Planned Battle Rating Changes for October 2024

XM1 is already getting majorly buffed by no longer having to face the 10.3 meta, it’s fine as is

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I think centauro I 120 need more powerful ammo like ariete

With recent nerfs…
F-104S.ASA 12.0 → 11.3.
Yes, you get AIM-9Ls, but you lose the RWR. RWR is huge at 12.0. It’s more of a sidegrade at that point.


Vehicle: Tornado Gr1 (and by extension the Tornado ASSTA1 and Tornado A200A)
Gamemode: Air Realistic and Air Sim
BR Change: 11.7 ----> 11.3
Reason: It has identical performance within these gamemodes to the Torando MFG, Torando WTD61 and Tornado A200 (Italy). There is no justifcation or reason for these aircraft to be at a higher BR. In fact the Tornado Gr1 is the weakest of all Tornado IDS with the Nerfed Mk101 engines, Mk13 bombs only partially mitigate this nerf.

(heck in Sim, even the F-111C which is overall superior to the Tornado Gr1 has an 11.3 BR)

Alternative solution: Add Aim-9Li (inplace of the Gr1s missing Aim-9Ms) and/or add the Tornado Gr1s Missing BOL rails. Give the Tornado’s at 11.7 a reason to be at a higher BR


Antelope; 10.3 > 10.0

Honestly this thing is disappointing. It suffers at getting locks up to 2.5 km away. You have to rely on getting a rear aspect shot or you’re not gonna lock 75% of the time.



Ki-96: 3.7 → 3.3

Picked it up in the last sale since it’s a cool plane and its getting removed. However, it is just one BR step lower than the XP-50, which has better firepower, better climb rate, is much more maneuverable, and is a smaller target. It is simply outclassed in every way, and significantly so.

Ki-96 also has an issue with the rudder AND roll being unresponsive, thus making deflection shots is very difficult. IF this is improved significantly, I’m not opposed to it staying at 3.7.


those players who know how to play the wyvern would never be catch up due to wyvern’s high speed, they are too fast for planes that at br 3.7 or 4.0, you can’t just wait for your enemy to make mistakes, wyverns’ too unfair for low rb

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Ah fair enough


Leclerc, Leclerc S2 RB 12.0 → 11.7

Leclerc AZUR, Leclerc SXXI → New APFSDS Add


Makes sense since it does have a lot of ground attack weapons.

I can finally play the khalid premium(no thermals…) without getting constant uptiers to the 10.3 premium spam which is excellent.
Air RB, F8U-2 10.0 > 10.3. The vehicle just does everything. Good flares, good missiles, great turn/roll rate, great guns. The only downside is I’m pretty sure it is slower than other supersonics.


my msitake, in fact 8.0 would be enough - which I changed
Now this abomination is 7.0 which makes no sense

Air Realistic Battles, AMX A-1A. 11.3 > 10.7. The plane is ridiculously over-tiered for what it offers. It is simply a side-grade if not a downgrade compared to the tech tree AMX which sits at 10.7.

The guns are worse than the tech tree AMX with less ammo and are harder to use.

While the missiles pull more overload compared to the AIM-9L, they have inherently less range and that fact is only amplified by the subsonic platform. The MAA-1 missiles also have a wide FOV which makes it very susceptible to be decoyed by flares even in rear aspect. I would take the AIM-9L over this missile any day of the week.

The guided armament options are very limited compared to the tech tree AMX and the targeting pod offers very similar performance.

There is nothing that makes the AMX A-1A worthy of a 11.3 BR and it is simply a side grade if not a downgrade compared to the tech tree AMX which sits at 10.7.

Please reduce the battle rating of this plane to 10.7 and make it a worthy premium to purchase.


100% support this, no reason to play the M26 when the T26E5 exists.


You might wanna correct yak-141 in your comment btw.

F-104G (Italy) ARB 11.0 → 10.3
It have even less missiles than chinese and japanese counterparts, but have flares instead


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Are the ARB changes also being applied to simulator mode? Don’t see any changes there. For example, the F16ADF should be moved down to 12.7 in sim due to the lack of IRCCM and 2 radar missiles less (compared to the F15A).

RB, Lepord2/PSO. 11.7>11.3. Reasoning: The Leopard 2A5’s armor and auxiliary equipment are completely inadequate for top-tier combat intensity


Vehicle: T-80U(USSR)
Gamemode: Ground RB
BR Change: 11.3 ----> 11.3(no change)
Reason: with more DM53 added to the game, T-80U’s armor is less reliable. And It’s mobility is still slightly worse than its opponents. It’s elevating and traversing mechanism is significantly worse than its opponents.
I wouldn’t say T-80UE1 should be 11.3, now that it is indeed better than T-80U. I’m wondering if Swedish T-80U should remain 11.0.