Planned Battle Rating changes for January 2024

you also have the stormer HVM at 10.3 with missiles that dont even work and have been like that for as long as I can remember, every now and then it might get fixed for a few weeks so you can kill helicopters and maybe 1 in 10 missiles will hit a plane, then it breaks again and you will never hit a plane and maybe 1 in 4 missiles will actually hit a helicopter

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I feel that raising the BR for french vehicles from 7.7 to 8.0 is unnecessary. Their shells are just AP and are already underpeforming at 7.7, struggling to penetrate 6.7 tanks.

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M60A3 TTS (China)
This vehicle has a DIRECT counterpart in the US tree, even sporting the same name and BR (9.0). The issue lays in the Chinese version being objectively worse! It doesn’t have M774 as its top ammunition, being forced to use the nerfed M735, while having 260mm of penetration APDS as its stock round instead of the 400mm pen HEAT-FS. One issue, though not as critical, the US version also is outfitted with ERA protection, which the chinese version also doesn’t get. Please add the M774 to it and consider putting the ERA as an add-on armor modification.

ZTS63 7.7 → 7.3 or reload from 7,5s to 6s
The Swedish IKV-91 fulfills practically the same role of a fast, LRF equipped HEAT-FS slinger at the same BR. The IKV has better damage (90mm vs 85mm), better penetration (400mm vs 300mm), better reload (6s vs 7,5s), double the gun depression, better optics and 2,5 TIMES better horizontal aiming speed. To add insult to injury its hull also turns faster and has better reverse speed while having practically the same armor and HP/t. What does ZTS have over it? An HMG.
Even if the capability difference somehow isn’t enough for a 0.3 BR gap, then clearly that reload needs to be improved.

M113A1 (TOW), China, Italy, Israel 8.3 → 8.0
These vehicles currently sport the same BR as full fledged IFVs like the Bradley, Warrior and also the M901 which features double shot capability and thermals. The capability difference is just unnecesarily large, especially against autocannon carries that also have better optics, armor and mobility.


MiG29smt at 12.7 but MiG29G still at 12.3 while the weapons are the same but the MiG29G has a better flight model, are you ok gaijin?
Another thing, keeping f15s at 12.3 is ok because i think they’ll add a “late” version but with aim120 but then why not keeping the Su27 at 12.3 and adding a late version as well with r77?


huh,… F-16A Block 10 being 13.0 and Mirage 2000-5F should be at least 13.3 (and will go up to 13.7 when Magic-2 would recieves the 50G short ranges // MICA appears in game)

You want me to look it up for you?..


being considered as “not a bug” - find something being considered as a bug please. ^^"

Revert the M735 changes from last year.

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I’m also surprised to see no BR increase for 2S38 and F5C, both of which are incredibly powerful premium vehicles.


you answered your own question lol

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Why exactly is the british Mustang Mk1A being moved to 3.7 but not the US Mustang?
Also questioning why the Mustang Mk1A is being moved up if the P51C is at 3.7. P51C has noticably better performance, the only thing its worse at is firepower which shouldnt be an excuse with the performance difference. The P51C could easily be 4.0.


You’re gonna say that after they’ve released 4 devblogs saying things aren’t bugs because they don’t like the MF source…

It has valid scientific papers discussing the temperatures of the engines, you haven’t provided a single objective statement yet.

I’m done with this conversation. You think it shouldn’t go up, I think it should.

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Where is F-5C to 10.7 or flares removed and 10.3 and F-15s to 12.7? ASA still 11.3 suffering lol, why the poor Baguettes go face 9.0 stab tanks with APFSDS when they have barely 200 mm pen point blank.


Because the ML/M has SPO 10 radar receiver. MLD has SPO 15. We all known in SB these systems really matters. I can’t see phantoms PD lock with the SPO10,but will do with the 15

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The answer is simple - cuz US mains bad lol

Strela needs to move to 10.0 RB. It outperforms numerous other SPAAs, even when played at 10.3. The missiles are more effective than both Stinger carriers and Rolands that sit at 10.3, and can be seen often in gameplay.

I like the progress on the SB rotations. Would like to see some further revisions on superprop to jet transition BRs, though. I feel there should be a 7.3 hard cap on what 6.7 can face. 7.7 jets are too much for them.

Along with that, I’ll maintain my cry that the A7M1 (NK9H) and A7M2 need to go up in SB to 5.3. No matter how well you try to energy fight them, or even in comparable turnfighters, they decimate everything the instant you decide to fight them.


Its still a help for Ground, as whoever bring 12.7 jet will see players with 11.7 tanks, potentially making 11.3 a new relief zone?

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Can you guys just adjust all 4th gen fighters? 12.3 for the F16A/ADF and for the Mig29’s would sound fun,but some planes at 11.0 would be good again

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I strongly oppose raising the BR of type81(c). He can almost certainly shoot down a plane within 6km when it is clear and bright. If you look at this alone, it would be reasonable to go with 11.0. However, it will not be possible to lock on to a helicopter unless the helicopter ascends or approaches within 3km. In addition, when visibility is poor and it is dark, it becomes difficult for even large aircraft to lock on to targets more than 3km away. This is significantly inferior to other countries’ SAMs of 10.3 and 10.7. Therefore, I oppose the increase in BR of Type81(c).

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Seriously, the Sagittario 2 moving up? No afterburners, no countermeasures, no missiles … Already struggles at 9.0 it needs to go to 8.7 not 9.3.