Planned Battle Rating Changes for October 2024

Naval AB RB, USS Gearing. 4.7->5.0. Turret x3 5 inch x2 destroyers (Gearing, Frank Knox) and USS Sumner are asymmetrically equal to Turret x4 5 inch x2 destroyers (Porter, Somers, Moffet) by having (bigger) 19mm additional external armor vs 12.7 (as for x4 turreted), what makes them more durable and harder to destroy, plus rear magazine does not blow the whole ship since it has only 1 rear main caliber turret (less total ammo), 4km/h lower speed does not make x3 turreted destroyers any noticeably worse.


T-62/ T-62 No.545/ Tiran 6: 8.7>8.3 (ground rb)
The original T-62 tanks do not have the similar protective capabilities as Obj435 or T-55AM, and their mobilty is not outstanding, the shells like 3BM4 and 3BK4 are not doing good in the game, they shall get a lower br


it would have better armor and optics than the standard M1A1 and nearly the same firepower if it didnt go up

Nobody said it’s going to be a nerf


Yes, especially because 9.0/9.3 will become quite strong due to the 10.3 meta moving to 10.7


Arcade (Naval) Pe-8 - 4.3>4.7

Has the potential to wreck battles dropping its FAB5000 every 30s or so. At 4.3 and below there is simply not enough AA that can tackle high altitude/high angle threats.



Ki-43-III: 4.0 → 3.3

The Ki-43-III used to be at the fair BR of 4.0, when its engine power was ~1500hp due to a typo in the source material. This has since been corrected to ~1175hp, which is accurate.
However, its Battle Rating has not changed AT ALL despite its climb rate and dogfighting performance (something it also relied on due to its poor speed) being significantly worse than they once were.

With it now being very similar in flight performance to the 2.7 Ki-43-II, the better armament still warrants a higher BR.


There’s really no reason to not give F-14A/B their latest aim-9 variant now. The regular F-14A at 12.7 with neutered phoenix and no all-aspect IR is kinda crazy.


Air RB, J-7E, 11.0 > 11.3

J-7E was already strangely overlooked in the last round of BR adjustments. It has flight performance significantly better than any other aircraft at its BR.

Now that the F-14As have moved up, it will continue to be overly dominant without facing ARH missiles.

It will still be more than competitive at 11.3


F8U-2: 10.0 → 10.7 [RB]
This thing is ridiculous at 10.0, and can be considered a sidegrade to F-8E at this point. Better FP vs AIM-9C.


Vehicle: Hunter FGA9
Gamemode: Air Sim
BR Change: 9.7 ----> 9.0
Reason: It has almost identical performance to the Hunter F6 (France) and yet sits 0.7 BR higher. There is no justification for this BR increase and its BR should be lowered to match that of the French Hunter F6


Ground RB: Sea Harrier FRS.1 10.7 > 10.3
Reasoning - The aircraft is subsonic and only uses dumb bombs with CCIP (2 inch RP rockets dont generally have a use in GRB mode), most aircraft on this BR have smart weapons to engage enemy ground forces which are usually protected by SAM systems or at the least, rockets to keep some stand off range.

While it does have 4 aim 9Ls, other platforms at this BR also have access to all aspect/SARH which also have more expansive ground attack capabilities as well, and air to air capabilities are secondary as it is a strike role game mode, though allow the plane to perform some CAP support when ground forces lack AAA systems.


Vehicle: Wyvern S4
Gamemode: Air RB
BR Change: 4.3 ----> 5.0
Reason: Wyvern S4 is seriously over performing currently, due to its acceleration, top speed and overwhelming firepower, as well as its air spawn. It’s currently harassing all strike aircraft and bombers. It’s capable of BnZ all fighters at this br as well.


yep agree with all at 2000%

A-5C: 10.3 → No change. [Air RB]
A-5C is no longer what it once was. You see 11.3 quite often, the matchmaker is quite unfriendly. It can stay 10.3 instead of being totally irrelevant.


Vehicle: Sea Harrier FRS1 (SQV)
Gamemode: Air Realistic and Air Sim
BR Change: 11.3 ----> 11.0
Reason: Going from 2x Aim-9Ls to 4x Aim-9Ls does not justify a 0.7 BR increase. The Sea Harrier has extremely low performance currently and is fairly defenseless vs many other 11.3/11.7 aircraft, let alone those at 12.0+. The Sea Harrier FRS1e moved up only 0.3 BR and so should the Sea Harrier FRS1

Being 11.3 also places the Sea Harrier FRS1 at the same BR as the AV-8B(NA) which is universally superior to the Sea Harrier FRS1 in every respect except for the fact the FRS1 has a radar with IFF. It is unfair for these 2 aircraft to be the same BR when their respective performance is so different.

(Additional note: Both Sea Harriers are underperforming significantly due to missing features. Add radar gunsight, Replace placeholder HUD and fix the incorrect RWR on the SQV. Additionally, all Harriers have a sooty exhaust that needs to be removed and an IR signature that is 10x hotter than it should be)

(as a minor side note, please reclass the Sea Harrier’s to be naval fighters not strike aircraft as this would be a more accurate description of the Sea Harrier. Additionally, this would enable it to be used as a CAP without increasing the SP cost of far better CAS aircraft such as the Jaguar Gr1A or Buc S2B at the same BR in GRB)


F-8 Crusaders needs to go up aswell IMO


Ariete AMV 12.0-11.7
More of a sidegrade than an upgrade compared to the other top tier mbts

Thanks for the reload buff gaijin but still the Ariete AMV is not a 12.0 vehicle


Ground Realistic, AMD.35 (SA35). 1.7 > 1.0. The AMD.35 (SA35) is very similar to the reserve AMD.35 present in the tech tree, but has a number of disadvaantages compared to it, such as, a taller silhouette, smaller ammunition capacity and worse penetration on its solid shot round. The AMD.35 (SA35) lacks enough advantages to compensate for its increased battle rating compared to the AMD.35 present in the tech tree.


Game mode: GRB
Proposal: M833 for the ROCA M60A3.
Reasoning: The M735 as it stands is too weak for something that faces T-72s on a regular basis. Also I believe someone posted a report about a while ago stating that the ROCA never imported the M735 to begin with.