Arcade, ZiS-12 (94-KM). 3.7 > 2.3. No armor, slow moving turret, slow
Air RB, F4 ej kai. 12.3>12.0.
I understand why the f16a is moving down, however with the f16a moving down, it will be at the same BR as the f4ej kai. With the F16 moving down, it will have the best flight performance of its BR by far, and will have great missiles at 12.3. Comparing it with the Ej kai, the Ej kai will have the same radar, same IR missiles, improve with the 7f’s, but it should be moved down due to its flight performance. The ej kai is not fast, nor does it have very good acceleration, but my biggest gripe is that it just can’t turn. It doesn’t have any of the improvements to its maneuverability that most other phantoms get. This makes dodging missiles harder, and is extremely frustrating when dealing with the numerous radar missiles of the BR. To dodge radar missiles you need to notch and maneuver. The f16 RWR it has is great, but the RWR only helps with telling you that you are getting shot at, not with actually dodging the missile. With the turning capabilities of the ej Kai, it can’t out maneuver radar missiles, but most of all, it takes a very long time to notch, making it susceptible to radar missiles that are more prevalent in up tiers.
The flight performance issue also applies to offensive capabilities to. Without HMD, it has to get its nose on target to shoot the missiles that are the reason it is at as high as a BR as it is. The flight performance hinders its ability to be able to aim its weapons at enemies.
An f16 should not be at the same br as the worst turning phantom in the game even if the phantom gets radar missiles. It is because the higher BR planes can turn and the Ej kai cannot which is the reason why it should get moved down.
The ej kai is better than the F4s, which is at the BR change I am proposing, but the higher br the ej kai faces the more its vulnerabilities apply, and they apply more. When dodging a sparrow or a 9m, the phantom is unable to manuever against it. In an uptier, the ej kai faces even better missiles that it simply can not deal with, and with the 4th gens moving down, the ej kai should not stay and fight the 4th gens more than it already does.
My argument is not that the F4ej kai sucks - it doesn’t. My point is that the more the plane goes up, the more that it suffers, and that it suffers a lot more by even being uptiered a little. Its not that the plane is too high of a br, its that its too close to 4th gens that easily exploit the f4’s vulnerabilities and that the f4 can’t fight back against them — So with the f16 going down, the F4 EJ kai should go down too.
Sometimes I wonder if other players are playing the same game I am. If you’re not scoring a 2:1 K:D with a Tiger II then you’re doing something wrong. They do not need to be brought down to 6.0 or 6.3 lmao
Agree with you about them needing different BRs though. There’s a reason that they do in arcade and the same reason exists in Realistic.
Arcade, VTT DCA. 3 > 3.3 Fast moving turret, good fire rate, above average hull armor for an SPAA, above average acceleration
Kurnass 2000 used to be 1 step above regular Kurnass and it wasn’t that strong.
See no reason why this thing is at 11.3 it should be 10.7 imo.
And with Mig-21MF/SMT together with J35XS moving to 10.3 i can already see how 9.3 becomes pure suffering because of how much more strong missiles you’ll have to be awere of in a flareless planes. Already problematic BR will become unplayable.
Not a fan of Su-25BM being 11.0 with R-73. Even if plane isn’t that good there should be certain BR threshold when you can introduce IRCCM missile and 11.0 is too low of a threshold.
Arcade, Type 94. 1.3 > 1. No armor, slow moving turret, low fire rate, low acceleration
Arcade, Lvtdgb m/40. 3 > 4. Just too much pen, people use it in an anti-ground role far too often.
Arcade, Ta-Se. 1.7>2.0. Slow, but everything else about this is above average.
Vehicle: Rooikat 105
Gamemode: Ground RB
Change: 9.7 —> 9.3
Reason: This vehicle has one step higher BR than the Rooikat MTTD even though it has the same bullets and TVD. I consider BR 9.3 to be reasonable.
Air Realistic Battles, Mirage 2000D-RMV. 12.7 → 12.3
It’s a heavier Mirage 2000, and at a higher BR as the current versions of the CS-4/5. Both of which gets SARH missiles. With more long range missile throwers going down in BR over the last couple of changes, this vehicle lacks a proper place in the current battle rating and should go down where it has a better chance. It can only carry two Magic 2’s, and a gun pod. The only real plus is the HMS, a plus for dog-fighting which is becoming less common in these BR’s.
Arcade, Sd.Kfz.6/2. 2.3 > 3. Penetration is high enough that people keep using it as anti-ground
Arcade, Crusader AA Mk I. 3 > 3.7. Crazy good penetration, you don’t even need to flank to spank panzers with this.
Vehicle: Pz.Bef.Wg.VI P
Gamemode: Ground AB RB
Change: 5.7 —> 6.0
Reason: It has thicker frontal armor than the tree Teiger, making it difficult for other vehicles to penetrate this vehicle’s armor. Its maneuverability is not so great in forward movement, but extremely good in reverse, and its maneuverability is excellent.
Even including the fact that it does not have an APCR, I consider it to be in the same class as the Tiger E.
Arcade, Wirbelwind. 4.7 > 4. Genuinely totally agree with your decision to change BR. Wirbelwind and Ostwind I are just no good in arcade with very poor anti-air performance. All hail the snail x3
Arcade, Leopard 40/70. 5.7 > 6.7. Pen too high + good acceleration + good hull armor + fast turret slew rate = people use this as a flanking anti-ground vehicle.
Arcade, Zerstorer 45. 6 > 6.7. Pen too high + good acceleration + good hull armor + fast turret slew rate = people use this as a flanking anti-ground vehicle. You guys aren’t going far enough in balancing this. Really good anti-air performance too.
what do you mean? it has better armor all around: high hardness armor has a better armor multiplier, especially against autocannons, smaller frontal weakspots and even the lower plate has additional composite armor unlike on the t72b series.
15% more hp/t is noticeable difference and -.6s from the reload time is life saving.
the T-80UD is a straight upgrade to the T-72Bs
Just shoot the corners brother, right above the tracks. Even head-on they’re only like 130mm in effective thickness and 80mm in actual thickness. The Porsche Tiger thus can’t angle like the TT tiger. It’s the same way you take out the Ferdinand because it’s the same hull.
Arcade, AMX-10P. 6 > 6. stats alone may justify a change but it would put it into an awkward BR island with only the AMX-13, which is just a bad place to be for an AA/IFV
Arcade, Staghound AA. 2.3 > 3.3. already a viable sneaky flanker AA to sealclub with, lowering BR would only exacerbate this. Very good AA performance, needs to go up, not down.