2, Tiger E, Tiger 2(P) will yet again fight leos, marders, IS3s and worse the maus, IS-4M and M103, M60s, OF-40 and many more which are cold war era vehicles.


Why? Just why some vehicles is already ruined by your nerfs like Type 89. Type 87 RCV at 9.0? Really? It even dont have things that 9.0 vehicle have. And again the god damm why ww2 tanks have to fight cold war era WHY? Just leave the same BRs, increase only who really need like Vidar. Please gajiin stop making the same mistake.

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By the way, let’s play it together sometimes if you’re up for it. Maybe I can learn something. My Sla results are ok but nothing too exceptional, and I never felt like I was in a “heavy” tank when playing it. So maybe I’m doing something wrong.