Planned Battle Rating Changes for October 2024

Excuse me as I play the world’s smallest violin for one of the most overpowered jets in the game being made into… still a strong jet just not massively overpowered. It deserves bottom of the barrel last resort minimum 9.7 and I’d still like to see it IN ITS CURRENT STATE at 10.0.

yeah doesn’t matter as long as it cant be caught by anything subsonic. all 9.3 supers are massively overpowered in downtiers because that part of the game is MASSIVELY compressed.

You don’t see me advocating for that to stay at its BR do you?

Yes. It is. I won’t humor the silly ass other side of that opinion. It’s a M61 vulcan with a tracking radar firing on WW2 CAS. I’ve both used it and been against it. It goes WITHOUT SAYING that it doesn’t belong there.

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and Spitfire lf mk9 can outclimb everything at this br.

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RB AMX-13 (FL11) 4.3 > 3.7 - analog of M24, does not have a stabilizer and Browning


Nor is the M163.

And if you talk about that radar dish, that’s hardly useful considering the FoV of the radar and the maximum lock-on range distance, it’s more practical to spray a target in the general direction it is going at ≈1km than to use that radar

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You said “the 109s” when he specified a specific G-14 model. You are not educated on this matter.

The changes between the 2A5 and 2A7 are quite small yet also really big. The thermals are a big deal at top tier but the old A5/6 still use gen 1. I would rather have the 2A5 at a lower br with the 2PL to make a different lineup, like 11.3. If they have to change some ammo for that its fine, its pretty much the same as the A6 anyway.

what the hell, AGS at 11.3 💀

Forgive me if I’m wrong but can’t the mk10 actually block shots to the turret compared to the khalid? I wish they just made them the same br for a lineup. Someone in this thread said mk10 could get a better round and I hope that’s what they do.

this is good
but please do the same with the kfir canard, please i beg of you, that thing aint fun to play rn, PLEASEEEEE I BEGGGG


m113 for america with tow?? (besides walle) make it for TT

It seems only the players can think like that for sure

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Especially since the DM33 came into service in 1987 (and no matter what version of the Leopard 2A4).
The Czechs have DM33A1s or A2s or A3s.
Finland uses DM53A1s for their Leopard 2A4s.

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Counter-point: it is French. RIP

No? KPz-70 isn’t overpowered. If anything its really garbage right now along with the MBT-70. EXTREMELY SILLY suggestion. Try again.

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Which is so god awful you’d be better off without it


Vehicle: Javelin F.(A.W) Mk.9
Gamemode: Air Realistic & Air Sim
BR Change: 8.3 → 8.0 and 8.7 → 8.3 respectively
Reason: The Javelin on paper should be good, but is slower than a lot of other aircraft at the same BR and bleeds speed instantly. The Firestreaks are not good enough to carry the aircraft and the wing-mounted 30mm ADEN canons are extremely hard to use, having to deal with the extreme shell drop of the 30mm ADEN AND canon convergence, makes hitting anything extremely hard work.

Additionally, as per Stona:

It never moved down like the other “Korean war era” jets did


2A5 is too good to go lower, you just create further need for decompression

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1.8 km is its max range…and the Vulcan overheats within 10 seconds.

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Vehicle: Spitfire LF MkIX
Gamemode: Air RB
BR Change: 5.7 ----> 6.0
Reason: It has amazing climb rate. It has good firepower. It has great maneuverability. I do have admit that I had a lot of joy in it, but it is broken indeed.

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Ground RB, Type 16(FPS), 9.3-9.7. Add Type 93 APFSDS. As so many premium LT like wolfpack already received m900 to equal as tech tree version, it should be same as tech tree version at this stage as well, let along never in history Type 16, as a veh from 2016, still using m735 which only used in 1984. I sincerely hope the team can consider about it. Adding type 93 and move to 9.7 will also promote the sell of premium heil and T2 as well.