Planned Battle Rating changes for January 2024

Why does the strela only move up to 9,7 with optical tracking missiles and scouting while the israeli imp chaparral has worse missiles without optical tracking but sits at a br of 10.3 ??!!


Would love to see the one who up (again) french tank br fight a obj 279 in a Char 25T.
The T20 and french tank are way too overtiered only because it’s played by a few but good players…


I agree with everything u say, but maybe chieftain mk.5 also 8.3 and no laser rangefinder. And in my opinion m551, M3 bradley and M60A2 could also move back to 8.0

T25 is 6.3

Meanwhile Italy not having a missile SPAA and Otomatic being 11.3

Plus it’s a dual-spectrum missile like a Stinger so it’s immune to flares

you can even see 1.0 in 12.7

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It is absolutely absurd that the A6M5 ko is going to 5.3. its already hilariously outclassed at 5.0, along with ALL the other A6M5s.

I have said it a hundred times, the fact that people REFUSE to learn to just not try to turn fight zeros in their bf109s is ABSOLUTELY NOT A REASON to nerf the Zeros! They are already absurdly slow AT 5.0 and anyone who fights them somewhat competently makes the Zero pilot completely irellevant.

There is zero excuse for this especially when there are Spitfires which are almost as good at turnfighting while being MUCH FASTER are down as low as 4.3!


Here are the bad things of this changes:

  1. The Strela at 9.7 is still not enough,that thing literally is 10.0 at least

  2. The T20 at 6.3,bruh 💀💀. You do realize it’s a worse T25 that sits .4 lower than the M26 Pershing.If the T20 was useless before,now it’s dead and buried

  3. While the addition of the M833 for the AGS is good,i can tell you that M833 at 11.0 means nothing where your br is plagued with spall liners and generally speaking vehicles with very good protection.

  4. Speaking of which,the br increase of Air to 12.7 is very good and welcome,but when is this thing going to be for tanks? I’m slightly sick of fighting Leo 2A7V/Strv 122B with my 11.0 M1A1,they can stomp me at every distance and chance.


I’m gonna miss the F5-E at 10.7 :(

FL11 going to 4.3 while being a blatantly worse M24 which sits at 3.7 is peak showcasing of how fucking stupid the “Muh Statistiks” way of balancing is.


T20 has far superior mobility than the T25. I much prefer using the T20 at 6.3 than the T25 at 6.3 due to the combination of stabilizer, mobility and fast reload.


The Amx-13 M24 is way better than the Amx-13 but it’s still 3.7.

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Strela at 9.7 is not enough.
Turms and 2s38 still 10.0? Thats a joke.


I was thinking in M26, now is fixed.

Even with M900 AGS is nowhere near CV90120.

  • Same reload

  • Way worse round

  • Gen1 thermals vs gen3

  • Fixed 8x zoom vs 3x - 10.5x gunner and 1.5x - 24x commander.

  • Similar mobility (2.5 hp/ton difference)

11.3 would be an absolute joke.

Only thing AGS has going for it is hiding behind obstacles, but in my experience it isn’t nearly as hard to kill as you guys make it sound like.

If M1128 can be at 10.0 with M900 and better thermals, i don’t see a reason to raise AGS any higher.


Could you pls look into the Br of the BI? It is runing squadron battles for a long time now and it dominates even the 7.7 fighter bracket of aircraft while it being only on 6.7 itself

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it has R-60s and R-13M1s

Which are both flare hungry. Being on BR where planes like A-10 get morbilion flares means you either cant touch such planes or risk getting slammed by all-aspect; issue many other planes dont have to face. Giving SPS-K a double rack for R-60s would increase its chances significantly, especially when Mig-21MF and SMT sit only 0.3 higher and those CAN carry 4x R-60s, dont have to choose between flares and gun AND have much better engine

great manuverability

Its delta wing. Nuff said.

R-11F2SK is also only a bit worse than R-13-300

At min fuel, R-11F2SK has 0.85 thrust to weight ratio, R-13-300 has 1.05.

Comparing it to

  • F-4C which has more missiles (8) and 1.15 thrust to weight at min fuel. Caveat being it has no flares. But this is a missile bus.
  • F-104G which has more IR missiles (4) and 1.05 thrust to weight at min fuel. Does not need to choose between gun and countermeasures.
  • Mirage IIIC which has 1.20 thrust to weight, same amount of IR missiles (excluding AIM-9Bs and russian equivalent cuz theyre shit) and no countermeasures.

The only comparison i can see being real is with mirage IIIC and even then mirage IIIC has much better engine.

Alas the SPS-K simply isnt, in its current state, 10.0 material. The ability to carry countermeasures is offset by the fact that it cant carry gun, and the engine is outclassed.

12.7 is a good change but we need 13.0 at least to fix tornado’s and F-104S /asa. we don’t want these vehicles to be op so they can’t go down right now but they can’t stay how they are.

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I might hope 2x PL-5E or PL-9 stock replace PL-5B, add new IR AAM PL-8B, active radar homing BVR MRAAM PL-12 on J-8F and expand again to 12.3 in the first major update or second major update.

Gajin should be implemented Python 4 replace AIM-9M sidewinder & AIM-7M Sparrow on F-16D Block 40 Barak II after decompress to 12.7 in first major update