Planned Battle Rating changes for January 2024

Seriously, the Sagittario 2 moving up? No afterburners, no countermeasures, no missiles … Already struggles at 9.0 it needs to go to 8.7 not 9.3.


Why massacre the 7.7 french lineup? Now you are almost guaranteed to see stabilizers, apds and heat. Are you saying that the TO-55 is to be at the same BR as the AMX 50-90?
Also j6k1 at 6.7 when you have better super props at lower BRs. Same goes for the A6m5 ko.
The AGS should receive m900 if it goes so high or leave it where it is.


Radar is an upgrade sure, but lets be real here. The issue with the 530d isnt the radar that its paired with, its the missile itself, so sure its a better radar but its effect is not that importent.
More CM’s is good sure, but having twice the missiles does not offset that. 90+ is enough when just running flares.

Why are you suddenly bringing up two different planes then the mirage 4k and 2k5f?
Not to mention you are the one thinking the plane with double the missiles is worse then the one with slighty better radar and countermessures? so you would be the one thinking the M2KC is better then the F14A, not me. Id personally take the F14A over the M2KC any day, just like id take the M4K over the M2K5F.

you know the f5 on full heat has a smaller heat signature then a harrier in game right


I think 7.7 is fine for SOMUA SM and AMX-50. They have no APDS, no HEAT, and no high-performance electronics, making it difficult to fight 9.0 vehicles.


These are the worst BR changes I’ve ever seen proposed in this game, and I’ve played since like 2015. The only good thing I see is the max BR for planes going to 12.7, though it can go higher still. Even that is done wrong since the F-15 isn’t even going up, how is that possible? Also why on Earth do the Mirage 2000s deserve to go up? They’ve only got 4 missiles, the 5F at least gets 4 good ones, but not good enough to be 12.3 for gods sake. Not to mention uptiering France 7.7 to 8.0, I mean what is that? When does it stop Gaijin? 9.0 before the end of the year? For the love of all things holy, just scrap this whole slate of BR changes before these ever see the light of day.


You guys really need to revise your formula, this blind trust in your objectively crappy way to calculate things has been proven to be flawed for over 10 years, yet you still balance the entire game around it.

Minor nations are endlessly getting screwed because you fail to account for the lower popularity, lower player numbers and a more demanding level of skill required from the players, which inevitably results in a playerbase that is above average, which further increases vehicle BRs and further increases the skill of the playerbase as only those are able to manage playing with all the handicaps, and the cycle continues.

The fact you continue to repeat this cycle month after month, year after year despite the community repeatedly informing you of this shows me that your transparancy and communication are entirely fabricated and not genuine, and only happens when it’s convenient and you feel like you can get some good PR out of it.



Seriously, what does gaijin have against the french??? Now fighting darts and fully stabilized enemies most of the time because 8.0 gives you constant uptiers while at the same time the bat-chat still only has 209mm of penetration??? Why exactly is a tank like that at 8.0?

you know that harrier is using 4 exhausts in mid body while F-5 only 2 at the rear-end extremity?
that the cross section of the jet flow is lower because of that right?

hate the british

Why char25t → 8.0? Obj906 performance surpasses char


Stop looking at the goddamn statistics already and change BRs according to vehicle capabilities. I can understand the AMX M4 going to 7.0, but not the 7.7 line-up to 8.0 nor the A6M5 Ko to 5.3.

The French 7.7 line-up, while being one of the best, is literally limited by the fact they use solid shots for the most part. Those things are definitely strong, but late cold war tanks have the benefit of stabs, firepower (penning capability) and armor against those kind of threats. Mobility and their great reloads are the only things that equalizes them at 7.7. Putting them to 8.0 will just make them face opponents that are only not better in reload, making them an objectively worse choice. The AMX-30, I can agree with as it’s pretty much a Leopard 1 equivalent, but not with the rest.

The A6M5 Ko literally requires a BR decrease instead of an increase. Now the A6M5 Ko will not only have an even harder time against good players, it will now face the P-51H that will wipe the floor with it with ease (totally not a broken plane that deserves to be atleast 6.7 if not 7.0 even). I do think the Zeros are capable planes, but good players definitely know how to avoid them properly and it’s mainly bad players that never bother learning just what kinda plane they face then make dumb mistakes against it.


It doesn’t have an afterburner. You really think that a low-bypass turbofan has a higher heat signature than an afterburning turbojet?


nice how about we just remove the French 7.7 Tanks because at 8.0 you are just food also yay yet again a Zero moves up to be more useless the only thing it has is turn rate which does not really matter at 5.3 anymore because everything is way faster than you

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the challenger 2 dev blog we just got makes that painfully clear lol

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That wouldn’t change the f5 is still much hotter then the harrier mate

Most french tank change are horrible, please revert !


Great to see the br ceiling being increased. The Wyvern needs to go up in br or lose its airspawn though. It’s too effective at its current br when used properly. J2M5 going up to 5.0 is probably my fault. I’ve played a lot of matches in it recently.

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Literally the Harrier is what 650 degrees, I provided two bug reports suggesting anywhere from 730 to 910 degrees celsius

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Tiger II P, M26, IS-2 (1944) 6.7 → 6.3
Tiger II H, T26E5, T26E1-1, T34 6.7 ->7.0

Tiger II P and M26 are in a very weird spot currently, with direct upgrades (Tiger II) or extreme capability differences at the cost of HP/t (M26) sitting at the same BR. Why would I play the M26 when I can play one that’s invulnerable to long 88, or one that massively improves both the turret and cannon? Why would I weaken my turret face to below 120mm from 160mm+ for zero benefit?

The plight of the IS-2 is slightly harder to see, but compared to its other heavy tank contemporaries it’s clear to see that it comes out the worst. Having TRIPLE the reload time of a Tiger II and 1/3rd the depression of the US ones. It’s turret is only better than the II P, and can be penetrated by guns 2 BRs below it! And even if not, the towering cupola will take care of telling the enemy where to shoot. The only thing this tank offers is overpressure, but why bother when others will have better positions, will hit your weakspots first and will have triple the chances even if they miss?