Planned Battle Rating changes for January 2024

I am still hopeful considering the BR changes have just been released. But will there be plans to decompress Ground RB battle ratings past above 8.0?
All the last changes to 7.0-8.0 did was appeal to the bad players and make the 6.7 heavy tanks even stronger, whereas everything past 8.0 has been compressed to an unbelievable degree.

There is only a .3 jump between tanks with no stabilizers and those that do, and it’s not even a hard rule because there ARE vehicles with stabilizers at 8.0. The Vickers Mk. 1 has a stabilized and a faster reload than other 105 tanks, it has no business sharing it’s BR with vehicles such as the Leopard 1 or OF-40.

Not to mention that the 9.0-11.3 bracket has been god awful lately. 9.0 stomps on any downtier and 9.3 by contrast gets mostly uptiered to 10.3, facing MBTs like the Leopard 2A4, T-80B and M1 Abrams. So that these vehicles have an easy time in these circumstances is an understatement. And then with the addition of 11.3 premium vehicles, 10.3 gets dragged to that BR more often than not. So now those players, who mostly don’t take the Rolands anymore, are forced to deal with UCAVs and Helicopters that outrange anything they could possibly have. There’s only like two SPAAs that could’ve effectively done something about this, and one of them went up to 11.0 which is a more than fair uptier, but it will do nothing other than make the CAS problem that already exists at 10.3 even worse. Premium CAS planes have been an even worse addition than the premium MBTs at the highest tiers, and the SACLOS missile physics change did NOT help the situation.


I’m so confused on the T20 change in AB. It’s already overtiered at 6.0 now its going to 6.3? wut

Nothing is being done about that obnoxious 3.7 Swedish 6 round 1s reload autoloader tank either.


Half of these changes make no sense. T20 to 6.3?? really? It has NOTHING going for it. It’s overtiered even at 6.0, and you want to push it further. Who’s gonna buy it and play it?

Leave french 7.7 alone. char25 at 8.0 with APHE is laughable, amx-50 90mm too. Why do you insist on nerfing french vehicles into the ground? Somua went from 7.3 to 8.0 in two rounds of changes. What do they have going for them? 100mm gun that wastes all it rounds in a few fights and has to reload for several minutes to be useful again? 90mm APHE round found on 5.7 and 6.0 tanks? When enemy has rangefinders, stabilizers, thermals, apds and darts at their BR range. Leave them alone and stop punishing players for playing anything well.

Better move t-62 to 8.3 already, it sticks like a sore thumb at 8.7. No rangefinder, no smoke, horrible post-pen of early soviet apfsds, no HMG, no extra armor. It’s basically t-55a without APHE, extra '‘pen’ on it’s dart does nothing. Why is it at a higher BR?


colder at 680 or 980,… that doesn’t make much difference, as the target is so FAT that it could illuminates from 20km away at night,…

the F-5 Heated section is far smaller, making it on par/smaller IR signature than Harrier.

and in game, you can lock them both from the pretty similar distance regardless. (it’s not a prop vs a jet, heat is always far over the low limits of seekers)

Please lower the Dassault Mirage 5F to 9.7.


AFAIK radar is much better on SMT

Glad to see the addition of higher BR for aircraft. I feel like even more decompression around 8.0-10.0 aircraft would be an improvement. That BR range feels bad in terms of gameplay and balance, especially as you are generally seeing a majority of up-tiers. Maybe 13.0+ is warranted?

but much hotter mate mate doesn’t matter how big just how hot

The APHE on the Char 25t and AMX-50 (TO90/930) is far stronger than the APHE found on US 90 mm cannons from 5.7 to 6.3. It goes 930 m/s rather than 853 m/s, and so has 209 mm of penetration point blank rather than 185 mm.

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If I’m reading this right, the British premium P-51 Canonstang is moving up to 3.7 but the American tech tree version of the same exact plane is staying at 3.3 … Why? Keep them together at the same BR if they move up or not Gaijin.


Are you saying plane that can hold 6xMG151s should go 2.3? makes no sense to me


take a square of 10x10cm

Watch it from 5m and 50m

Then take a blue rectangle of 10x 20cm

Watch it at 5 and 50m

describe both forms in both situation.

Here are many long awaited changes for air AB :

Early jets :

-French F-100D and chinese F-100A 9.7 → 9.3 : like the american one which is better in every way.

-American, italian and french F-84F 9.0 → 8.7 : like the israeli and german ones which are identical. Terrible flight performance for a 9.0 aircraft.

-Israeli and french Mystere IVA 9.0 → 8 .7 : it has no IR missiles, no afterburner and worst aerodynamics compare to the Super Mystere B2 which is also 9.0. The 30mm canons are good but a 8.0 sabre has better flight performance and its energy retention is terrible. The comparison is even worse with a 8.3 Javelin or Scimitar !

-Mystere IIC 8.7 → 8.3 : same issues than its big brother but with even worst flight performances.

-AV-8A 9.3 → 9.7 : almost untouchable if flighted well with its countermeasures, huge climb rate and (too much) good missiles for its BR.

-Yak-38 (the standard one and the M) 9.3 → 9.7 : insanely good missiles for its BR.

Props :

-Also in air AB the japanese Ki-84 hei at 7.7 is way too high for a prop plane with poor top speed. My recommandation 7.7 → 7.0.

-All the Ki-49s should go respectively from 3.3 and 3.7 to 3.0 and 3.3 as they are poorly armored bombers with small bomb loads and average speed compare to other nations at the same BRs.

R3T20 is better than AMX-10P :

BR : 4.7 VS 5.7
Speed : 125 / 32 km/h vs 71 / 13 km/h
Fire rate : 996 vs 740
Reload : 9.1 → 7.0 s vs 10.4 → 8.0 s
Vertical guidance : -10°/+60° VS -5°/+50°
HVAP-T = Same
HEFI-T = 27.2 g (TNT) vs 11.05 g (TNT)

entire france 7.7 linup ruined… yeah looks great, for the T-55’s that will face Char 25t’s


Give all aircraft airbase spawn in ground realistic battles . And raise cas spawn points . This can no longer go on like this . Ameritards get a damn kill assist and go in the sky directly contributing nothing to the team . If people at gaijin think that people will buy more premium do to getting CASd then their ingame economic model is wrong .do better it’s called ground realistic battles not mixed battles or combined assault


The R3 is also 5.7. Additionally, it lacks APDS, with equally poor protection yet worse surviability. Undeniably there are the rat factor and a much better speed however.

Not to say that the leo bofors is a much better option to bully tanks with.

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I agree DO-335B2 should go down. After the nerf to AP belts its effectiveness has been pretty limited. It is pretty strong against other planes though.

Shouldn’t be 2A7V’s BR higher than 2A6? You add more armor and spall liners and the BR stays the same, it feels incorrect.


Take arms citoyen! 8.0 is still too easy, we will have to prove ourselves against gen 3 MBTs.

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