Planned Battle Rating Changes for October 2024

Winrate is useless as a metric, and you said for all modes.

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The m1 abrams should get m833 i feel like


Wasnt saying it like that, though i can see how its read, what i was getting at is gaijin doesn’t understand arcade balance. So many vehicles are at crazy high BR’s for literally no reason. Gaijin has shown no interest in taking it seriously. There is a reason the ostwind was 6.7 for a long time in arcade.

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And why do the F-14s need to go up? Are they getting newer weapons or are players just that terrible they can’t turn slightly to the left or right to dodge a fat phoenix missile? They’re fine where they are at. The F-14B is going to be the same BR as the Su-27? Are you giving it 9Ms to justify that?

The Horten must definitely go down. The accuracy of the guns must be buffed as well as the flight model

This video aptly demonstrates the miserable state the 229 is currently in:


Winrate is literally the dumbest thing since so many noobs ruin a vehicle and are why the winrates suck

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Ah, okay.

Its really sad that gaijn doesnt take us seriously- blatently OP things get kept while vehicles that are performing fine get moved up (Why is the 234/4 moving up gaijn)

Early jets just needs massive decompression imo, the variance among things there is too much.

Yet we can ignore that it has proper not shaky aiming and heatfs for long distance shooting, also a turret that can loock around to defend itself if the engine gets hit. The 103’s if set on fire are free kills unable to turn or defend themselves if theybare hit in either engine or transmission. Your takes read as thoigh you have only recently gotten to that BR if you think they are OP.

how so? APHE at this br is kinda lame if you’re not flanking concerning the autoloader the object 906 also take 4 sec to realoan so i don’t think it’s so OP.

Mirage 4000 13.3? go play it and you’ll understand that it’s overrated.

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Exactly, this whole Realstic battles superiority attitude is really played out and pathetic.

Like y’all are acting as if playing Realistic is some sort achievement lmfao. Guess what “superior players” ARB AIN’T HARD, LIKE YOU MAKE IT OUT TO BE. Some of us just find it boring/doesnt fit our style of play.

I for one, enjoy using more than one aircraft in a 15 minute timespan. I mean seriously ARB players need to get over themselves, its a video game, of which ALL GAMEMODES are HIGHLY unrealistic, you are not in 1952 Korea you are sitting your rear end in front of a computer just like me.


Realistic, R2Y2 series. 8.0 → 7.0 Give back air spawn too. Nobody plays this jet. I don’t think I need to tell why but: It’s terribly outclassed by everything in it’s BR I’m not sure why this change was done in the first place. (Apparently good players kept racking up kills) The speed is comparable to all 7.0 jets and the guns aren’t that great either.

Also please stop changing BRs depending on monthly win statistics. Just because good players rack up kills with something doesn’t mean everyone can do the same. This is ruining a lot of vehicles.


Ground Realistic Battles, Medium Tank T95E1, 8.3 > 8.0. I have played 200 games in this tank with the kill to death ratio of 5. This tank should go down because of it’s lacking mobility and firepower. It doesn’t have any kind of gun stabilization unlike other tanks at it’s BR (T-55A), it has a steel dart which is weaker than other darts at the same BR (T-55A), it has a power to weight ratio of 14.5 which is lower than other tanks at the same BR (T-55A which has 16.1).



I suggest that the JA-37D be given its RB99s and be moved up in br to 13.0. I believe that the JA37D will still be able to be a very effective fighter at this higher br with its good RWR and very good Radar that would pair well with its potentially new missiles. The Viggen may not be as maneuverable as the aircraft at this br but it has a good enough engine took keep up and enough flares to counter missiles found at this br. The JA-37D was capable of carrying 4 rb99s on the 4 inner most pylons. (Plz add more Swedish decals)


Ground realistic, KF41, 11.0 > 10.7

Almost not working APS, No armor like its counterpart, Bad spike launcher position, and a manned turret.

Unlike its counterpart (Puma VJTF) KF41 doesn’t have an unmanned turret, APS is also mostly not working, Spike launcher always faces up so can’t be used in close range, and with 11.0 KF41 won’t have a line-up


Upgrading missiles and moving airframes upwards is almost always less enjoyable in my experience. I wouldn’t want to be in a Viggen dogfighting F16s every game, versus playing it where it is now with relatively enjoyable downtiers. Also, the less Fox 3s that can be downtiered into the 12.0-12.3 range, the better imo.


Is not bad idea specially when Israel have the Magach 5 with APFSDS and reactive amor at 8.0.

Anyways time to insert this rq…

Early MiG-21 variants (AB): 8.7/9.0 → at least 9.7, preferably higher. (but thats my own bias speaking, so prob just 9.7)

To be frank these aircraft are incredibly oppressive, and due to how AB works can face jets as early as the Sk60 or Vampire. This is completely unfair and stupid, and needs to be corrected now.

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Ground Realistic
Vehicle: 2S6
Proposed BR Change: 10.7 → 11.3
Reasoning: Eight 10km range SAMs with 32Gs of pull, radar with automatic lock system, four 30mm autocannons with AP shells of 65mm of penetration at 10m, Gen 3 Thermal sights.

Once upon a time the 2S6 was considered the equivalent to the ADATS in terms of performance. I still believe it is, if not better. Player performance should be irrelevant compared to a vehicles capabilities. Anyways-

To begin, the 2S6 reigns supreme in a downtier. At 9.7 there is only IR SAMs and SPAAGs. It straight up just outranges everything on both the enemy and friendly team. If you spawn a 2S6 in a 9.7-10.3 game you just have straight up better missiles than anything else and have first dibs on anything that spawns. This remains true up to 11.7.

The 9M311-1M SAM travels at 910 m/s, has 32Gs of pull, and has 10km of range. The Roland 3, for comparison, has 570 m/s of speed, 20 Gs of pull, and 8km range. The next best SAM of the category is the BOLIDE and it has 700 m/s of speed and 25Gs of pull. The 9M311-1M just beats everything at this stage. While this does put it in it’s place for 10.7 as a .4 BR higher than these contemporaries, over all it will be playing with 10.3s more often than not sitting at this BR either due to 10.0-11.0 being a super common BR bracket for games.

That brings up the next issue with the 2S6. With most nations not having any 10.7 SPAA, the 2S6 is pretty much the dominant force in the 9.7-11.3 area. This is because anyone who has 11.7 vehicles is more likely to also have high tier planes. These planes artificially bump up BR and push normally 11.7 line-ups higher and makes more room of 11.3 and below. However this makes the 2S6 the defacto highest tier SPAA of this area. A former end of the line top tier SPAA being the main SAM system in a bracket of 10.3 SAMs is not healthy.

Next is the little things that don’t matter as much but definitely put it a notch above everything else. For example, it has four 30mm cannons blasting out 65mm of pen point blank at a ridiculous rate of fire. This shreds lighter vehicles.

It’s radar is significantly more advanced than the ADATS with automatic lock allowing you to skip the process of searching the vertical plane for targets so long as you’re pointed in the right direction. This counteracts it’s only theoretical weakness in that is has little to no optical zoom for it’s sights.

To conclude, the 2S6 should be at minimum 11.3 if only because this will keep it’s intrusion into the 9.7-10.3 BR to a minimum while still providing the wide variety of 11.3 MBTs SAM coverage. If I was to be honest, you could probably put it at 11.7 with the Pantsir foldered behind it but that would probably be asking for too much.


Air RB - F-16ADF (Italy) from 13.0 to 13.7. Instead of decreasing BR, just give this plane the weapon it actually used in the Italian service (AIM-120 and AIM-9L/I-1 or M) as heavily requested by the Italian community and increase the br in accordance with new weapons. This will not only make it closer to real Italian F-16, but will also give Italy actual Italian top tier jet.