Planned Battle Rating changes for the month of October

why is the ka-50 not going up while almost every other heli are going up? it should be 11.7 at most, even without thermals its still op and criminally low.
whats more criminally now is the 2s38, i’d love to know why it’s still 10.0, it’s literally a battery hstv-l and otomatic combined literally a whole BR lower, it should be 10.7 min as 9.0-9.3 should NOT be facing it. and its literally the bane of any starter heli pilots


Ka52 is already 11.7

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I only play GER WW2 stuff (it’s what drew me to the game originally), and I’m always very wary of the cognitive bias it gives me. I’ve realised over time, reading people’s comments or even just simply watching videos on YouTube, that when you don’t play something, you get a very incomplete picture of what playing that vehicle feels like. To be clear, I don’t think it’s wrong to comment on stuff you haven’t played, absolutely not! But I always remind myself to be a little more hesitant and open-minded in those situations.

For me personally, I never felt “safe” in Panthers and Tigers, which is how I ended up playing the former like a tank destroyer and the latter like a light vehicle. If I have to think of German vehicles that are very forgiving of mistakes, I think of the LeK first and foremost, or maybe the Jagdpanzer IV. The Jagdtiger can take a lot of frontal punishment, but is less forgiving in other ways.

I’ve definitely tanked many more shots that should have killed me when playing the LeK, than I ever have with any Panthers or Tigers. I swear that thing’s damage model is completely broken.

Yes. Although I think the best goal would be for everyone to have fun with what they’re using, especially since this is a game that structurally we have to play with other people anyway. But I get the sense that providing that sort of experience is not part of the game’s business model.

I originally assumed they were decompressing in phases, and that 8.0 - 10.0 would be next. Now, I’m getting the suspicion that they’re trying to undo the changes they implemeted because of the review bombing.

It makes no sense.

But with this, I disagree. We just decompressed the stuff above it by 0.3.

Useless BR changes
Let the Tiger 1s in their BRs theyre not that hard to defeat
M4A1 should stay 4.7 (terrible mobility and armor won’t stand chance at 5.0) also its the only non premium 4.7 option left for USA
Also about the M26 to 6.7 and bulldog to 6.3 with no HEATFS or smoke ?is this a joke ??? Come on man do you really think that tank would stand chance against IS-4s/Maus/ and early british MBTs?leave it in peace at 6.3…
I think these are the changes that should be on starting with the B29 and the TU4 drop them back to 6.3/6.7 there are already
Capable props that can shoot them down
Drop the T32E1 to 7.3 with the T32 what does tank have to be with the Maus/IS4/conqueror and caernavron also the M103 in the same BR ? Literally outclassed there
Move the IS-3 to 7.3 its literally crushing 6.0/6.3 tanks
Also all tutels should be 7.0 including jagtigers and object 268 since 6.0/5.7 cant pen them
Make a 0.3 BR difference between WW2 and Cold war tanks
Move literally every coldwar tank with 0.3(starting with BMPs/ pattons and every thing standing at 7.7 to 8.0 and 8.0s to 8.3s…) till top tier , that would make the top tier 12.0 acceptable and wouldn’t make a BR compression , also it would somehow match ground top tier with air top tier (12.3-12.0)
And btw moving the netz to 12.3 with no BVR is truly strange …

In which universe should tiger 1s and panthers verse an is-3? Please reconsider keeping them at 5.7, and pulling the 5.3 ones to 5.7 too. This current plan is just ridiculous.

Completely agree.

  1. It’s insane how this is not the case yet. Why can AB and RB br’s be split but not GB and AB? It just doesn’t make sense

  2. This would really improve the quality of the matchmaking. Gajin said before it would affect queue times, but even if that is truly the case who gives a damn waiting a couple extra moments for fairer gameplay? For the people who say Gajin does it on purpose for the sake of extra sales I couldn’t disagree more either. I’ve spent a pretty penny on the game and the current 1.0 up- and downtiers completely ruin my experience. Whenever I come across too many unfair matches (especially prevalent between 11.0-11.7 air rb) I tend to just stop playing for the rest of the day.

  3. Yes, Yes and Yes. Who the hell thought of putting all aspect missiles against planes without flares is a knob and needs to be sacked immediately. I would even go as far as to plead for payload based BR’s.

  4. I’m not exaggerating when I say about 50% of my deaths are because my team is dead and there are 4+ hostiles remaining. Can’t even make it back to the airfield a lot of times. Especially in top tier matches are often over before they even begin. I would also like to see multiple airfield spawn locations protected by SAM’s and spread out mission objectives. Possibly even an AWACS implementation to force players to spread out. At the moment we have huge maps but somehow fights always end up in the middle in a 4x4 area.

As for your note: I wholeheartedly agree premium black holes need a fix. I agree a maximum br increase of 0.7 would be a huge step in the right direction

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For the Su-22UM3K a reduction of it’s BR is definitely needed. It has a much weaker engine and less payload.

  1. Because of the bad engine it is always the last afterburning bomber to arive at bases. Most game all bases will be destroyed long before you could get to them. Any fighter with bombs is a better bomber than the Su-22UM3K.
  2. It has a reduced payload - other Su-22/17 can destroy 2 bases, but the UM3K can’t.
  3. It has only 1 gun with 80 rounds instead of 2.
  4. The ONLY advantage: It has more flares, they are not high caliber though.

The disadvantages of the UM3K over the M3 are predominant. Both can be considered for a BR reduction but most notably the UM3K.

Moving up in BR a lot of helis, but Ka-50 still stays in one place? No TVD is not a problem with actual rendering system and the visor on this heli. It will be fine at higher BR. It being premium and moneymaker is not an excuse.
2S38? You forgot about moving it higher in BR? Like better Otomatic sits on lower br with infinite apfsds, when otomatic has a synthetic cap on it’s amount.
People crying about TURMS, i actually find it pretty easy to kill with any nation.
Can’t say anything about 5.0-7.0 changes because i just play them not so much anymore. Except maybe example that KV-220 will be at much lower BR than worse tigers.

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I think that F104 S and F104S taf (Italy) ( br11.0) should be 10.7

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I just dont understand this at all. There are some good individual changes but the majority of these br revisions just completely undo what the last changes were meant to accomplish while once again highlighting the still remaining problem that theres no room to move certain vehicles because the br cap is far too low now. We have 1.0-7.0 encompassing ww2 vehicles and then 80 years of development sandwiched between 7.7-11.7 now were pushing the ww2 tanks back up even further? how top heavy does gaijin want this game to be.

Dont even get me started with the VIDAR only going to 8.0 and r73s at 11.0…

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This is the worst BR change I have ever seen in past 2 years.

Tiger Is facing T-95s and IS-3s???

How is that even allowed. You can’t even pen those tanks side on with Tiger half the time.

Not even going to mention how Russian helis are the ones that do not get BR increase despite having Vikhrs (Ka-50) or other 8km range missiles.

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What the hell are these changes. Why the hell should the Type 89 go to 9.0? It is bad at 8.7 as it is after all the things you’ve done to it. First you reduced it’s turret rotation speed significantly, then you worsened it’s elevation speed, then you worsened it’s mobility, then worsened it’s APDS shell, ruined it’s magazine so it can only fire 30 bullets before it needs to reload, then you decreased it’s number of missiles from 8 to 4, then you worsened it’s ATGMs and then put it at 8.7…And now it should go to 9.0??? Do you even play your own game to understand how utterly garbage it is?

And what about the Type 87 RCV? Why is that going to 9.0? What does that tank have that should put it at 9.0? It only has good speed and okay penetration. No thermals, no stabilizer, nothing that would justify it being 9.0 like the Type 89. FIX THIS absolutely atrocious change.


just kinda forgetting the is4m exists arent you. t10A is just better is4m at the same br if youre not doing well in it thats on you

Not once this year things went right with BR changes.We have over 150.000 players daily and we still cant get BR decompression … stop giving me reasons and give us what we want .
Also J-7D at 10.7 in air rb as well … if u play 10 games in a row with it at 11.0 and win at least half leave it there if not move it downwards in both modes.

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Mig-21 SPS-K going to 9.7 with R-60 , Fuck are you smoking gaijin.
Edit: yes Yak-38 does have R-60 but Yaks turn time is super slow

Again you are speaking without any facts,the F2G literally cannot use prop pitch to air brake.At least you admit that you have no idea what you are talking about regarding the dedicated airbrake.
F8F 702km/h at 4268 m top speed/F2G 706km at 5000 m/F4u4b 697 at 5000m.Rate of climb:F8F 25m/s/F2G 20m/s/F4U 19m/s .Keep in mind the F4U carries cannons and sits at 5.7.You have literally 0 games played in air simulator,ever,you have 4000 games in the SM 92 with 1.5 frag and 2200 battles with the B7A2 with 1.2 frags,in realistic… while having 1 game in a Corsair .
Is there anyhting more to say?You have zero credibility and zero knowledge about the subject,proven by the topic of the F2G,have a nice day talking about other subjects you have no idea about .

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Leopard 1 put on 7.3 please :,( is my favorite tank

You can easily one shot a T95 through the cupola, just need to get close (they removed the BS overpen effect from it ages ago). About the IS-3 hmmm it’s not a lot different from facing a KT H with 5.7s is it? I would say facing the KT H with 5.7s is a lot worse since it reloads like 3 times faster. Even the Pershing (0.3 lower BR than the IS-3 if the BR changes go through) can’t really reliably kill the IS-3 frontally, so welcome to the club.

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ill be honest. i dont know why the VIDAR is going up to 8.0
as someone who owns and plays the VIDAR, i find it to be a good vehicle, but lacking a stabilizer really hurts it, plus the HE while powerful in some situations, most of the time i find myself wishing i had a APHE round instead (the amount of times ive done no damage to a T44 or a Pattons front while knowing APHE could more than go through is maddening). also to add i would like to point out that yes you CAN kill heavy tanks from the front, this most of the time requires aiming for weak points, tanks with HEAT-FS usually dont have to.

IF the VIDAR gets a LOW SPEED stabilizer then i would be more than happy to see the VIDAR to up to 9.0+ but without a stabilizer (combined with only 4 degrees of gun depression, making it a un-viable sniper in my opinion) i dont see why it has to go up to 8.0 where it will fight more tanks with stabilizers

also for those who might wish to point it out yes the VIDAR does get a laser rangefinder but i have found it to be inconsistent and inaccurate.

Congrats on making the game even worse. Raise BR on tanks that shouldn’t go up, in arcade: tiger h1 on 5.7 and tiger E on 6.0, how come the porsche tiger is not going from 5.7 to 6.0 then? It makes NO sense whatsoever. Is1 going to 5.7 meanwhile kv220 is still on 5.7? Also m26 staying on 6.7 for what? Any other tank in USA 6.7 is 100 times better than m26. M26 should go to 6.3 definitely. T1e1 from 4.7 to 5.0 and m18/m64 to 5.3 its just a big joke. Just imagine playing vs is3 with tiger E lmao. Honestly whoever did this is just drunk or not normal. How about raising BR on m51 that is 6.0 with 8.0 gun? Its a game breaker at 6.0 it could comfortably go to 7.0 without issues. Sure it has a weak hull, but how about SPGs having strong guns and weak hulls? Its basically the same…
Only good change is centurion mk2 to 6.7 because it really is very strong on 6.3. Everything else is just pure dumb.

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