Seconded, my suggestion for this last time around also gained a lot of traction but it was passed over because of “statistics”.
Come on Gaijin, look at the vehicle itself and it’s specifications for once. It’s not a 6.7 vehicle, never was.
Seconded, my suggestion for this last time around also gained a lot of traction but it was passed over because of “statistics”.
Come on Gaijin, look at the vehicle itself and it’s specifications for once. It’s not a 6.7 vehicle, never was.
If realistic go for it, in referance to the IRIAF.
These are attackers and should be treated as such regarding their air to air capability
So compress the game? No.
It will be after they 1. RESELL IT (they will) and 2. AFTER people realize its 9.3? There are a LOT of owners that just aren’t flying it because it’s mediocre right now. 9.3 makes it INSANELY overpowered. That is how much 0.3br matters currently BECAUSE the game is so compressed and this change is a further compression change.
Ok? You fight the literal F-16 in your F-4E or any other 11.3 and let me know how it goes! Also consider how much better this is than even jets at 12.0…
Mode: Air Realistic
6.0 > 5.7
The prior BR increase for this aircraft has placed it in an uncompetitive state. It is significantly slower than many other aircraft in its BR range and often struggles to make it to the action in time. There are multiple other aircraft (Yak-3U, A7M2) that are equally well armed and outperfrom this aircraft at lower BRs.
It is fine at 9.7, the hunter is heavily limited by its flight model.
Which seems more unfair to you: The F-14A IRIAF with the strongest long range arh missiles in the game and a decent flightmodel with some of the best sustained turnrates in the game, facing 14.0s, or Vehicles with no launch warning, four sector RWR and limited countermeasres at 11.7 having to face Fakour-90s
I’ve seen no evidence personally that either worked.
If proven to be realistic this could be the solution to allowing it to be 13.0 and balanced.
12.0, not 11.7
GAB wirbelwind → wasn’t 4.0 its old BR? Why getting it to 4.7 to get it back down? What happened? Other than the AP nerf that made it a less potent anti tank, its efficiency against aircraft didn’t change much, and the removal of marker for aircraft straffing ground should help its survivability. For less kills in battle?
these people will whine about the f14 until its br 15
Vehicle: B-26C (France)
Gamemode: Air Arcade and Air Realistic
BR Change: 4.7 —> 4.3
Reason: It is identical to the B-26B found on the US tech tree which is currently at 4.3 in both Air Arcade and Air Realistic
way to enter a thread, especially since you’re the one crying about the br change that gaijin chose to do (community feedback hasnt even been accounted for yet)
If you’re going to critique the placement of the F-14, it’s severely dishonest to only state its upsides and inflate them up over the downsides. I don’t feel like explaining why you’re horrifically wrong. Do your own research.
It should not be the same BR as the Hunter F6 which has no CMs or RWR. Its kinda insane they are at the same BR and the SRAAMs are simply not good enough at the moment to justify it. When so much has CMs, or is supersonic at or below its BR. Its pretty poor. Hunter F58 would be fine at 10.0, better than a lot of others would be at 9.7.
Ground Realistic Battles, XM8. 9.7 > 10.0/10.3.
No US lineup exists at 9.7, this light tank would be better served at a higher BR like 10.0 or 10.3 where it could in turn receive missing features like blow-out panels and stronger ammunition like M833 or M900 (which it used historically)
I totally feel you. The Sabre & MiG changes were horrible. I just don’t see Gaijin undoing this when they justified it using “data.”
IMO, we should have:
8.3 - F-86A-5, MiG-15, CL-13 Mk.4
8.7 - F-86F-25, F-86F-2, MiG-15bis, MiG-15bis-ISH, CL-13 Mk.5
9.0 - MiG-17, MiG-17PF, CL-13 Mk.6, F-86F-40, Shenyang F-5, MiG-17AS, Lim-5P
The Ariete also has one of the highest top speeds, T/W ratios, acceleration curves, etc of any subsonic!
So it’s the best knife fighter in a gun fight, the top speed is lower than that of a Sabre at 8.0.
Current F6 should be 9.3 as it is (regarding current compression) That would fix your issue alone. The F58 is fine in current compression metrics, the F6 is not.
If by that you mean, one of the worst 10.0s, sure? It is not anywhere near as good as you ppl think.
Air Realistic, J35XS. 10.7 > 10.0. Lack of all aspect missles, lack of radar warning, offset cannon and low fire rate proves unreliable. plane bleeds all its speed within one turn if you even think about turn fighting. all around even if this gets moved to 10.3 to get upteired to 11.3 will prove to be nothing but a suffer fest.
please downtier the r2y2 to 7.7 now that you’re thinking of removing it.
In a way, yes, but in this case it isnt a problem since these vehicles are completely overtiered
It will be strong, sure, but it wont be insanely overpowered. It has essentialy no capacity to maintain energy whatsoever. Yes, it is very strong in other aspects, but its still worse than a MiG-19, lets be honest.
This is my point. I dont agree with the change, im just saying that there IS some justfication for it, which i acknowledge