Planned Battle Rating Changes for October 2024

KF-41 APS’s barely works and doesn’t have a no-man turret


Leclerc powercrept even more! Fun!


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Move the A-10C from 11.3 > 12.3, AIM-9M’s don’t belong at 11.3 with planes that don’t have many countermeasures


You are so angry man lol, chill out its just a gamemode

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“barely works” is a bit optimistic

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Vehicle: AGS
Gamemode: Ground RB
BR Change: Keep at 11.0 or move to 11.3 (with inclusion of purpose built M900 round)
Reason: AGS is strong but it will now be thrust into a bracket where it’s current top round M833 will be nearly useless because of the decompression. Please add M900 or leave it where it’s at. (It was at 10.3)

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F8F still in 5.0 is better than 4.7 because not all aircraft in 3.7-4.0 have must speed likeF8F
Mirage F1 should be 11.3 A-10C with 4 9M can still 11.3 MF1 just have 2 and flight model is brick to fight withF-4 and F-14 or fix something and still in 12.0.

Dont forget the F3H-2 gets Aim-7cs and aim-9bs at 9.3 and faces 8.0-8.3 yet thats fine.

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Yeah, AB needs some serious BR changes.

Aim 7C’s instantly are useless if i fly even slightly below 1000m lol, so thats on people who dont know how to play.

Not saying its good but arcade battles are silly

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GRB PANTSIR S1 11.7>12.0 The Pantsir is the Best SPAA in the game atm and none really compare to it. It should not be at the same br as the Flakrakrad for example comparing Longerrange missiles with a 12 ready rack and a gun with another truck that only has 2 in the ready rack at the same br the pantsir is just better and should not be a t the same br.


Lol, stay mad

Yes report this because youre mad lmoa


In your screenshot the T-80B went from 10.3 to 10.7 and the T-80ud went from 10.0 to 10.3 along with the M1’s? What do you mean but not the t80u from wish and the t80b as if everything is being decompressed?

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Realistic Batlles, Saab J35XS Drakken. 11.0 > 10.7 , can’t battle with other jets in 11.0 because he not have radars.

Max BR 13.7 → 26.3

Gives space for slightly underperforming vehicles to go down and slightly overperforming vehicles to go up.

Most of the current problem vehicles are problems precisely because they are just a bit too weak to go up but stronger than their current BR.

My proposed conversion chart would effectively double the amount of placements for things without radically disrupting the system. Additionally gaps would be quickly filled by adjustments.

Some might argue it would break the lineups a bit, but it is compensated by how full uptier or full downtier would be less overwhelming in terms of capability differences.


T-54 1951 has ~25% winrate on GR SB. No laser rangefinder, no thermal, no stabilizer, no auto reloader and slow.

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Just because we pride ourselves on enjoyment of the game over realism doesnt mean we dont matter. (Also I can literally face radar missiles on a supersonic airframe in a v a m p i r e, its bullshit.)


M48A2 G A2 (GroundRB) 8.3 → 8.0

The M48A2 G A2 has a big disadvantage at 8.3: No stabilizer.
Almost every other 8.3, even some 8.0 vehicles have a stabilizer, leaving the M48A2 G A2 at a big disadvantage.
It has the DM23 as the top round, but having a high-pen dart is irrelevant if one cannot have first hit with it.
Also the mobility of the tank is not good.
Therefore the M48A2 G A2 shold be lowerded to 8.0, making a nice lineup with the Leopard I, Marder 1A3, DF105, and also being a bit more competitive. If it loses its DM23 in the process, no big deal.
It should then be foldered behind the M48A2 C.


T80 ud has the same armor as t80u, most things at that br struggle to pen the side at an angle. The gnine is a slight nerf sure but that doesn’t justify 10.3 when the abrams and leo with worse armor and equal rounds are at 10.7 (abrams has way worse round)