Planned Battle Rating changes for January 2024

Worse maneuverability than the aim-9L but shouldn’t be a problem considering it has no flares and considers the F-104J is 10.3 with 6 x AIm-9J’s it should be alright

How is the T20 now 6.3 but the Centurion Mk 1 is still 6.0? That’s ridiculous.


Why is the f4f still 11.0 in sim when the f4e is the same plane but better in every way at 10.7?

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It is much better at fighting than anything else and the FM is over-performing significantly.

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Regarding the F-14B going up, I’d like to see it get AIM-9Ms if it does to make it a little more competitive.
As for the F-5E, it did feel really good at 10.7 and it’s definitely a shame to see it go up, but most of the aircraft it’ll be seeing are aircraft it already competed with much of the time. Worst case scenario it starts to have a rough time and needs to be moved back down to 10.7.


No you don’t understand how ALL-aspect missile will make it far more efficient than F-104J.

I agree with you, amx FL11 should not move at all, aml 90 should not too…

AMX-50 should not move (they are even moving only one of them, not the second one in the TT lmao)

about the PB4Y : half of the time you can’t even reach a base because of the speed, and for some reason this plane is paper (1 shot in the tail and it goes off so yea), spaded it few years ago after it was added and tried to play it again recently, still paper

Why in gods name is the T95 going up in BR? The thing is already extremely situational at 7.0 it’s only saving grace is the frontal armor, now it will see even more HEATFS and even early APFSDS. Why do you guys always just up BR heavies and super heavies until their armor doesn’t matter anymore?


Smt has a better rwr which matter a LOT and the radar on the smt is probably the best in game still.

I dont think that justifies that big BR jump. Its still a tradeoff for the worse flight performance. Even if the radar is better, the ER will hit its limits even on the Gs radar

Moving french vehicles is a big mistake gaijin


There is no excuse to keep balancing the Falcon as if it’s a TD while moving it into a BR range where it can’t even fight the ZSU-57-2. The ZSU-57 has 150mm flat pen with APHE, it has 6 crew and is surprisingly survivable. The ZSU can carry 100% APHE belts, whereas the falcon can at best use a belt with 25% APDS (110mm of penetration) and 50% SAP-I (50mm of penetration). Add to this that the Falcon has half the crew and a turret that can be penned by almost every coaxial MG in the game, and it’s insane how the ZSU is still at 7.0.

The ZSU is just better as a tank destroyer, and it’s an extremely capable SPAA too.

If the Falcon is going to 8.3 to join the other 2 8.3 British SPAA, move the ZSU to a minimum of 7.7, if not 8.0. God knows the M53/59 and BTR-ZD are both plenty capable to fill the role of the ZSU at 7.0, seeing as the M53 has 90mm pen APDS and a 1000m/s HE round.


Stabiliser primarily, thats the same reason given for the later centurions Mk.3-10 being 7.7-8.0. I think the T-20 should stay where it is but those cents should go down.

But an effective comparison between the Mk.1 and the T-20 is that the T-20’s gun has aphe, it has a stabiliser, it has a .50 cal (genuinely a tangible advantage at any br), its more mobile, it doesn’t get fucked by APDS nerfs.


This is purely outrageous. Mirage 2000C-S5 moved to 12.0 while it has only 4 missiles with no full Magic 2 option and the 530D being inconsistent as hell is pure bullshit. Moving up 25T, EBR(63) and AMX50 TO90 while all 100mm autoloading tanks remain 7.7 isn’t reasonable at all. AMX M4 7.0 is BS too all these tanks were at the right BR but no they had to ruin it for no reason as always moving these tanks to a BR where everythin is stabed is pure foolishness… All that while tanks and planes from other nations with same or better effectiveness are just left as they are is completely and utterly stupid. I hope the BR raise to 2Ks is due to a soon to come buff to Magic 2s otherwise this is just dumb decision making.


I must add to this post.

Please move the F-104’s that are at 9.3 UP in BR.
These planes go mach 1.2 on the deck at 9.3 and are impossible to catch in anything around 8.3 to 9.7.
The F-104’s outrun, out-climb, out-accelerate and out-power 90% of everything they face.
9.3 planes and below should NOT have to face an plane that they can literally do nothing against except force headons.

Please move this plane up to 9.7 or 10.0 ASAP, it has no right facing cold war jets that can do literally nothing against it.


First and foremost, thank you for increasing the BR. this is a very much needed change. With that being said there are a couple points in the air BR changes that I can’t agree with.

Sagitarrio 2 going up to 9.3:
What are you guys thinking? It’s a subsonic aircraft with no missiles. You think that’s comparable to the mach 2+ capable f-104 British lightning and mig21 all with missiles??? Make it make sense.

F-5E to 11.0:
it’s a slightly better f-5C which is all the way at 10.3. Moving it up to 11.0 makes no sense. It was suffering at 11.0 last year for a reason. Please keep it at 10.7.

mirage 2000 s-5:
It can’t compete with other 12.0s in both missile capacity and dogfighting performance. Both the f-16As and Mig-29s are better. Keep it at 11.7

I’ve mentioned this before, but these are some BR changes that I desperately want to see implemented in air realistic battles.

B-29 to 6.7-6.3 range.
6.0 has been a ghost BR for a while now because of the JU-288 spam and how there are no bombers on the allied side to counter the spam. It’s not fun for both sides because 9/10 times it’s a 6 vs 6 and there’s 4 ju288s with 2 fighters having to fight 6 allied fighters. Being an allied fighter chasing a JU-288 is NOT FUN. Being a German fighter having to fight 6 fighters practically by yourself is NOT FUN. If the B-29 was put at a lower bar I believe it would counter the spam so that there are an equal number of bombers on both sides. This would then encourage people to play at that bar again.

Both the F-84B and F-89B/D raised to 7.3.
I love the F-84 as much as the next person but when it was moved to 7.0 it had me scratching my head. It is leagues faster than any other starter jet and has great energy retention and yet it’s at 7.0? That makes no sense. Same thing with the F-89B/D it has a freaking after burner for crying out loud. Not to mention the F-89B has a terrific armament of 6 20mm.


When is the VIDAR going to go up in BR? 8.0 on a fast platform with a laser rangefinder that can 1 shot most vehicles including top tier MBTs is absurd. It’s the most disgustingly overpowered ground vehicle in the 7.0-9.0 range right now, and it needs to go to a minimum of 9.0.

Can we stop the France hatred for once too?


Then just give it 2. The MiG 21 bis is 11.0 and has 6 x R60M’s these would be worse.

Nvm 4 x AIM-9P4’s would be good

Totally agree

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Sagittario 2 at 9.3
What Is wrong with you gaijin?