Planned Battle Rating Changes for October 2024

although countermeasures at 8.7 is not as useful as higher brs because most of the missiles at this br are dodgable. but i think a-4b should be 8.0. basically every bomber should be shifted a little. i don’t think B-57 is at it’s fair br for example because i don’t think it has any chance to bomb any bases and get back safe. i don’t think it’s possible.

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Heli PvE: can we get BR changes in that mode??

So like why is the Kügelblitz still 7.0? It is at most 6.7 material, hell it’s dosen’t even have a full HVAP belt, even after you people nerfed it’s penetration, what the hell.

Put it into 6.7
Give it a full belt of HVAP (If you want HE in the belt, then use the dedicated HE belt!)


Premium players with Leo 2A4M/T80UE1 + no SPAA need to face 12.7 CAS now, well balanced.

i think you never played, maybe you’re right for GR RB but definitely not for SB

Would be better to do what they did with the Tornado F3. Add a second airframe for that.

Ground RB, (Leclerc, Leclerc S2), 12.0 > 11.7 Due to Merkavas and Ariettes getting a reaload buff the Leclerc has no longer a reload speed advantage against as many tanks. This is why i suggest that the Leclercs that have (marginaly) worse armor and no commander thermals should be lover br and not on the same scale as their upgraded counterparts. Due them having to take bigger risks to spot and kill targets before they shoot back and kill you. At the moment the Leclerc relies on its mobility and reload speed to be effective and bringing more tanks to chalenge its abilities will make these “worse” versions more diffilcult to play. (dont play top tier arcade cannot confirm if said changes would be good to apply to arcade)


Air Realistic Battles(RB), Me 262 A-1a, 7.0 > 6.7, reasoning:

  1. Effectively a 1943 jet placed directly against late 1944-1946 jets that are superior in all major specs.
  2. Current BR is a leftover of legacy rating systems that took into consideration volume of fire. Me 262 A-1a is armed with x4 Mk108’s that have very poor ballistics and are completely synchronized which means makes them difficult to shoot at smaller single engine planes.
  3. Currently faces MiG-15 and F-86 in uptiers. It was even a source of PR controversy almost 10 years ago. Since then MiG’s and Sabres were pushed above its’ BR bracket but were recently reintroduced as part of decompression in April 2024.
  4. German Tech Tree has a harsh transition from 5.7 and 6.0 props to 7.0+ jets. Meanwhile 6.0-6.7 is a mainstay fro super props of which Germany has only one(Ta 152) which has a specific gameplay style. Me 262 A-1a and He 162 could be a replacement for lack of such planes and gameplay.

RB,Pantsir-S1,11.7>12.0,I found aII most SPAA has not been adjusted(Except chaparral), Pantsir-S1 so strong,this vehicle has the longest fire range SAM in the game,Especially after most MBTs are adjusted from 10.3 to 10.7, aircraft of the same BR will have a high probability of encountering Pantsir-S1,it really bad


VIDAR nerf when and 2s38 needs additional nerf.
We know Ayit and A5C gets nerf but F104A/C F8U2 and J7E too are OPs and need BR raise

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RIP 5.7s though. Let alone the weak 6.0 Bombers that are already DOA if they see 1x Me262

I have played SB, i agree they aren’t great but move them up in SB then they again become obsolete with what they fight. They dont have the armor to compete and are gimmicky snipers. SIM for russia around that area is rough tbf but the strv 103 definitely isnt the problem.

Agree, dunno who thought that M48A2 G A2 is fine against T-55As or anything stabilised 8.0+
It shouldn’t be anything higher than 8.0, losing the APFSDS is not much of a loss to me either, so either this or give it a stabiliser.


12.0 for Air RB would be fine.

Air RB, Netz. 12.7>12.3. This is for the lack of radar guided missiles, which makes getting kills insanely difficult with the amount of counter-meassures that planes in this range can carry, pythons 3 might be the best ir missile without irccm but its not enough to compete with a good radar missile such as the AIM sevens.

GRB Char 2C 2.3 > 1.7 BR. This tank is just awful, it really only has good explosive filler and high crew count, but the armor is easily penned by everything and it fights long barrel Panzer IVs in uptiers.


At its current br the F-14s can run into planes that have so bad rwr that they cannot fight phoenixes and fakours. You cannot consistantly notch or dodge (worst case scenario) a missile when you may not even know where exacly it is coming from. New weapons could be a good way to buff the F-14B so it is still good even against bigger br planes.

And it too have criminally low BR. As all soviet SPAAs do, for some reason.
I can swear, in any battle there always will be at least 2-3 shilkas just spawn chilling, because they’re waiting for free kills to come to them. I wonder why somebody even bothers to spawn planes at 7.7+ at all.
But still, M163 shouldn’t facing props, it’s just cringe. It was perfectly okay at 8.0 for many years, why exactly now it suddenly should be at 7.3?

GRB Magach 5 8.0 > 8.3 This is pretty much a sidegrade of the M48A2 G A2 (slightly worse engine, but gets ERA) and so it should be the same BR.

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Theres no way the F8F needs to be moved down, it’s already one of the most powerful planes you can face at tier if it gets a downtier it just eats the lobby alive, just leave it where it is (or even consider bumping it up a step, seriously it’s a crazy plane)