Planned Battle Rating changes for January 2024

One gotta go through the British tech tree to make themselves a better player, and a better man, no matter how badly they were nerfed.

This is a great summary of the most pressing problems/needs in air RB right now, at least around the BRs I often play at. Another factor in favor of these changes is that multiple 11.7s are moving up to 12, which makes 10.7 an even more appropriate BR for planes like the A6E and A-10A (late).

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A-7D with 6x Mavs, more bombs and 30mm pods is at 9.7 in SB…

lol I would say I agree but im kinda bad at top tier, which im not sure if thats me or the tank at this point

so u guys are putting already overtiered french tanks in hell hole of 8.0 where these tanks will face fully stabilised, apfsds, better armor(composite armor+ ERA in some cases), Object 279 armor . do i need to remind again that all these french tanks have worst armor, bad solid shot damage? and u are putting them with 8.0 - 9…0 tanks.

I dont know about everyone else but in my country its called Murder with gangraped by 10 guys .


I’ll Keep this as brief. Overall, there are Good proposals for 12.7 Air RB, but a few suggestions along with Ground RB.

Air RB

A-10A (early): 10.0 to 10.3: A bit strong at 10.0 with its AIM-9L’s and very strong Air-to-Ground weapons.

F5E: Keep at 10.7: The Aircraft has lackluster Weapons and only two missiles. In certain situations can barely keep up with other Jets at 11.0. I would keep it at 10.7

Phantom FG.1 / Phantom FGR.2 / F-4J(UK) Phantom II: 11.3 to 11.0: All of these Phantoms are underpowered and have underperforming weapons. I suggest moving them down to 11.0, though F-4J(UK) Phantom II can stay at 11.3 if it gets AIM-9L.

A6M5 Ko: Keep at 5.0: Aircraft not as fast and unable to compete with other aircraft at higher Br’s. I would keep it at 5.0

J6K1: Keep at 6.3: Aircraft performance not that good enough for 6.7

F-4EJ Kai Phantom II: 11.7 to 11.3: almost the same the F-4EJ Phantom II at 11.0 can’t keep up with F-16’s Mig-29’s and Su-27’s

F-104S / F-104S TAF: 11.0 to 10.7: Very limited in the amount of weapons. Not able to compete with other higher-tier Jets at the current Br.

F-104S.ASA: 11.3 to 11.0: Same a above

Ariete / Sagittario 2: Move them to 8.7 or keep it at 9.0: Both aircraft have no countermeasures or missiles. They can barely keep up with faster aircraft at higher Br’s

Ground RB: (Note: I’m only making Br Suggestion’s here)


M4A3E2 76 Jumbo: 6.3 to 6.0

T20: Keep it a 6.0

M26 Pershing: 6.7 to 6.3

T32 / T32E1: Move them both to 7.0 (and/or 7.3 for the T32E1)

HSTV-L: 11.3 to 11.0

France: Every French Vehicle listed of their newly proposed Br stay at their current Br as of Now.
these post-war French tanks would be facing early Cold War era tanks and with only AP rounds, they would be facing Heat and APDS rounds.


Panzer IV Ausf. E 2.0 → 1.7
It is basically in between the Pz IV Ausf. C and F1, tho at the same Br as F1, even tho it only has mere 30mm frontal turret armor, and mostly 20mm side and back armor. While it has 10mm more Frontal hull protection, however that has holes with just 30mm. There isnt really a reason to play the E over the F1, as you cant even properly angle, because of the 20mm side, which can even be penetrated by relatively more powerfull 37mm guns.

The F-15’s are too new and will probably change in the next round of balances.

I wonder about the AMX-50 too.

i’m pretty sure that all you see in your thinking is : Afterburning jets.

without any other information :
Wikipedia states the afterburningJ-85G21 at 980°C
Harrier have 650 °C/exhaust

now simple math - 4x650°C vs 2x 980°C →

and about jet flow sections - go takes sections of each exhaust and tell me more about it :P

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I am also kinda bad. But I am very sure that the CR2s are good tanks, I just cant play them properly.

They aren’t any newer than the Gripens and Su-27s though which are all moving up.

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I would rather keep it at 11.7, but give it AAM-3 and the missing ASM-1 / -2. The other two F-4EJ are better candidates for a BR reduction.

You are multiplying the exhaust temp by the number of outlets, what in the napkin math?

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With the EBR(1954) going up in AB will it finally be getting the PCOT-51P?

I’ll repost my comment from a few BR changes ago, specifically about the G.91Y/G.91YS in realistic battles.

I believe G.91Y should go down to 9.0 and the YS should go down to 9.3.

I know there was some discussion about these aircraft before, and there was a note about giving the G.91Y some new weapons and reassessing. Not sure what the data looks like since then, but I would still advocate for these planes to be reduced a notch. These aircraft seem overtiered based on flight characteristics and armament, in addition to a lack of countermeasures.

There are actually a couple good analogues to these aircraft already at these BRs: the Lim-5 at 9.0 and Shenyang F-5 at 9.3. Making a direct comparison between the G.91Y and Lim-5, both are aircraft with strong engine power and thrust/weight characteristics that are very strong dogfighters, with strong cannon armament, but no countermeasures. The G.91Y actually has more engine power and climbs better, while the Lim-5 has better low speed maneuverability and a basic radar set.


you’re not taking any good variables,… i’m taking some,… so,…

I’m pretty sure the devs saw some lower-than kremlin approved winrates

Fw 189 2.3 → 1.3/1.0
This aircraft has just 2x7,92mm with 1000 rounds at 2.3. That is crazy and it can only be explained by it being played only by at least experienced players. Its real performance is that of a 1.0 aircraft or even worse.

It is a recon plane. In War Thunder it’s designated as a bomber but it can only carry 4x50kg bombs.
You are forced to play this “bomber” as a fighter. So why don’t you just make it a fighter to remove the airspawn and put it at 1,0. This way it has at least a acceptable armament. While it is maneuverable for a twin engine, it paid the price for that by minimal armament and ammo. Reserve plane fighters will still be superior. Its flight performance and speed is average for 1.0.

Ju 388 J 4.3 → 3.7 or lower
This aircraft is similar to the Do 217’s (BR 2.0-2.3) with some advantages and disadvantages.
Ju 388 J’s (in-)abilities:

  • higher speed
  • similar back gunners (2x 13mm like the Do 217 N-1)
  • 2x30mm MK108 + 4x20mm MG151/20
    BUT: 2 20mm/400 rounds are for the “schräge Musik”(not useful), only 2 are to the front with 360
  • similar maneuverability (slightly worse)
  • the BIGGEST drawback: Its offensive armament is angled downwards:
    Even slight horizontal maneuvers of enemies will deny you to get the guns on target.
    Because of the downward angled guns you have to use the elevator to constantly adjust for that. So
    your rudder is your only way to adjust horizontally which gives you just a tiny zone for correction.

It’s current situation:
Even at a lower BR it would not be more effective for it’s designed role (bomber hunting) because it has a very low climb rate. It can’t reach the bombers even with it’s airspawn and fighters which start from the ground will reach the bombers much easier. Thats why it practically can only engage enemies in head-ons. But because of its angled guns and the ability for every enemy to avoid a head-on you are useless.

How would a BR reduction improve the situation:
It’s weapons and flight performance would not be more effective. The enemies would still not fear you.
But if it’s speed would be fast enough to outrun most fighters, you have a chance to for a re-engagement. Also it’s 13mm defensive guns would be slightly more effective, since german 13mm are significantly less powerful than .50 cals or swedish 13,2mm, which can be found at even lower BR’s.

To achieve notable improvements a significant reduction in BR is needed, like it has been done with the Do 217’s. Thats why I would start with at least a reduction to 3.7 and then observe if another reduction is needed.

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The soviet 122mm as a whole is in a strange spot, considering that the german 105mm and 128mm have half the reload time, better gun handling, significantly better pen, and even more explosive filler, while often being fitted to vehicles of comparable br.

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As is so often the case you just have to shrug and realize that Gaijin works in mysterious ways.

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